Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Servant's Heart

I wonder why so much emphasis was put on serving others when Jesus was on this earth. I wonder if He knew that after love, one of the most important aspects of a successful relationship is the ability to serve.  To put someone's need above our very own.  And not just in random acts of kindness but with the people who make up our inner circle. Our family and closest friends.  Those who have the power to hurt us the most.  Those with whom it is easier to take off our servant hat because they have wronged us.  I have often thought about why it is so easy to say and do kind things for someone I barely even know but be so critical of those who I spend time with every day.  How much better some of my relationships might be if I woke up in the morning saying, "How may I serve you today?"  "What things can I do to make your life easier. 

Society has taught us that if we don't look out for ourselves, who will.  In most textbooks, America is identified as being an individualistic country.  How is that when approximately seventy-six percent of all Americans profess to be Christians?  This would say that society and not the Bible is dictating how we behave.  Remember the story when the mother of James and John approached Jesus about her sons sitting on His right hand and His left.  If not go and read Matthew 10:21-28.  What was Jesus' response...'whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be your slave'.  (v27-28)  This is to say that greatness is achieved through servanthood.  Being a servant  means that you are available and attentive.  If you are so preoccupied with what the other person can do for you then you are not available to see what that person may be needing at the time.  Hence, unavailable.  If your mind is consumed with thoughts of how can I achieve a certain status or make sure that I am the focus of all conversations you are not being attentive to what nonverbal cues someone else may be giving off as a cry for help.  Yes this may be the very person that hurt you less than thirty minutes ago but that doesn't matter at the end of the day.  This may be the greatest opportunity you have to witness.  To be an encourager.  To walk the walk and not just talk the talk.  I live by the motto, 'if I can help somebody as I travel along'. This  does not mean that I do not want things for myself, it just means that the needs of others are just as important.  I cannot count how many times I was blessed simply by helping someone else. 

Think about our Savior who gave up everything to come to earth and die on a cross, so that you and I could be saved.  Such a perfect example of servanthood.  He emptied himself of all his power and majesty and walked the earth, saving and healing others.  Henri Nouwen writes in Compassion: A Reflection of the Christian Life, “Our God is a servant God. It is difficult for us to comprehend that we are liberated by someone who became powerless, that we are being strengthened by someone who became weak, that we find new hope in someone who divested himself of all distinctions, and that we find a leader in someone who became a servant.”  How true!  With Christmas Day only a few weeks away, why not take a moment and take a good look around you.  Instead of looking at what someone can do for you, think about what you can do for someone else.  This act of kindness could begin right in your own home. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the sacrifice of your  Son.  Thank you for the example He gave on how to achieve greatness.  Help me to be more observant of those around and their needs.  I need your help to not be selfish.  I want to have a servant's heart.  One that is compassionate, kind, humble, and patient, bearing with one another and forgiving others and above all else showing love.  Let everything I do, whether in word or in deed be done in the name of the Lord.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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