Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm In His Safety

'He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty'. Psalm 91:1

There are days when I feel all alone. It is as if the whole world is against me.  As a Christian I have been told over and over again that God is always with me.  I don't dispute that.  What I do sometimes wonder about is why things happen the way they do when God is always with me.  He has the power to stop all hurt, harm and danger from coming near me, yet He allows these things to happen sometimes.  Today while being blessed by the Word I was reminded of a simple fact and that is 'I am in the safety of the Lord'.  This means that no matter what goes on in my life you have the protection of the Lord.  But there are some things I must do first. If I want to reap the benefits of this verse I must have close fellowship with God.  My relationship with Him must be my number one priority.  I must take a seat in His presence daily. It is not just a vacation spot;  I must rest there.  There is no other place I would rather be.  Not only am I resting there but I am abiding under His shadow.  It is where my home is; it is where I lay my head.  It is where I feel most secure.  It is in this place at the very moment where I feel all alone, I realize that I don't have to worry.  I have chosen God as my Protector.  In Him I can have everything I need and desire. 

So what do you do when something happens that is beyond your control? What do you do when you stand by watching, wanting to help but find yourself completely helpless to correct the situation. Panic has set in as you try to figure out what to do.  Not sure what I am talking about?  You know those moments when you feel overwhelmed, discouraged, sick, in financial distress, down and out, disheartened or depressed. Life is caving in all around you.  What do you do?  In an accident situation your first thought is to dial 911 and immediately help is dispatched to your location.  When you dwell in the safety of the Most High your help is with you always.  Its like the Traveler's Insurance commercials with the red umbrella that follows the insured wherever he or she may go.  The primary responsibility of the umbrella is to provide covering in the event that something will happen.  In this life I have learned that change is the only constant. Remember when the market tanked a few years back, there were so many people who lost everything they had.  Not only did they lose their money,  they lost their homes, their families and their friends.  They had no idea how to cope with life's unexpectancies.  Their faith was in the wrong things.  They didn't have total reliance on God. They were dialing 911 but it wasn't the right 911.  Instead of turning to a human source that can have the same problems as you, why not turn to your heavenly help. Psalm 91:1 To dwell in the secret place means  it becomes our permanent residence and His shelter provides protection, covering and security.  To abide in the shadow means to remain in closeness, in proximity, in relationship to the presence of the almighty God. How do we do this?  Through prayer and the Word of God.  There is no greater safety I feel than when I and standing on the promises of God. 

If I need healing I remember Isaiah 53:5...'but he was wounded for my transgressions, he was bruised for my  iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon him and with his stripes I am healed.

If I need peace, I remember Isaiah 26:3-4...'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee'.

What about if you are in need of direction (this is a regular one for me), I remember Proverbs 3:5-6...'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding.  In all they ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy path'.

These are just a few of the promises I turn to regularly.  The Bible is full of so many more.  You probably already have a few of your own.  If you do I suggest that you 'bind them upon your heart forever, fasten them around your neck' (Proverbs 6:21).  You will need them.  When the unexpected happens you won't have to dial 911 because your umbrella will already be up.   You are in the safety of the Lord.  There is no better place to be. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Here I stand, not sure of what my next move is but I do know that because I am dwelling in your secret place I have nothing to worry about. When I feel overwhelmed and distressed, I can find safety in Your arms.    When the world is crashing in all around me, I can still feel secure because I have You.  Thank You for protection, for covering for security.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen.

Friday, February 25, 2011

God Sees Your Need

Jesus sees your need.  Plain and simple, no ifs, ands, or but about it.  Not only does He see your need, He is standing there, waiting for you.  The problem I face is that I go to every other source first before I go to the one who is standing there, ready, willing and able to meet the need.  When I think of God's ability to meet my need,  I like to envision Him standing, arms open wide, ready to receive.  Sometimes I can't say a word, so I just lay my head on His shoulder and He begins to read my unspoken words.  Other times He takes a seat and leans forward, letting me know that I have His undivided attention.  And the most awesome thing about this is that He can do this for both me and you at the same time.  The scripture clearly states that 'you have not because you ask not'.  A lesson I learned from my dad a long time ago is that it doesn't hurt to ask.  You might not always get the response you want but you will always get the response you need and that is what counts. 

So why do we not go to God first when we find ourselves in an otherwise impossible situation? One reason I don't go to God first is because of my embarrassment.  You know those times when I didn't heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit after clear warning.  I decide to go my own way.  Then I find ourself entangled in a mess.  I go to everyone I know looking for a solution only to find myself in no better condition than when I started.  Another reason I don't go is because of fear.  I am too afraid that I will be disciplined for my actions.  I think that I will be turned away.  The Bible tells us that 'perfect love cast out fear'.  (I John 4:18)  The most perfect love I know is the love of Christ.  'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son'.  (John 3:16)  The main reason I do not ask is 'lack of faith.  I do not believe that God will do what He says.  A simple solution to this is to increase my faith.  How do I increase my faith?  Activate it!  Start trusting God.  Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.  Then and only then will you come to rely on the Lord in the way He intended. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the privilege of prayer.  I come to You today dumping everything at Your feet.  I am tired of carrying it.  I believe that You hear and answer prayer.  Help me to accept the things that I cannot change and to walk in the freedom of serving a true and living God.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Self Portrait

For out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34b

Self-examination has been my theme for 2011.  Before I can look at anyone else and say what is wrong with them, I must first take a good look in the mirror.  Once a year sometimes twice a year my family and I take family pictures. This year I have been thinking about having a self portrait done.  What is a self portrait?  Wikipedia defines a self portrait as a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist.  When I think about what I want my self portrait to represent the most, my answer is 'a heart like God'.  There is a popular song out there that says, 'I want a heart that forgives, a heart full of love... a heart that loves everybody even my enemies. This is no easy task, at least not on my own.  I need a God to step in and make some major changes in order for my portrait to reflect a heart like God.  A Self Portrait is not only what we speak but how we live. A lot of people can have good lip talk but it takes a lot for a person to have some good heart talk.

My question for you today is what type of life are you sculpting?  Who does your life represent?  This is not about what others think about you because at the end of the day you, alone, have to answer to the Almighty God.  Every time you speak you are painting a self portrait of yourself to other people.  And, furthermore, your communication includes not only what you say but your nonverbals also.  You know those times when your mouth is saying one thing but your eyes and your body language another.  All these things you are saying directly reflect what is in your heart.  So now my question for you is what are you taking in?  If you are taking in junk then that is what is going to come out.  The believer should have a regular intake of the Word of God in order for it to reflect in his or her self portrait.  It doesn't help a person's health if he or she eats vegetables every blue moon.  The tests at the doctor's office are going to reflect what he has eaten on a regular basis. You must ask God to 'create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me'.  'Search me and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts'.  Allow God to do some clean-up.  Now this process may be a little painful but it will be worth it.  Give God complete control of your life so that you can be all that He wants you to be. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your mercy and your grace.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  Take my heart and transform it.  I want my heart to be a reflection of yours so that when I speak others will know that I am your child.  In Jesus' Name I pray Amen. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Assignment

For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”  Romans 9:17

I used to spend a lot of time worried about other people.  Not in the sense of who they were and what they had, but in the sense that someone seemed to always be in my way.  There they were, time and time again,  putting up roadblocks, slowing the progress I wanted for my life.  There I was with a clearly mapped out plan only to have it shattered by PEOPLE.  At least at first sight that is what I thought.  But as a Christian I have to say that I believe in predestination and I also believe in the scripture that says 'all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose'. (Romans 8:28)  And that my dear friend is what this life is all about - His Purpose.  My life is no longer my own.  And furthermore, God can use me if I am a willing participant and even if I am not. For it is God that worketh in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure.  (Philippians 2:13)

As I look back over my life I can see the handprints of God all over my life.  I see those people that have helped me to develop a better prayer life because when I tried to fight them on my own I failed every time. The same people that I spent so much time trying to figure out 'why they were always picking on me'.  Little did I know that God was using them with specific intent of shaping and molding me into the person He needed me to be.  It was those same people who helped me to see God moving in my life.  It caused me to ask a very important question of the Lord.  "What is my assignment?"  My assignment is to serve Him.  How do I serve Him?  By giving Him free reign to operate in my life.  Saying, 'Take my life and form it.  Take my mind, transform it.  Take my will, conform it ----To yours O Lord'.  It is easy to get in a certain position and think that we were the ones behind the accomplishment, but we are not.  We are here to serve God's purpose and not our own personal agendas.  It is okay to have goals.  Just remember not to act like the world is coming down when God takes you on an alternate route.  He places some roadblocks in your path.  Some difficult people  along your path, in order to see what you are really made of.  In addition to this, He then uses you as a developer in someone else's life.  All working together so that God's name be known all throughout the earth.  For it is at the name of Jesus that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Trust God.  He has plans to proper and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.  All my help comes from You O Lord, thou who made the heaven and the earth.  Forgive me for the wrong that I have done.  Give me an ear to hear Your voice so that I may receive guidance and direction for my assignment.  Help me not to be distracted by those that seem to be set up against me.  Let me fix my eyes on You, the author and finisher of my faith.  I will continue to give You all the praise.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alone Time

Then the LORD instructed Moses: "Come up here to me, and bring along Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of Israel's elders. All of you must worship from a distance.  Only Moses is allowed to come near to the LORD. The others must not come near, and none of the other people are allowed to climb up the mountain with him."  Exodus 24:1-2

What do you think of when you here the word 'alone'?  Most people think of this word in a negative context.  Take for example, if you are a certain age and you are unmarried people tend to think something is wrong with you.  Or maybe you tried the marriage thing and it ended in divorce so now you are alone.  What about  the parent who has raised his or her children and now are home alone with their spouse.  All of these scenarios can be seen as negative situations.  Today, however,  I want to see if I can change your mind about what it means to be alone. All of us at one time or another have uttered the words "Pray for me." These three words seem harmless enough and in most cases they are. But there will come a time when even those closest  to you will not be able to help you in your time of need. They may want to but the words they may utter that at one time were just what you needed to hear will have no effect.  I believe that this happens at your darkest hour.  Right before life-changing transformation takes place.  When the time has come to move to the next level in your spiritual walk with God, you may not be able to take those people with you who have been your biggest supporters.  I am talking about those people that have spent countless hours with you on their knees.  They have cried with you, encouraged you, prayed for you and with you. And in some cases they would be  able to ride the ride to a higher plateau with you, but this time you have got to do it alone for mountain climbing is a solo event.  Just you and the Lord and every thought, every fear. Examination takes place during this time.  The heat is turned up during this time.  It is in this moment of solitude that you receive the personal attention you need.  It is during this time that a stronger relationship and greater reliance on God is developed.  

This next step in your life depends on several things.  First things first, be obedient.  "Come to the Lord," he said.  God stands ready, willing and able to meet you where you are.  Sometimes He requires us to move.  Move out of our comfort level to meet Him so that He can give us further instruction of the direction our life is to take.  What else did God say to Moses?  "Aaron and the seventy elders of Israel can only go with you so far."  Separate yourself.    So my question to you today is who are you trying to carry with you that the Lord has instructed you to let go?  I can't tell you if this a temporary or permanent separation.  But I will ask you how close to God do you want to get?  Moses received a personal invitation to live with the Lord.  When we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we no longer need a personal inviation. God stands waiting to hear from His children. What a privilege to have the attention of God Almighty!  And yet here we are neglecting this awesome opportunity.  God was the initiator of a relationship with man.  We must respond to it with excitement and anticipation.  Your experience may not be quite as spectacular as Moses' was.  Maybe it is just the time you have committed to set aside in devotion with God.  Whatever it is be obedient and remove whatever distractions that may hindering you from drawing closer to God.  Meeting with God is not only a place but also more importantly an attitude of the heart.  It is a place of seeking.  It is a place of direction and instruction.  It is also a place of revelation.  Wondering what your next move is in this life....spend some one-on-one time with the Master. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Please bring to mind anything that stands between me and You today so that I can confess it to You and acknowledge the forgiveness You have given to me through the Cross. My desire is to draw nearer to thee.  Here I stand Lord in the humblest way that I know how earnestly seeking Your face.  My desire is to know more of Thee.  Help me with my consistency and to recognize the value of my alone time with You.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Nobody But God

'I have heard the Israelites' complaints. Now tell them, 'In the evening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning you will have all the bread you want. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God'.  Exodus 16:14

Did you know that even your private conversations are heard by God.  He sees and hears all.  Isn't it good to know that even when we complain because of our current situation that God does not deal with us in anger?  Instead He deals with us kindly and graciously.  I can only imagine that He is so very disappointed in us when we groan and complain through hard times as if He is not the same God that He was yesterday.  The same God that delivered us before.  I think about the children of Israel who had just come off a spiritual high.  Just look at all God had done for them.  He had just delivered them out of Egypt.  When they were stuck between the Red Sea and their enemies, He parted the Red Sea and killed all their enemies.  And on top of that He provided water in the desert when they were thirsty.  You would think that they would know that the same God who did all of this would indeed provide bread in their time of need.  Yet they complained. It was though God had not done a thing for them.  Their deliverance was so undervalued. 

Now my first response to reading this story was to ask the question, "How could they not believe after all that had happened?" But no sooner had the question popped into my mind did God cause me to take a closer look at my own life.  How many times had I forgotten where the Lord had brought me from? How he had delivered me out of a major depression.  Saved my life not once but twice.  How many times had I sat around complaining about what I didn't have? When He had provided everything that my family needed and even some of our wants. Too many times to count.  And each and every time the Lord could have dealt with me as an ungrateful child because of my constant complaining but instead He dealt with me kindly and graciously.  Thank you Lord! Sometimes God just has to show up and remind us about who He is.  That He is good and gracious, kind and merciful, ever mindful of his covenant and promises, able to supply our wants, and provide us with everything necessary and sufficient to meet our needs.  This verse also reminds us that He is able to see our needs even when we fail to bring it to Him directly.  When we gripe and complain instead of praying and leaving it in God's very capable hands.  The one thing that the Israelites had failed to realize is that it was God who had brought them to the wilderness.  They had not yet come to rely on the concept that He would never leave them nor forsake them.  The God we serve promises  'to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory'.  (Phil. 4:19)  Whether your current situation is brought on by your own disobedience or by the divine hands of the Almighty, He will bring you through it.  And it will be in such a way that you will have to say that it was nobody but the Lord. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Please forgive me for the times when I have doubted instead of trusting You.  I have been focused on my situation instead of trusting the One who has control over ever aspect of my life.  Instead of grumbling and complaining, help me to focus on the blessed assurance I have in serving a living Savior, one who has the power to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Be Ye Holy

'Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one can see the Lord.  See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. (Hebrew 12:14-15)

Are you  holding a grudge against someone?  Have you let your dislike of someone grow seeds of bitter discord among others?  Have you made an attempt to right the wrong?  What does it mean to be holy?  Can the believer truly live in peace with all mankind? The scripture above tells us to live in peace with all men and to be holy.  But what does this really mean?  Growing up I heard so many misinterpretations of what it means to be holy.  In most cases I heard it defined as 'being perfect'.  Totally incorrect.  To be holy means to be set apart.  As a Christian you are to be set apart for the work of Lord.  I have often wondered why God chose to have the writer of Hebrews to combine this two thing.  After living a while and being exposed to many different things in life, I came to the conclusion that in order to live in peace with all men you must be holy.  The devil comes to steal, kill and to destroy and one thing that I have learned is that he will use anything to distract your mind from serving the Lord.  What better way than to shift your focus.  To shift your focus to people.  Whether it is your husband, wife, sister, brother, or closest friend.  In fact from my experience, it is often the ones closest to you that cause the biggest distraction.  If Satan can get you distracted by sowing seeds of discord among you and your spouse.  If he can cause discord between family through the death of a loved one and the fighting over a will.  If he can cause one small seed of gossip to be spread among a group of friends.All these things can cause you not to live in peace here on earth.  However, when you are set apart and you allow God to control your life then instead of you feeding into the lies of the devil, you are set apart.  You forgive your spouse for any wrongdoing.  You squash the gossip that has been started in your circle of friends.  You are the lone rational voice in a grieving family. 

The only God that people will see is the God that lives in you.  How you live your life on a daily basis is important to the building up of the kingdom of God.  Believe it or not from the moment you confess to be a child of God people start watching you.  They look to find anything to discredit you and more importantly to discredit God.  Just like the Pharisees and Sadducees. That one time when you let your guard down, you forget to pray, giving God total control of your life, someone catches you slipping.  The bad part about this is that your one bad day may cause a bitter root to grow up in someone else and do more damage than you intended.  I stated in the beginning that we are not perfect but God has given us the necessary tools to live our lives to give Him glory.  When we  give Him glory our lives provide life to those around us.  Instead of tearing down, we build up.  Instead of holding a grudge, we forgive.  Our lives are a resting place for the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).  We are always aware of our surroundings.  We don't hinder babes in Christ by behaviors that are not becoming of a child of God.  Oh how I would love it if the Word was all about 'What's In It For Me?'  But it's not.  Yes the Bible does hold many promises.  But it also holds standards for me to live by.  With that being said and to answer the question asked at the beginning, 'Yes it is possible to be at peace with all mankind and to be holy.  It is only possible through the power of God'

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to You today with a bowed head and a humble heart giving You praise just for who You are.  I stop right now with the realization that if it had not been for You on my side where would I be.  I ask for forgiveness of my many sins committed in word, thought or deed.  I come to You today with a simple request.  I need help with this living at peace with everyone.  Lord I don't want to ever be a hindrance or stumbling block to anyone.  Help me to grow in grace and in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I know that I can only be set apart as I come to know You better.  On my own, this may be an impossible task.  But with You I know that anything is possible.  Thank you for answering my prayer.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Perfected, Established, Strengthened and Settled

'And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you into his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you'. I Peter 5:10

Do you believe that it happens after prayer?  Do you believe that the God you serve is able?  I mean really able.  Do you believe it to the point that you have submitted fully and completely to the Master?  Have you given up total control of your life to God so that when trials and tribulations come you continue on in prayer?  You stop the mumbling and grumbling and moaning and complaining.  You trust God to either sustain you where you are or move you where you need to be.  You show no resistance. You stand firm.  You fix your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. 

I read something today that said, 'Christians are to live with the understanding that God's purposes realized in the future require some pain in the present'.  Isn't that what it is all about?  The trade-off for pain is perfection. Not a bad trade-off.   I often think of the old nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty.  Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.  Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.  All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty together again.  Our lives are full of ups and downs.  We reach the mountaintop only to be knocked down to the valley as a result of God's perfecting process. This is a process that occurs many times over the course of the believers life. Try as we may, using whatever methodology we know how, to put ourselves together again, we simply can't.  This can only be done with the help of the Lord.  Often times we find out lives broken in little pieces, scrambling to put the pieces back together again.  But no matter how hard we try, nothing works.  We must rely on the Lord.  Too often we try to figure out a way to get out of our current situation; by doing so we fail to allow God to work it out.  This was a difficult lesson for me.  But I soon discovered something about myself and every storm that I have had to go through.  God had prepared me for each and every trial.  All I had to do was allow Him to lead, guide and direct my every step.  Through every trial I was strengthened.  I developed a true thirst for the Word.  The more I got into the Word, the better my foundation.  I might have lost position, job, friends, finances but each and every time God restored me.  I finally understood that trouble doesn't last always. 

Trials are inevitable.  But then again so is victory for the child of God.  If you are tired of the dark cloud that seems to be hanging over your life, give it over to God.  Allow Him to prepare you, establish you, strengthen you and place you on a firm foundation.  He is the only one who can!

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Here I stand in the humblest way that I know how, first giving praise, honor and glory to Your Name.  Here I stand broken.  I have decided today to accept where I am to allow you to work in my life.  No more interference.  I realize that the future requires some pain right now.  But I truly believe in my heart that all things will work out for my good.  In Jesus' Name Amen. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Non-Traditional Route

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus,  by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body,  and since we have a great priest over the house of God,  let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful'. Hebrews 10:19-23

Normally I take the same route everywhere I go.  I don't often go to many different places so I have the mileage logged on my truck. I know what time to leave my house to get me to church.  To my mom's house.  My sister's house.  The mall.  School.   Nothing frustrates me more than when something causes me to take an alternate route.  But I have learned with all the bad weather to expect the unexpected.  Sometimes taking a detour is a means of discovery for something new and better.  Let's take for example my route to school.  I know exactly what time to leave my house to get to class by 9:30 AM.  One particular day there was a roadblock set up on the main street I normally took that led me to the highway.  So there I was driving down another road, that was an intermediary to get me to another road and then to the highway.  I remember fussing all the way to school just knowing that I was going to be late.  The funny thing was when I finally arrived at school and looked at my clock I had actually arrived five minutes earlier than my normal time.  How could that be?

It made me realize that my way of doing things may not be the best method.  It may even be something that I have worked on over and over again until I thought it was perfected.  The funny thing is that my traditional methods may not be what God had in mind for my life.  He may have it that I need to take some non-traditional routes to get me in the right position to be used for His glory.  My plan was to get married one time and raise a family together.  However that didn't happen.  I went through a deep valley. Over the river and through the woods.  I lost myself only to find myself by looking through the eyes of my Lord and Savior.  It was not the route that I would have chosen but it was what was best for me.  I often talk about the birth of my son and how he was born out of wedlock.  I have never called him a mistake.  When he was born my life took a detour but after all these years , God made it to where I could finish my goal. 

After Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree, sin entered the world.  Because of this, the law was created.  But man could not uphold the law.  No matter how they tried, it continued to be broken.  Mankind needed something greater than the law.  That is when God decided to send His only begotten Son to the world to die for our sins.  It was not the traditional route and that is why so many people did not accept it.  For some reason we as a people only feel right when we are in complete control of the situation. But when Jesus entered the equation, it took us out of power.  One man could no longer judge another man because grace entered the picture.  There was a realization that we could not get it together on our own.  Right now you may be headed on what could be considered a dead end street to the human eye.  You may be spending countless hours complaining, frustrated, discouraged, and depressed about what is going on in your life.  The sky is so cloudy that you cannot see a trace of blue sky in sight.  But the scripture above tells us that we should approach our circumstances with confidence.  We should hold fast to the benefits of the New Covenant in Christ.  This is not the time to withdraw from God and those who encourage you in the faith.  In fact, it is at this time that you should draw near to God.  Dig deeper into the Word.  Pray without ceasing and expect things to come out alright.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being my guide, my protection and my strength.  For providing a full assurance of faith that whatever situation I may face, You always have my best interest at heart.  Providing for me even in dark places.  Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou are with me.  Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.  Help me to continue to encourage my sister and brother even in my time of despair.  Let me hold on, without wavering, no matter what it is.  Even in my storm I will continue to give You the praise.  In Jesus' Name I pray Amen. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

God's Providential Power

"Thou couldst have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above" John 19:11

I remember a time when I felt that everyone was to blame for the problems in my life.  I took no responsibility for my own actions and I had no true understanding of God's providential power.  You see, once I became a child of God, He took over control of my life.  This means that there is nothing that has happened in my life that He does not know about.  And furthermore, things can only go as far as He allows.  What does this mean for me?  It means that I don't have to worry about my enemies.  They don't have any power.  There is nothing they can do to me that will not prove to be beneficial for me.  'And we know that all things work together...' (Romans 8:28)  Go ahead and let them think they have won.  Then sit back and watch when they sit and stare when you come out on top.  Just as there was a purpose for Jesus' sufferering, there is a purpose for your suffering.  The ultimate purpose is for God to be glorified.  My experience has shown that when God is glorified you are also the better. 

Nothing that is not God's will can come into the life of one who trusts and obeys God.  Are you shouting yet?  Certain things that may be going on in your life are just temporary.  Your eternal reward is inevitable.  Continue to walk in victory!  I read something today that said,  "Is it not a glorious thing to know that, no difference how unjust a thing may be, or how absolutely it may seem to be from Satan, by the time it reaches us it is God's will for us, and will work for good to us?  Anything that the devil may throw at us is harmless if not in the will of God.  That is while riding in the storm you can find shelter.  You can find peace.  You have that blessed assurance that everything is going to be alright.  This is not a maybe, it is a guarantee. Take a moment and look back over your life.  Don't you see God's fingerprints all over the place.  Has there ever been a time where He has let you fall without raising you up?

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

At times it seems as though my enemies have the upper hand.  It appears that those around me are accomplishing great things while I continue to suffer.  I need help. Increase my strength.  Help me to accept the path that You have chosen for me so that I can be of service to You.  Father all I want is less of me and more of You.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

An Attitude of Expectancy

 After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. Acts 1:3-4

I have a question for you today.  What is it that the Lord has spoken to You in your spirit that has yet to happen?  One of the prayers that I pray daily is, "Open my ears Lord to hear the spoken and unspoken word from You. Remove all the static from my day so that I am constantly in tune to Your voice."  This means that even while sitting in church on Sunday morning, He may speak to me.  Such was the case today.  Listening to the preacher I was reminded of a promise that was made to me by the Lord. It was a not a promise of immediacy but a promise of anticipation.  You see, I had prayed for something and the response I received was WAIT.  In the past when I received this answer I would behave like a child.  Sometimes I would throw a tantrum and other times I would try to take matters into my own hands.  Now that I have grown up a little bit more in my Christian walk, I have learned that a WAIT from the Lord does not mean NO.  Instead it means that I might need a little bit more preparation for what God has in store for me.  I use that time as an opportunity to ask the Lord to examine me and if He finds anything that should not be, remove it.  I have also learned that this may not be a pretty process, nonetheless I am prepared for the journey.  I do not want to be that person who receives something before being ready only to mess up the blessing God has with my name on it.  I have developed an attitude of expectancy. 

What is an attitude of expectancy?  For me it means that when I pray I have not a single doubt in my mind that my prayer is going to be answered.  It means that  I do not stick out my lip when God tells me to wait because I know that the love God has for me is real and that He only wants what is best for me.  I do not worry if it seem that the bottom is about to fall out before He answers my prayer because I know that when the burdens of this life are in God's hands, that they are in the most capable hands they could be in.  It also means that I do not act surprised when my prayers or answered.  I do not try to take the credit as if it were something I did on my own.  I know the power of the God I serve.  I know that He is able.  That is not just a cute catch phrase I say to pump myself up, only to pick my load right back up.  It is not just a song I sing.  It is what I believe!  I will say this one more time. "My God, Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Raphi, Jehovah Shalom, my Rock, my Strong Tower IS able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask or think."  (Ephesians 3:20)  So I will trust Him.  Doubt is not an option.  The Bible tells us to 'Wait on the Lord.  Be of good courage and He shall strengthen thine heart.  Wait I say on the Lord'.  (Psalm 27:14)  So while you are waiting on God to move on your behalf, stand strong.  I know there may be naysayers coming against you.  You might be hearing  it from your spouse, your family, your friends.  "Why don't you give up?  It's about time to take matters into your owns hands." Don't listen to them.  Let God strengthen your heart. Don't stop praising Him.  I am starting to believe there is something to that saying, 'Praise your way through'.  In the past I might have just shut down, but now I know how to persevere.  My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.  I dare not trust the sweetest frame but holy lean on Jesus Name.  I'm standing on the Rock.  I realize that you may have been waiting a long time to see God's promise come to pass.  Today I am here to encourage you not to give up.  Keep holding on.  God is not a man that He should lie.  It is all for His purpose.  One promise I look forward to more than anything is the day when I get to see my Savior's face and as one of my favorite songs says...'It will be worth it all when I see Jesus'.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thou who made me and knows everything about me.  I thank You today for Your promise.  I stand today knowing that whatever You have promised me will come to pass.  I stand today with an attitude of expectancy, knowing that it will work out for my good.  I bind that spirit of doubt and stand boldly on Your Word.  I will forever praise Your Holy name.  That name that is above every name.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just To Be Close To You

'I sought the Lord and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears'. Psalms 34:4

There is nothing like having that feeling of being so in tune with the Master that anytime when you call, even if in a whisper, you know that He hears you.  And the peace of God comes over you immediately.  A peace that lets you know that everything is going to be alright.  There is no greater feeling.  It is as though you are hooked up to an IV that overflows with everything you need.  If it's love you need..God's got it.  If it's joy you need...God's got it.  If it's comforting you need...God's got it.  If it's deliverance you need...God's got it.  If it's a new heart you need or  a renewed mind...God's got it!  All you have to do is ask him.  When you empty out all the mundane things of life, connect to God and fill yourself with Him, change happens.  No more fear.  No more insecurity. What does the Word say? 
'Delight yourself int he Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart'.  (Psalm 37:4) 

'Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near'. (Isaiah 55:6)

 He is never to busy and He is never late.  In fact He longs for us to talk with Him.  Notice that I said talk 'with' Him.  There is a difference.  The difference being when we talk with God it is a joint effort.  I am not just asking Him for what I need and then it's 'thank God Amen'.  Instead I an actually waiting around listening to see if there is anything that He may want of me. 

My daughter helped to drive this point home to me just the other day.  She had sat down to share her day with me, as she often does.  Except this time I was too busy to listen.  My mind was preoccupied with the mundane things of life.  I let her talk and then kind of shook my head in acknowledgement and that was it.  About five minutes later I noticed her still following me around the house.  I stopped long enough to ask her what else she needed and she said "well, momma I wanted to know how your day was and if you needed anything. "  (In my mind I said, :Thank you Lord...message received.)

The most vital relationship you can have is with God.  It is a relationship you cannot afford to neglect.  Yes, your heavenly Father will always be there.  But why miss out on all the things he has for you simply because you fail to nurture the relationship.  Always remember God has a way of getting your attention even though  most times we don't like His methods.  How much better it would be if our relationship was so close that we had the heads up on the area that needed work in our lives.  Having problems in other relationships in your life...your marriage, friendships, family, co-workers, etc...try getting closer to God and let Him work out the rest. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Search me O God and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts.  If you find anything that is not like you Lord please remove it.  I submit to Your will.  Help me to continue in obedience even when I don't understand.  For your ways are not my ways, neither are your  thoughts my thoughts.  All I want is less of me and more of You.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

This Is My Confession

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
James 5:16

Ever wonder why at times your prayers go unanswered.  Of course there may be various reasons.  Maybe God has answered and you don't like His answer.  Another reason may be that you are not ready to receive the answer and He is making you wait.  Sometimes our prayers are not answered because we have failed to confess our sins.  You may have confessed in a non-specific blanket prayer.  But sometimes when you know that you have done someone wrong, that isn't good enough.  A specific, detailed confession needs to made not only to God but to that person you have done wrong also.  There are times that the person may not receive your apology and that is fine, as long as you have been obedient to God and the Word. 

Maybe this have never happened to you.  But I remember when I was at my lowest point.  I didn't have the energy to reach out to others.  Truth be told I had done enough reaching out and God was now needing the one-on-one time I had neglected to give Him when all was well.  He needed to show me that He alone was my source in time of trouble.  The One I should reach out to first before picking up the phone to call anyone.  After spending my quality time with God, something spoke to my spirit and told me to reach out to a few of my friends.  The funny thing is that I couldn't seem to figure out what I had done wrong.  At first I was very adamant that I was not going to do it.  But I continued to receive the same message in my spirit.  Finally I decided to be obedient.  Although my apology was not received by all, I realized that was not the reason God had me to confess.  I soon discovered a peace in my spirit.  A peace that came from being released from any obligation I may have felt.  I also received a gift - a realization of true friendship. The ones that embraced my apology and reached out to me and in those few cases a stronger than ever friendship was formed. 

You see, we may not always understand God's methods but the results achieved are always consistent.  He knows just what we need to achieve true freedom of mind, body and soul.  And one thing I knew for sure I did not want my prayers to be hindered because of disobedience.  On top of which, the 'B' portion of James 5:16 says, 'the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results'.  How else can your prayers be effective and achieve the expected results without true confession?  Prayer has power.  It changes things.  Situation, marriages, finances, health conditions.  It restores, heals, resurrects, rejuvenates.  How?  Not because of the words we say but through our sincerity of heart.  Laying it all on the altar for God to handle.  I don't know about you but I don't want my lack of confession to tie God's hands.  I want my prayers to achieve God's intended results.  What about you?

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to You today in the humblest way that I know how.  First I come confessing my sins that I have committed in word, thought or deed.  Sins against my sister or my brother, and especially sins against You.  Thank You for forgiving my sins.  For Your Word says that if I confess my sins You are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  Create in me a clean heart  O God and renew a right spirit within me.  My hearts desire is to be more like You.  In Jesus' wonderful name I pray Amen. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

There's A Blessing In The Storm

"The Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and storm" (Nahum 1:3).

God is sovereign.  He can do anything He wants to do, any way He wants to do it.  If He decides to turn my world upside down at a moment's notice He will.  When you have submitted your life to God, you have given Him permission to have His way in your life.  'Have thine own way Lord.  Have thine own way.  Thou are the potter, I am the clay.  Mold me and make me after thy will.  While I am waiting, yielded and still'.  Maybe you didn't realize that the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, He became your commander-in-chief.  Whatever it is that may be going on in your life is divinely designed.  God has either sent it or allowed it to take place in your life.  Even though you may stray away you will never get to a place too far out of His reach.  There may be times when He has to send the storm to reel you back in.  There may be times when the whirlwind must come to bring you back to a place of remembrance.  How soon we forget where the Lord brought us from.  Whether you realize it or not, only God can say "Peace be still" and provide safety for you.  Your safety is not in your husband, your wife, your job, your parents or your best friend.  They may be instruments that God uses to bless you but never forget God can use your enemies to bless you. 

There are times when our lives are hectic.  Each morning we are running from one place to another.  Never taking a moment to slow down.  Heaven forbid if a kink gets thrown into our normal routine. An unexpected storm comes up out of no where.  A bill you did not expect.  A death in the family.  A sick child.  Massive layoffs at the job.  In most cases when this happens we don't know what we are going to do. That is why our hope must be in God.  When we completely trust in Him, we don't have to worry about what the result of the storm will be.  We already know.  'And we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose'...Romans 8:28.  It's winter right now in Oklahoma.  That means the possibility of severe weather.  Over the past two weeks, that threat happens to be snow.  When this happens the weatherman stays on all day with his/her predictions of how many inches of snow and ice there will be.  Sometimes they are right on track and other times they are so far off base.  In the life of the believer we don't have to sit around and wait for others to predict what will happen in our life.  The Bible tells us that 'we will have trials and tribulations'.  Your situation may be out-of-control but God is always in control.  Maybe the winds of your life are intensifying right now.  Methods you once used to navigate your life by are no longer readily available to you.  Or maybe you have tried them and they just don't seem to work anymore.  If you relax and let God operate, then you will soon discover the blessing beyond the storm.  The storm that seemed at first to disrupt your life, was the much needed mechanism to make room for your blessing.  The winds had to blow to move out all that additional clutter that was keeping you from the work God has designed for you. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Although I may understand it at first, I want to thank you for my storms.  I see now that they have helped to make me into the person that I am today.  Because of the storms you have allowed in my life I am stronger. I know that I must continue to rely on You and not on my own strength.  Open my eyes so that I may always see the blessing in the storm.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Grace Is...

'Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me'. 
II Corinthians 12:9

Today I discovered something about myself.  There are still some areas of my life that God still needs to do some pruning.  Some parts I sometimes wish I could cut off myself.  Every time I look around there it goes rearing its ugly head.  I really thought I had kicked it this time.  But no sooner than I started my celebration of success, there it goes again.  At first I made excuses.  "Certain people just bring it out of me," I said.  Even though I knew that wasn't the truth.  It sounded good though.  I knew in my heart that I just hadn't surrendered it totally to God.  It was my one weakness, although at times it was my greatest strength.  So what was I to do.  That is when the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "My grace is all you need." 

Now that is a mighty powerful statement.  Not some...but ALL I need.  I didn't have to rely on the knowledge I had accumulated over the years.  I didn't even need to rely on others.  All I needed was God.  What is it about God's grace that qualifies it as ALL I need.  So what is grace?  The definition I like the best is the 'freely given, unmerited favor of God'.  You mean I don't have to do anything to earn it.  Absolutely not.  I can never be good enough to earn God's favor.  Thank you Jesus!  Why?  Because I know that I will always slip up.  One more question.  You mean I can never do anything to mess it up?  Absolutely not.  God knew going in that once Adam sinned we would never be the same again.  That is why He sent the perfect sacrifice to die on that cross for our sins.  It is no accident that you are here today.  But by the grace of God... No need to look down on yourself because of mistakes you made.  God is able to use those mistakes as a testimony of His wonder-working power.  We all have weaknesses.  But when we submit those weaknesses over to the One who is sufficient, then our weaknesses become strengths used to glorify God.  Yes, I still might get upset with myself when I sleep up and speak before I pray or become angry or allow my heart to become hardened with unforgiveness.  That's alright because when I recognize that I am upset with myself I know that is just the work of the Word (that is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword) and the Holy Spirit.  I thank God today.  I don't have to sit and beg and plead for God's grace.  He gives it to me freely, simply because I am His child.  Hallelujah!

He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase;
To added affliction He addeth His mercies,
To multiplied trials His multiplied peace.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father's full giving is only begun.
His love has no limit, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth and giveth and giveth again.
--Annie Johnson Flint

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank You.  Thank You Father for your grace. Thank You for the quickening power of Your Word and the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.  I thank You for it's convicting power.  Grace that kept me and never left me.  Through all my ups and downs,  the times I have fallen.  Grace has been there each and every time.  Lord I know I don't deserve it.  I will be eternally grateful.  I submit  (this area - be specific) of my life to You.  I know that it is a weakness of mine.  Please continue to lead, guide and direct me.  I want less of me and more of You.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Praise Him In Advance

'And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me." John 11:41

I found another interesting lesson in the gospel of John.  It was concerning the resurrection of Lazarus.  The interesting lesson was that Jesus began His thanksgiving before the miracle of the resurrection took place.  Jesus did not wait until the miracle was performed instead He thanked God simply because His prayer had been heard.  He had enough faith in the One to whom He was praying to know that something wonderful was about to happen. 

It made me think about me as a mother and how when my children come to me with a need they start to play as if they don't have a care in the world.  They know that they have told their mother and she will take care of it.  Now sometimes they ask for some outlandish things like my nine year old daughter who is about to turn ten next month.  She asked me for highlights for her birthday.  This is something that she is not going to get and I told her immediately.  But when she actually comes to me for needs such as food, supplies for school, a bigger pair of shoes, etc, she knows that her parents are going to meed that need.  Often times they say thank you even before they see the result. 

That is how it should be with you and God.  You pray for something, asking in faith, believing that you will receive.  After you pray, what should take place is thanksgiving.  Why?  Because you know the power of the One you are praying to you can thank Him in advance.  It should be second nature to thank Him for what you are about to receive.  Like the song says ' Don't wait til the battle is over, shout now!'  You may be going out to battle daily to a job where there are those who are out to get you.  You may be headed home to a battle in your house with your spouse or your teenage child.  Maybe you are faced with a life or death situation.  You have prayed about it.  And today I've come to encourage you to start praising Him, right now.  I read something the other day that said, 'Praise is really the most vital preparatory ministry to the working of miracles...Dr. Jowett.  If this is indeed true then you may have have been hindering  a resurrection in your life for lack of prayer.  And not just lack of prayer but lack of praise from lack of faith.  Is your marriage dead and in need of a resurrection?  Your finances dead and in need of a revival?  If so, praise your way through to your deliverance.  Start to exercise your extraordinary faith.  I know that part of my reason for not praising Him was because I didn't always believe that it would happen. I was sitting around waiting for results.  But Jesus had the utmost faith in His Father.  He knew that whatever He asked in according to the will of the Father, it would be done.  It's time for you to start having that kind of faith.  Just take a moment and look back over your life, where God has brought you from.  How he has performed miracle after miracle in your life and when you do, I hope that you will realize that you don't have to wait for the miracle to praise God, you can praise Him right now.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to you in the humblest way that I know how, first giving praise, honor and glory to Your name.  I thank You for Your grace and Your mercy.  I thank You for forgiving all my sins.  I thank You yet again for the privilege of prayer.  I thank You just for taking the time to hear my earnest plea.  Lord, I ask that You help me to wait patiently and peacefully for the answer to my prayer.  Let me not become anxious but continue to put all my trust in You, knowing that whatever the outcome it will be what You have designed for my life.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Immediate Comfort

How many times have you been told that 'God knows best'. Accept where you are. Kind of like the old 1954 television sitcom, 'Father Knows Best' where in every episode there was a situation where if the children would have only listened to the instructions of Jim Sr. things would have been better. Reminds me of a chapter in Proverbs my parents made us memorize as children. The very first verse which read 'Here ye children the instruction of the Father and attend to know understanding'. (Proverbs 4:1) Another translation put is this way 'Sons, listen to [your] father's discipline, and pay attention in order to gain understanding'. (God's Word Translation)

Each and every trial we go through should provide us with a bit more wisdom. Things we can use ourselves in the future or that we can share with someone else to help them. Our only problem is that we don't listen, just like Jim Jr. in Father Knows Best. We want immediate comfort. I even heard a song on the radio the other day that said 'Get me out Jesus, get me out today'. As a matter of fact I myself just prayed this prayer not to long ago. I was having a very bad day. I checked the mail, nothing but bills. I opened the bills and checked my bank account. Things definitely did not add up and instead of trusting God I panicked. It wasn't just bills. The kids needed things. And I'm momma. I am the fixer of the family. It's what I say my mother do and many other women in my family. Women who helped their families out of tight spots. But this time I didn't have the answer. So I cried out to the Lord. Now mind you, how soon I had forgotten that God had carried my family through a period of about a year and a half on one salary. He had provided sunshine in cold, dry places. But all that went right out the window. All I could think was 'Get me out Jesus'!

I was in need of some immediate comfort. An umbrella from the pouring rain. A storm shelter in a tornado. A shade tree from the blazing sun. It could come in the form of an unexpected check in the mail or a call about my dream job. Neither one of these things happened. So what was a girl to do? First things first, Put Your Trust in God. I know that you have heard this a million times. Here I am saying it again, Trust God. Whatever it may be that you are asking God to do in your prayers, did you know that God is able to do so much more. And the even better thing about this fact is that what He is able to do is never wrong for you. So while I may have had in my mind what I wanted, God knew what I needed. The second thing is to 'Pay Attention'. There is a lesson in the storm. I know you may be crying out for immediate comfort but why not learn something that you can apply to other situations that may arise in your life. There may be correction and reproof but there is also love. You know, if there was sunshine in your life all the time there would come a time when you would get burned. God must provide some shade at times. Why do you think there are four seasons. Right now we are in winter. During my winter, because of God's divine revelation, I was made aware of some things that needed to die off in my life. People, bad habits, etc. When spring comes, because of the seeds that I have started to plant through daily time in the Word, regular fasting, private time in communion with God, things will begin to grow. I will then start to see some sunshine. The sunshine may not come in the form of an overflowing checking account (then again it might). It may simply come from a peace of mind knowing that everything will be alright if I just hold on. And then there is fall when I will receive my harvest. As my Pastor said just this week, "It is inevitable." This comes as a result of my sowing seeds to the Spirit. Now don't get me wrong, it would be wonderful to receive immediate comfort while in the eye of a storm. But that is not always the way God allows things to unfold. Whatever the circumstance you must trust Him.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I need Your Help. I don't always understand the path you have set out for me. Help me to trust You more in those areas of my life where I don't see any way out. Let me stand on Your promise that says, You know the plans you have for me. These are plans to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans to give me hope and a future. I will forever give Your name the praise. In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I read something today that said, 'Every thought, word or act is either a seed sown to the flesh or to the Spirit'.  Simple every day things that look innocent on the outside may be harmful on the  inside to your very being.  This may seem a bit extreme but if you have not already sown seeds to the Spirit, making that your primary focus, then you are instead sowing seeds to the flesh.  Everything from the innocent magazine article to the television program set to record on your DVR each week, can be subtle seeds sown to the flesh.  Wondering why your prayers are not being answered or why you don't recognize the voice of the Lord?  It could be that the right seeds have not been sown and instead you have increased the distance between you and God by focusing on things of the world. 

Let's take a look at I John 2:15-17.  'Do not love the world or the things of the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world -- the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions--is not from the Father but is from the world.  And the world is passing away with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever'.  You and I reside in this world but when we decide to make Jesus our Lord and Savior we are no longer of this world  And the true test of the love of God that now inhabits our very being is the position of God as first place in our lives.  So how do we treat someone who has the highest priority in our lives?  We definitely don't put off communion with Him for our favorite television program or a night out on the town.  That would be like me spending time with everyone but the husband God has blessed me with in the name of a job and girlfriends.  I can't speak for any of you but I know there have been times when my focus was supposed  to be on God and instead I decided to watch television, go hang out with friends, and yes even sleep.  I know that sleep is essential but I am always reminded of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, when He asked His disciples could you not watch with me one hour.  I think about the enormous amount of pressure He was about to face.  It reminds me of when the Lord lays on my heart to pray for my sister or my brother and I just blow it off.  I fail to realize that God is using me to stand in the gap for someone who may be down in spirit, in need of some encouragement. 

A genuine Christian is marked by love and an obedience to God.  There is no middle ground.  A choice must be made.  There must be a true realization that 'every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord'. (James 1:17)  Anything you have is a blessing from God.  These blessings are not to be used as a weapon for you to look down on others and what they don't have.  Using these blessings to impress other people, causing haughtiness and exaggerations.  The same God who gave these blessings to you also has the power to take them away when they are not being used for His glory.  This world is not your home.  You are just passing through.  The believer should make good use of this knowledge.  Time should be spent sowing seeds of love, kindness, joy, peace, gentleness, etc.  When you do this your will reap an inevitable harvest of blessing. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I praise Your name for You reign. You are robed in majesty and strength.  I confess my sins to You.  Each and every day Lord I desire less of me and more of You.  Create in me a clean heart so that I may sow seeds of love and kindness and mercy to my sister and my  brother.  Help me to forgive my fellow man.  Thank You for Your steadfast love.  How great are Your works O Lord.  Even though I don't always understand Your ways, I will remain faithful to You.  I will trust and obey You in all areas of my life.  Lead me along the path of truth.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Timely Word of Encouragement

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 
 I Thessalonians 5:11

My prayer today and everyday is, "Lord, let your line shine in me so that others may see You through me."  It is a simple prayer, yet it is one that says alot.  You see, in most cases, people will only see Jesus through you and I.  We should strive to build one another up.  Not just by accident but a conscious decision.  There are people that will never open a Bible, never step foot inside a church but they will interact with you at work, in the grocery store, at the mall.  They will drive beside you on the highway,  sit in class with you at the university.  They will be waiting to see your reaction to the trials that you face.  Will you respond in love when faced with adversity?  Will you 'do good to them that despitefully use you'?  When you see your sister or brother stumble will you reach out your hand to lift her or him up or will you kick them when they are down?   

So what is encouragement?  It is the act of giving hope or support that inspires confidence and a will to keep on keeping on.  It doesn't cost any money. It should be woven into your values and day-to-day lifestyles.  After all, 'how delightful is a timely word' (Proverbs 15:23).  Anyone can be a critic but a child of God should be a cheerleader.  Your speech should elevate, edify, and energize them.  It should help bring about hope to an otherwise desperate situation.  All of us know someone who is in need of some encouragement.  The divorcee trying to rebuild his/her life after divorce.  The man who just received bad news from the doctor.  A church leader you seeing bearing a heavy load.  A widow who is now alone after thirty years of marriage.  A child who is being used as leverage between parents.  A friend caring for an elderly parent.  A victim of a major layoff.  The person who just lost everything he had in a house fire.  All of these people are looking for someone to tell them that it is going to be okay.  To wrap their loving arms around them and let them know that they are praying for them.  It is not about providing financial assistance to bail them out in their time of need.  It is about flashing them a smile that lets them know to 'Hold On'

Everyone is struggling with something.  Take for example, the alcoholic on the verge of taking a drink after being sober for ten years.  She doesn't need to be reminded of how awful of a person she was when she used to drank.  She needs to be told how much she is loved and how amazing it is that she has committed her life to being a better person.  She needs to be reminded that God forgives.  Popular Scottish Theologian, William Barclay writes, ’One of the highest of human duties is the DUTY OF ENCOURAGEMENT.  The world is full of people who will step on whoever gets in the way of their next success story.  A discourager whose only job is to make a person feel worse during the lowest time in their life.  One who is jealous or envious.  One who is full of strife in his/her own heart.  Or maybe they just feel that we can do a better job so they decide to criticize instead of encourage.  I have been guilty of this very thing.  Sometimes I am not fully aware that a person's behavior is a result of deeper pain going on the inside.  All I can see is that they are not behaving as I would have behaved.  So I begin to point out their faults.  I tell myself that what I am saying is okay because they should know better.  I don't look at the unspoken words hidden behind the fake smile they have plastered on their face.  I haven't entered the situation in love asking God to give me the words to say to speak life and not death.  Through the changing power of the Word I have learned that my job is to plant the seed.  I have said many times before that it is God who gives the increase.  I look at the people who God has positioned in my life.  The friends who always encourage me to move forward.   My family who loves me in spite of my many faults.  God knows that I am hard enough on myself so I need people around me who are going to push me to continue on... in love.  Not by pointing out my mistakes or shortcomings.  The Bible tells us to 'he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed'.  (Proverbs 11:25)  What will you do to encourage your brother or sister today?  Decide today to go out of your way to be an extraordinary encourager.  Speak Life.  Pray.  Sometimes all it takes is to be present.  You don't have to say a word.  Smile.  Give a hug.  Follow Christ's example and let your light shine. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the gift of Your Son and the guidance provided through Your Word.  Lord, I ask  that You let me be a light in dark places.  Shining not so I may be uplifted but so others can see You through me.  Help me to speak words of love in all situations.  Strengthen me to help remind others that they are never alone and You are always with them.  You have the situation under control and as long as they keep their hand in your hand everything will be alright.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


'And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground'. Luke 22:44

Sometimes the prospect of what lies ahead of you is so bad that all you see is cloudy days and dark nights.  The suffering you face has went on for so long and is just about to climax.  When a situation like this arises, what do you do?  Do you become bitter?  Do you give in to temptation and give up?  I know that I have been tempted to do just that.  It's not that I haven't prayed.  It's just that God is taking way to long to answer me.  Doesn't he see the stress that is on my family?  Doesn't he see my accounts going further in the hole?  Doesn't He see this illness taking everything out of me? Doesn't He see my family falling apart?  I don't have anything else in me. This is where we can learn a valuable lesson from the Master. Even He experienced a time in His life where the load seemed to great to bear.  He had prayed  about the situation, however instead of giving up He prayed even more.  With greater emphasis and earnestness than usual, He prayed.  He realized that what He was about to face could not be avoided.  Just like it is inevitable that you will face trials and tribulations.  So PRAY!!!!

Jesus had to have His moment in Gethsamane and so will you. In fact, I would almost bet that at least one person reading this today is at that moment right now.  And for those of you who are not there right now, maybe something can be said to prepare you for what lies ahead.  I have come to realize that there are blessings that just can't be found in periods of blue skies and sunshine.   You may be asking, "Is there no comfort, no consolation, no strength, not even in God when your soul has been placed in the presses?"   But even in that great pressing and tormenting, something wonderful is is taking place. Even when we cry out to God and it seems that He is not present for the moment, we reveal our deep dependency upon God!  So I say again, "Keep on PRAYING!"  Prayer produces the potential, protection, and purpose in us and prepares us for pivotal moments.  Right before the moment of betrayal, Jesus prayed like never before.  The devil thought is was on the verge of giving up.  Instead after He prayed He received more strength.  He was now prepared to go through whatever He had to face.  And in the end He  knew that He would be victorious.  There is no greater mindset than having that great expectation that no matter what you have an eternal hope that in the end you will be alright. 

All day long the pressures of this life are piling up. Maybe you prayed that morning and then again that afternoon.  You are right on the verge of giving up. But before you go to bed, something in your spirit tells you to pray once more.  So you go down on your knees, fervently praying to the Father.  Through the tears you pray some more, confessing  your doubt, listing every burden.  Prayer during these moments not only takes us from our Gethsemane into our trials and suffering, but it also guides us away from temptation. Some of us may be tempted to give up.  Some of us may be tempted to take matters into our own hands.  Others of us may be tempted to fall into the ways of the world.  None of these are options for the believer.  You must fix our eyes on Jesus.  You must know beyond a shadow of a doubt where your  help comes from.  Be encouraged in knowing that 'if you suffer with Christ, you will also reign with Him.  It is not about how quickly you  get out of your storm but about the lesson you learn while in the storm.  It is about the divine gifts that are produced from your greatest pain. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

If it be possible take this cup from me but not my will but thine be done.  Lord help me to endure during times of great affliction.  Help me to prepare by staying in constant communication with you.  For I know that the trying of my faith produces perseverance.  I want to be mature and complete not lacking anything.  For you O Lord are my Rock, my Refuge and my Strength.  I will forever give Your name the praise.  In Jesus' name I pray Amen.