Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, February 25, 2011

God Sees Your Need

Jesus sees your need.  Plain and simple, no ifs, ands, or but about it.  Not only does He see your need, He is standing there, waiting for you.  The problem I face is that I go to every other source first before I go to the one who is standing there, ready, willing and able to meet the need.  When I think of God's ability to meet my need,  I like to envision Him standing, arms open wide, ready to receive.  Sometimes I can't say a word, so I just lay my head on His shoulder and He begins to read my unspoken words.  Other times He takes a seat and leans forward, letting me know that I have His undivided attention.  And the most awesome thing about this is that He can do this for both me and you at the same time.  The scripture clearly states that 'you have not because you ask not'.  A lesson I learned from my dad a long time ago is that it doesn't hurt to ask.  You might not always get the response you want but you will always get the response you need and that is what counts. 

So why do we not go to God first when we find ourselves in an otherwise impossible situation? One reason I don't go to God first is because of my embarrassment.  You know those times when I didn't heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit after clear warning.  I decide to go my own way.  Then I find ourself entangled in a mess.  I go to everyone I know looking for a solution only to find myself in no better condition than when I started.  Another reason I don't go is because of fear.  I am too afraid that I will be disciplined for my actions.  I think that I will be turned away.  The Bible tells us that 'perfect love cast out fear'.  (I John 4:18)  The most perfect love I know is the love of Christ.  'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son'.  (John 3:16)  The main reason I do not ask is 'lack of faith.  I do not believe that God will do what He says.  A simple solution to this is to increase my faith.  How do I increase my faith?  Activate it!  Start trusting God.  Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.  Then and only then will you come to rely on the Lord in the way He intended. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the privilege of prayer.  I come to You today dumping everything at Your feet.  I am tired of carrying it.  I believe that You hear and answer prayer.  Help me to accept the things that I cannot change and to walk in the freedom of serving a true and living God.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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