Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Strength for the Journey

Are you familiar with the story of when Jesus fed the multitude with a few fish and seven loaves of bread? I have heard this story since I was a small child. I read it in the Bible story books momma and daddy had on the bookshelf at home. I've heard the story preached by several ministers. Most times when I hear about this story it's all about Jesus feeding the five thousand. I want to talk today about the miracle before the miracle.

Read again Mark 8:1-10. At this time Jesus had just finished healing a deaf man and because of the wonderful things people had seen him do they told others and so right after this another crowd gathered, being taught by Jesus. He taught so wonderfully that they desired to hear more from him so they stayed with him quite a long time. So many things I can take from this but one thing I will share with you, is that you can learn so much from the Savior, so why not spend time with Him. This is kind of what we do when we study his word, attend church services, pray, work in different ministries, all in obedience and to be closer to God.

The thing that stuck out next to me was that in the midst of the crowds obedience and desire to learn more from him, Jesus saw a need. Read verse 2 again. Even though they had been with Jesus for three days, he saw that they had run out of food. Kinda like when things are going on in your life, you don't sit down, you don't give up. You continue with your routine. You're still praying, reading your Bible, going to Sunday school, singing in the choir, still listening attentively to the Lord, all the while in a wilderness. You see when you leave church on Sunday and finish listening to the sermon, you still have to go home to your wilderness. You just finished your morning quiet time with God and now off to work, your wilderness. The good news is God sees your need. It recognizes that you are running on empty and he wants to fill you up. Now of course like the disciples you may think how am I going to find anything in this wilderness. They were also listening to Jesus with the crowd and seeing all the wonderful things he had done but they still wondered. But see, when Jesus asked them what did they have, they had seven loaves of bread and they found a few fish. So what did Jesus do, he blessed it and it multiplied. Not only were they fed they were filled up and they had some leftover. (Just a footnote, I love leftovers because when I'm tired and don't feel like cooking I can just go to the refrigerator and warm up some leftovers. Right there in the refrigerator I have everything I need and I don't have to put forth any extra effort, and the best thing is when I reheat things like dressing or meatloaf it is so much better the second day because the flavors have had time to marinate and it taste so much better. Much like God's leftovers, the things we have stored up that taste so much sweeter when we pull them out the second time and they are so much more applicable to our lives at that moment.)

You see God knows the sacrifices that we make when we continue to trust him. We go to church even though we are running on empty. He sees our need and he blesses it. He takes the little that we have, which might be a sermon we heard a few Sundays ago, a scripture that we read during our morning devotion and he blesses it so that we can have strength for our journey. You see my God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. So don't give up, keep trusting, keep believing. Rest assured that God sees your need and wants to show you compassion. He is there to give you strength for your journey. James Cleveland sang a song I love that said, 'little becomes much when you place it in the Master's hand'.

Dear Lord,

I am speechless. I haven't said anything to anybody. I have still been going about my daily routine and all the while I am in my very own wilderness. I thank you, Heavenly Father, because you know see me where I am and you want to do something about it. I thank you because I know that during this time I can lean on your everlasting arms and you will continue to provide for me strength for my journey. Thank you. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

First Line of Defense or Last Resort

I love sports - football, basketball, baseball, tennis. I even watch a little golf. I especially love basketball. In the game of basketball there is offense and there is defense. Offense scores the points but defense wins championships. Why is that? Because at the end of the day you can score all the points in the world but if you are not able to stop the opponent's scoring then you are just trading baskets and typically the one who ends up with the ball at the end of the game wins.

What is the believer's first line of defense? Prayer. Prayer is our direct line to God. When we are prayed up, we are equipped to handle many of the circumstanses that come up in our lives. Life may be just rolling along, nothing too major happening so our prayer life slacks off. Then trouble comes and we can't do enough praying. We are praying and we asking everyone else to pray for us. We are in panic mode. But just like in the game of basketball what if we prayed consistently from start to finish. When you play defense you are are able to stop the opponent from scoring, grab a few rebounds, get some steals and go up by a few points. You can take some time to rest. The Bible tells us that, 'the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results'. (James 5:16b) It also tells us to 'pray without ceasing'. (I Thess. 5:17) God knew that our opponent Satan was going to come at us with everything he could. So he wanted us to be prepared. When you pray you have blessed assurance that things will work out in your favor. When you pray you don't have time to worry. When you pray you can stand firm against the evil rulers of this world. When you pray you can bounce back a little quicker, rebound the ball, come out ahead. Laugh at the devil. Simply put, you can stop the devil from scoring.

You see we have an advantage against our opponent. We know that we are already victorious because God has already taken care of that with the sacrifice his Son made on the cross. When he died and went to hell and took away the keys and then got up early Sunday morning with all power. And just like a championship team we can go to the throne of grace boldly, with confidence, telling God everything so that he can impart in us the wisdom that we need to fight. Are you ready to be a champion? Are you walking victoriously? Are you using prayer as your first line of defense or are you using it as a last resort? If you are using it as a last resort, beware, time may run off the clock.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the opportunity to pray. I know this is a time I can bring all my problems to you. There is no one on this earth I can tell everything to without fear of being judged or ridiculed. But I can tell you and I am so grateful. I know if I want to get better I should turn everything over to you Lord, the one who can actually do something about it. I want to be better prepared in life. I desire better communion with you. I am going to make a better effort to talk to you about everything, leaving it at your feet. And because of this I know you will recognize my voice and I will recognize yours. I know you will provide for me clear direction and I will be victorious. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Danger of Becoming Shipwrecked

Most cars sold today come with a GPS system. The purpose of a GPS system is to guide you to your destination. An intersting story was told around Christmas time about a couple traveling to a familiar destination and decided to, for fun, plug the address into their GPS system. By listening to the GPS they wound up on a dead-end road, close to driving off a cliff. Now their instincts told them that this doesn't look right but yet and still they continued to follow the GPS.

Read Acts 27:1-26. This trip for Paul and the other prisoners was not an easy one. They encountered very rough sailing with severe winds and it was only going to get worse. Paul goes to the ship's officers and warns them of the impending danger but they decided to rely on the captain rather than heed the warning. This story is a lot like our lives. How many times do we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us there's danger ahead. Don't go that direction because the outcome will not be favorable. Stay where you are and wait for the dust to settle. Keep quiet, now is not the time to respond. And just like the passengers on this ship and the couple headed to their inlaws house, they decided to rely on the wrong guidance. And boy, did things go wrong from there. Things just became progressively worse.

Think about the last time you didn't heed the warning sign placed in front of you. What was the result? How long did you remain shipwrecked in a disaster of your own making? How do you stop yourself from sailing into a storm and becoming shipwrecked in the future? Take a lesson from the crew. When the winds from the storm continued to beat up the ship, the crew threw over their cargo, the ship's equipment and everything else that wasn't attached to a solid foundation. You must rid yourself of the very things you have relied on in the past. Get rid of it. Don't trust it. You can't go back at this point but you can keep moving forward by relying on the Lord for his guidance in every situation.

Dear Lord,

I know I didn't listen to your warning but thank you for sparing my life. Thank you for the indwelling of your Holy Spirit that guides me along life's journey. I am tired of relying on my own devices. I surrender to you. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Monday, April 26, 2010

There Is Still Hope

So much affliction, so much pain. When will it ever end? Take a moment and read Lamentations 3: 1 - 31. What a sad story. This had to be one of the darkest moments for Jeremiah. As a matter of fact it is rather depressing. But as I was sitting hear reading these verses I stopped. All of a sudden I read the words 'Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The unfailing love of the Lord never ends!' (vs 21-22) Jeremiah had just finished describing some of the sin and sorrow that was surrounding him, yet he still had hope. His hope was not in man, it was in Jesus.

How do you usually handle hopeless situations? Do you tend to focus only on what you can see? Let's take a lesson from Jeremiah who was in the very same situation. What did he do? First he refocused his attention. He took his eyes off his situation and placed them on God. He placed his focus on the one person who could actually change the situation. Then he remembered 'his unfailing love'. The love that would see him in his situation and show compassion on him. It's the kind of love that didn't worry about how he got there, God just loved him enough to not allow him to get to the point of complete destruction. He didn't care about the source of his pain. And we all know that some pain is self-inflicted. How? Because of our disobedience. God didn't even care about that. Why not? Because his mercies are new every morning. This means he refreshes our spirit. He gives us the opportunity to confess our sins, knowing that he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. You see, God's mercy is not just a withholding of punishment but it is God giving us help and showing compassion when we are afflicted. When we realize that God hasn't given up on us and chooses not to leave us in the state of total despair, we can shout Hallelujah!

Take the time today today to refocus your attention and remember God's unfailing love. Accept the fact that he doesn't want to leave you in the state that you are in, so he refreshes your spirit, grants you new mercies every morning. Over the next few days when you might start to beat yourself up about something you may have done, tell yourself and 'Yet I still have hope!'

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for your compassion. Thank you because you see me in my current state and decide not to leave me that way. I am so very grateful. I confess my sins to you. Thank you for forgiving me. I love you Lord. Help me to always realize the hope I have in you. In Jesus' Name Amen.


One of the hardest things for me to do, at one point, was forgive. It's just wasn't natural - to forgive someone who had caused me so much pain. But I knew God instructed me to forgive and I wanted to be obedient to God so I asked Him for help. This was no easy task.

First let me start by saying that God wants us to come to him for help. If we could do things in and of ourselves then we wouldn't need God. But there are countless scriptures in the Bible that instruct us to bring our problems to him. So I sat down and had a long conversation with God telling him all the things that had happened and why I could not forgive. He led me to the story of Joseph. You know Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel. Joseph who was sold by his brothers, accused by Potiphar's wife, forgotten by the cup-bearer whom he had helped and then experienced seven long years of famine. Not one of these experiences were good. And if anyone had reason to hold a grudge or harbor a spirit of unforgiveness it was Joseph. (Read Genesis 50: 14 - 21) However when he came face to face with the very brothers that had done such a hateful deed Joseph responded with love.

So how do you move from an unforgiving spirit to a forgiving spirit? How do you move from bitterness to joy? You must ask God. Forgiveness is NOT a natural instinct. But when we are saved, we replace the old man with the new man. We replace our heart with the heart of our Heavenly Father. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to assist us. Harboring an unforgiving spirit is hindering you from your divine purpose. Not only must you ask God but you must actively let the other person know that you forgive them by showing them love, extending to them kindness. This was a struggle for me. I told the Lord, 'I'll forgive them but I'm not talking to them or allowing them back into my life'. But by not doing this I was not demonstrating a true spirit of forgiveness. And the real difficult moment came when He told me that I had to ask for forgiveness as well. What?!?! I hadn't done anything. Lord you know all the things this person did to me and yet I have to ask him/her for forgiveness. And the answer was a resounding YES!

I share this with you today because as I read the story of Joseph, the verse that always stands out in my mind is verse 20 - ' As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. (NLT) What good are you missing out on because you refuse to forgive? Ask God to help you to forgive that person and then actively let that person know you forgive them. When you do these things you have the assurance that God will turn your bitterness to joy. The day I made a conscious choice to forgive my life was forever changed. It allowed me to enjoy the very things God had planned for me. Ask yourself the question, 'Is forgiveness holding me back from my blessing?' If the answer is yes, then what are you going to do about it?

Dear Lord,

I confess my sins to you today. Thank you for forgiving me. I admit that forgiveness just does not come easy for me. I come to you asking for your help to forgive ______________(be specific). I know that I cannot do it by myself. My heart is still hurting and I admit I have found comfort in the pain. It shields me from allowing anyone else to hurt me. But I don't want it anymore. I ask you to 'create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me'. I believe that you are able. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

God's Perfect Timing

I was led this morning to repeat this posting.  I pray you are blessed. 

'This is what the Lord says, At just the right time, I will respond to you. On the day of salvation, I will help you. I will give you as a token and pledge to Israel. This will prove that I will reestablish the land of Israel and reassign it to its own people again." (Isaiah 49:8)
(Read Isaiah 49: 8 - 26)

Leaving Bible Study on Wednesday night, a dear sister of mine hugged me and said, ' now that was right on time.' It was just what she needed for the particular season she was at in her life. On the ride home I remembered how many times I had said those exact words. Most times I was at what I considered to be 'the end of my rope'. I just couldn't take any more. We like to say all the nice cliche phrases like, 'He's an on-time God' and 'He may not come when you want him but he's always on time'. But when the burdens of life are pressing you down do you really believe it?

How do you move from mere words to application? You must trust God. Trust that he knows what is best for you. God has many reasons for delaying our deliverance. But God's delay is not his denial. He is perfectly working out the details. Ask yourself what if God gave me everything I asked for immediately. Would I value it as much? You must hold fast to the hope that is in Christ Jesus. Every trial you face has a purpose. Only God knows what that purpose is but I can tell you that you will be better and God will be glorified.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your perfect timing. Times are tough right now. I'm having a hard time holding on. Help me to hold fast to your unchanging hand, realizing that in the end things will work out for my good. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I was driving my normal route to school, singing and praising God, when all of a sudden my right tire went into one of the deepest potholes ever. It was so bad that I had to pull over. My drink had spilled and my hands were shaking. Not only were my pants messed up but my mood had changed. Just a few weeks ago I drove down this same road and there was just a small little hole but this time it shook the balance of my SUV.

This incident made me think about my life. Every day I wake up and go about my daily routine. Most days are good days and are pretty uneventful. But there are days when I get up and I'm not feeling like myself. My spirit is down. The tears start to flow. I have no idea why. Today was one of those days. Ever had a day like this? This day, for me, represented a pothole.

What is a pothole? A pothole is a type of disruption in the surface of a roadway where a portion of the road material has broken away, leaving a hole. Most potholes are formed due to fatigue of the surface. The formation of potholes is exacerbated by low temperatures, as water expands when it freezes to form ice, and puts greater stress on already cracked pavement. Once a pothole forms, it grows through continued removal of broken chunks of pavement. (Now you know everything you ever wanted to know or didn't want to know about potholes) Why is this important?

I sat there and tried to figure out what was wrong with me today. I thought about the past month. I hadn't been sleeping, people were tugging on me left and right, finals were coming up. I had just recently decided to submit to the tug of God on my heart. While I was excited about the task at hand, I was a little worried about what it meant. My mom had knee surgery, I missed my grandmother and on and on. So the already cracked pavement of my life now had more stress added and the pothole was growing. Sound familiar?

Now if you don't fix a pothole and it continues to grow it begins to do damage to other things - alignment, suspension, etc. Compare that to your marriage, your friendships, your prayer life, your very livelihood. So how do you fix a pothole? The good thing about this repair process is that you can fix it with tools you already possess. What do I mean by that? You can do what I did - I dug down deep into my tool box. What did I find in my tool box? The Word of God! I began reciting scriptures like:

'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.' Psalms 23:1

'For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' Jeremiah 29:11

'That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurable great glory that will last forever. So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now, rather, we look forward to what we have not seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.' II Corinthians 4:16-18

'Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes you way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.' James 1:2-4

'If God is for us, who can be against us.' Romans 8:31

"But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will and walk and not faint.' Isaiah 40:31

I could go on and on. I begin quoting those scriptures and focusing on God, realizing that I have twenty-four access to my Heavenly Father and the fact that His Word will not return void, and the pothole begin to fill up. I filled it up with the things necessary for me to get to my destination `the Word, Prayer and Praise!

This life we live is one big road trip and as we travel along we will come across some potholes. But thanks be to God that as we travel along, we can make pit stops (quiet time with God) and fill up at the service station (with His Word) and continue along our journey.

As a footnote - you will be happy to know that after I cleaned off the soda pop and checked my tire, I got back in my SUV, put it in drive and went off to school, turned in my homework and aced my test. You can do the same!

Dear Lord,

Today has not been a good day. My spirit is weak and I'm tired. I need you. I know that I can trust you, for you always have my best interest at heart. Thank you for my renewed spirit. Thank you for your Word. Help me to remember that whenever I am weak I can turn to your Word, for you can be trusted to keep your promises. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stand Firm

In the movie Brown Sugar there is a scene where Dre (played by Taye Diggs) realizes that he has sold out. He knows that the music he is producing doesn't reflect the true musicianship he has been taught. Sidney's (played by Sanaa Lathan) response to him was, 'that's okay, everybody sells out sometime for the good of the overall picture'. Whether we want to realize it or not we are all affected by some sort of peer pressure. We all desire to fit in. Most of us have had the experience in life where doing what is right isn't what is popular. But what if selling out set you back further then you realize. Take a minute and think back on a personal experience where you sold out and then ask yourself what did it cost you.

Read II Thessalonians 2:13-17. In this passage Paul encourages the church at Thessalonica to stand firm and keep a firm grip on everything that they had been taught. Paul knew that they were going to face people who did not understand their faith. Afterall Christians don't have fun, right. Plus when you are a Christian you have to give up so much, don't you. I remember saying once to my dad sitting at church - "All the preacher is talking about is what I can't do. Think about the scenarios listed below. Can you relate?

Lisa and I used to hang all the time and she is my friend, although all she does is talk about everybody we know and she never has anything good to say. But God doesn't want me to give up my friends, does He?

This job is paying for my house, the car I drive, the food I eat but I now have to miss Bible Study, church on Sundays. I'm so tired when I get home I haven't read my Bible in weeks. But God understands, doesn't He?

I'm not the one spreading the rumor, I'm just listening to Mary. That's okay isn't it.

Bubba loves me, I don't want to be alone. Yet he's not saved. He doesn't want me to go to church. He doesn't want me hanging with your friends and has even cut me off from your family.

We justify our behavior by saying "Jesus mingled with sinners". Yes, He did but He didn't let them change him. He influenced them. How did He influence them - by the life He lived. The Bible says 'Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind' (Romans 12:2) That one time when you decide to give in to peer pressure, who's watching you? Did you just cause your brother/sister to stumble in their walk because you didn't stand firm. Now this doesn't mean that you walk around judging everyone else and pointing out everyone else's faults. But you can choose not to participate. You can stand up and say I'm not going to listen or interrupt your friend and say, It sounds like Sheila is going thru a difficult time, let's pray for her. You can leave Bubba and say God wants better for me than that. Or better yet you can be a Titus 2 woman, continue to live Godly, pray for that man and watch God transform Him. What's the harm in that? Our daily walk should be about putting into to practice the things we have learned so that we may be a witness to others. And yes, I recognize that you may have to stand firm against your spouse, your boyfriend, your boss, your mother/father, your sister/brother. Always remember that God has your back and that 'He has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind'. (II Timothy 1:7) We sow the seed and God gives the increase. We are to be His examples and this doesn't take place in church on Sundays when everyone is watching and we have on our Sunday best but in the real world, Monday thru Saturday, when only God is watching. And He is waiting to see if you are going to Stand Up for Him.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your Word. Thank you for making it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway. I admit that it has not always been easy for me to stand firm when faced with the pressures of this life. I often think about 'Will he still love me?', 'Am I going to lose my job?', I don't have that many friends as it is, will she still like me?' But I also realize that serving you is what it's all about. My mind is full of insecurities. I want people to like me. But above all I want them to see the Jesus in me. Lord give me the courage to stand up for you. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What's Stopping You?

What's stopping you from being who God wants you to be and accepting the calling He has on your life? Most people here the word calling and they think preaching or teaching. But there are several ways to be of service to the Lord.

This is a question I asked myself many times. And each time I had an answer for God or should I say excuse - "Who me? I can't do that. What will people think? Why can't someone else do it?

Read Exodus 4: 1 - 17. We are all familiar with the story of Moses. We know that he was very instrumental in leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. In this passage of scripture though he is having a conversation with God about his calling and boy, did he have excuses. "Who am I Lord? They're not going to believe me. What about my stuttering problem? I'm not a speaker. Sound familiar. Now go back to the beginning of the passage. Before God ever told Moses to go he gave him evidence of his power, not once but twice. Moses was the only one concentrating on the areas he felt inadequate.

Now let's move forward to 2010. There is a tug on your heart and you know it's God speaking to you. He has given you clear direction on what He wants you to do. What is your response? Did you say okay Lord or were you like Moses or me, telling the Lord every reason why you cannot do it? And man did I have a long list!

One thing that helped me was the final realization that God already knew my weaknesses. He knew that I was a shy person who didn't mind working for Him but wanted to do it in the background, among other things. But listen to what God says to Moses, '...go, and do as I have told you, I will help you speak well, and I will tell you what to say'. (v12) The same applies to us today. Whatever it is God is calling you to do, he will be right there with you. Ephesians 2:10 says, 'For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago'. That's good news ya'll. You might not like where your life is right now. You may feel inadequate or even unworthy for the calling God has placed on your life. Nevertheless, you were created to do the work of the Lord. This work God has called you to do will help you to grow, be a blessing to others and ultimately bring glory to God.

My challenge to you today - Stop and think about what work God is calling you to do. Before you start to tell God why you can't do it, let's try something different. First think about the evidence of God's power in your life. Let the record speak for itself and simply say, Yes Lord!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for creating me. I come to you today totally submitting myself to you. I want to be of service to you. Help me to realize that when I am weak, that is when you are strong. I surrender to the call you have on my life. (Be specific and state what that calling is) My heart's desire to please you. Replace my fear with faith for I know that without faith it is impossible to please you. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Wonderful Masterpiece

Have you ever had that feeling of complete disgust with yourself? You are frustrated that you keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Deep down you want to do right but the same issues keep resurfacing. You tell yourself that you are going to be a better person. You are going to love more, forgive more. You're going to stop talking about people. You are going to pray more. You are going to read the bible more. And on that very day you make these declarations your very world gets turned upside down. Now what affects me may not affect you. But let me give you some examples - You find out you are losing your job. You find out that your closest friend has betrayed you. Your spouse tells you that she/he doesn't love you anymore. You don't get that promotion. Your child gets kicked out of school. The test results from the doctor are not positive. Those are just a few things that come to mind. But it could be a simple as getting caught in traffic, missing breakfast, snagging your pantyhose. How do you react? It's not so easy to say "What would Jesus do? How would He handle this?" Or is it?

We all have areas that we need to work on and just as soon as we determine to do better here comes Satan throwing everything at us to discourage us. But did you know that you are in the process of becoming a wonderful masterpiece. As a child of God you are in His hands. Read Jeremiah 18:1-10. When I was in the fifth grade we made clay pots and I remember sitting there wanting to make the most beautiful flower pot for my mother. Unfortunately that never happened. Just like the potter in these verses I considered my pot to be damaged and therefore useless so I threw it in the trash.

But as a child of God you belong to the Master Potter and He knows that you have defects, that you are full of holes, bumps and bruises. You will have moments of weakness when you may not feel like doing what is right. You will struggle with your prayer life. You may not read the bible everyday. My challenge to you today is that during those times when you are frustrated with yourself remember that the Master Potter has the power to reshape you and make you into that beautiful flower pot. All you have to do is ask Him. Confess your shortcomings and give them over to Him. I often times wonder what it would be like if our first reaction was to consult God how much better would we be.

Dear Lord,

Thank you today for holding me in the palm of your hand and not giving up on me. I admit my frustrations, that I am weak and still have a battle with my flesh in the area of ___________. I don't always want to do what is right. Right now I give my imperfections over to you. Shape me and mold me into the person you want me to me. I recognize that even as I pray this prayer Satan is going to come up against me. He doesn't want me to rely totally on you. But I yield to you anyway. On this day I give _______________ (name your weakness - be specific) over to you. Thank you for replacing it with a characteristic that is more like you. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Don't Give Up

People are always telling me, Ramona don't give up. God is using you. Most of the time I want to scream back, Well let Him use someone else! Currently I am on a thirty day journey to become closer to God, to be more like Him. During this journey I had to take a look at my heart and contrast it to God's heart. Today I read I Corinthians 13. Now this is a familiar passage of scripture to most readers. "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or rude or proud, and so on. But what struck me the most this morning were the words - Love does not give up!

Life is not easy. In this life we will have to go thru trials and tribulations. Sometimes the burdens will be so difficult that we will want to give up but we don't have to. We have God and God is love and love does not give up. Stop for a moment to think right now if Jesus had given up and not died on the cross for our sins so we would have the right to eternal life. What kind of shape would you be in? I have this inner war with myself on some days that says it's just not that easy to love. Yes, I know what the Bible says but look at my life and all that I have fighting against me. And on top of all that Suzie is mean. Johnny hurt my feelings. Bobby takes me for granted. My daughter/son doesn't realize the sacrifices I have made. But I come to you today to say "Yes it is that easy." Galatians 6:9 says, "Do not get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time". What if God had given up on you?

Now don't get me wrong it does get tiresome to continue to love someone and do what is right and not receive that same kind of love in return, the same kind of thoughtfulness, the same kind of consideration. But who am I to point the finger? I don't always do what is right. If I stopped loving that person would they have any other real life example of God's love? Probably not. So I continue to love not because of what I am expecting in return but because God loves me. And in due season I will be blessed for it.

My challenge to you today is for you to take a close look at the relationships in your life. What person is it hardest for you to continue to love? I'm not speaking about your enemies but your spouse, your child, your sibling, your closest friend. Now ask God to transform your heart to be more like His. Ask Him to help you not to give up and believe that He will.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for being my true example of love. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I come to you today asking for help. I am having a difficult time continuing to love ___________________. It seems the more I love ___________ the more he/she continues to hurt me. Please help me to do what is right and be that light that shines for those around me. I know that in and of myself this task is difficult, but I know that with you all things are possible. Thank you for answering my prayer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.