Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stand Firm

In the movie Brown Sugar there is a scene where Dre (played by Taye Diggs) realizes that he has sold out. He knows that the music he is producing doesn't reflect the true musicianship he has been taught. Sidney's (played by Sanaa Lathan) response to him was, 'that's okay, everybody sells out sometime for the good of the overall picture'. Whether we want to realize it or not we are all affected by some sort of peer pressure. We all desire to fit in. Most of us have had the experience in life where doing what is right isn't what is popular. But what if selling out set you back further then you realize. Take a minute and think back on a personal experience where you sold out and then ask yourself what did it cost you.

Read II Thessalonians 2:13-17. In this passage Paul encourages the church at Thessalonica to stand firm and keep a firm grip on everything that they had been taught. Paul knew that they were going to face people who did not understand their faith. Afterall Christians don't have fun, right. Plus when you are a Christian you have to give up so much, don't you. I remember saying once to my dad sitting at church - "All the preacher is talking about is what I can't do. Think about the scenarios listed below. Can you relate?

Lisa and I used to hang all the time and she is my friend, although all she does is talk about everybody we know and she never has anything good to say. But God doesn't want me to give up my friends, does He?

This job is paying for my house, the car I drive, the food I eat but I now have to miss Bible Study, church on Sundays. I'm so tired when I get home I haven't read my Bible in weeks. But God understands, doesn't He?

I'm not the one spreading the rumor, I'm just listening to Mary. That's okay isn't it.

Bubba loves me, I don't want to be alone. Yet he's not saved. He doesn't want me to go to church. He doesn't want me hanging with your friends and has even cut me off from your family.

We justify our behavior by saying "Jesus mingled with sinners". Yes, He did but He didn't let them change him. He influenced them. How did He influence them - by the life He lived. The Bible says 'Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind' (Romans 12:2) That one time when you decide to give in to peer pressure, who's watching you? Did you just cause your brother/sister to stumble in their walk because you didn't stand firm. Now this doesn't mean that you walk around judging everyone else and pointing out everyone else's faults. But you can choose not to participate. You can stand up and say I'm not going to listen or interrupt your friend and say, It sounds like Sheila is going thru a difficult time, let's pray for her. You can leave Bubba and say God wants better for me than that. Or better yet you can be a Titus 2 woman, continue to live Godly, pray for that man and watch God transform Him. What's the harm in that? Our daily walk should be about putting into to practice the things we have learned so that we may be a witness to others. And yes, I recognize that you may have to stand firm against your spouse, your boyfriend, your boss, your mother/father, your sister/brother. Always remember that God has your back and that 'He has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind'. (II Timothy 1:7) We sow the seed and God gives the increase. We are to be His examples and this doesn't take place in church on Sundays when everyone is watching and we have on our Sunday best but in the real world, Monday thru Saturday, when only God is watching. And He is waiting to see if you are going to Stand Up for Him.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your Word. Thank you for making it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway. I admit that it has not always been easy for me to stand firm when faced with the pressures of this life. I often think about 'Will he still love me?', 'Am I going to lose my job?', I don't have that many friends as it is, will she still like me?' But I also realize that serving you is what it's all about. My mind is full of insecurities. I want people to like me. But above all I want them to see the Jesus in me. Lord give me the courage to stand up for you. In Jesus' Name Amen.

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