Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pray First!

What is stopping you from taking that leap of faith to accomplish  your goal?  Do you have a desire to go back to school or open your own business.  Apply for that promotion?  Move to another state? Say yes to that first date? I was at church tonight and one of our deacons made a profound statement.  He said that "many of us begin something without ever consulting God about it." (my paraphrase)  Driving home I thought about how many times I have actually done that.  I have made up in my mind that this is the next step in my life and I begin mapping out my plan of action.  I decide how I am going to begin and that nothing is going to stand in my way.  I pay no attention to all the roadblocks I keep hitting.  I have even blamed the devil for causing the roadblocks.  I didn't even stop to think that they could have been sent by God to get my attention so that He can talk to me and tell me what His plan was instead of mine.  If you can relate, raise your hand! 

I know that I don't have to tell you that we are supposed to talk to God about everything.  From the minor to the major. God wants to be included. He has a plan for your life and believe it or not He may have something different in mind then what you or I want.  But if we follow His lead, I guarantee that we will come out on top.  I sit back daily and watch my children as they grow up. They are pretty good babies but I am not naive enough to think that as much as  I would like to plot their course for them, I cannot.  They are all saved and I have to leave them in the hands of the Lord.  James 1:4 says, "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking."  This life we live can be hard.  With hard times comes stress and poor decision making.  That is why we must ask God what to in the midst of our trials.  Should we respond?  How should we respond?  Is this a sign that it is time for me to move on?  Should I go back to school?  Am I ready to get married?  Each of us probably ask a hundred questions in our mind each day.  Today I want to challenge each of you to have those conversations with God.  What to do when you don't know what to do?  Pray....and you continue to pray until you hear from God.  And if you don't hear from Him then you wait.  You are still on the path to greatness, just not in your own time.  Will you be the cause of your own detour simply because you didn't stop and ask God if this is in His will?

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

As I close one chapter of my book I just wanted to stop by and let you know what I am thinking.  (Tell God what your plan is.)  I am not sure if this is what you want for me so I am seeking guidance from you. I need help.  If this is not your will then I ask you to give me patience to wait for instruction.  Thank you for answering my prayer.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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