Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What's Stopping You?

What's stopping you from being who God wants you to be and accepting the calling He has on your life? Most people here the word calling and they think preaching or teaching. But there are several ways to be of service to the Lord.

This is a question I asked myself many times. And each time I had an answer for God or should I say excuse - "Who me? I can't do that. What will people think? Why can't someone else do it?

Read Exodus 4: 1 - 17. We are all familiar with the story of Moses. We know that he was very instrumental in leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. In this passage of scripture though he is having a conversation with God about his calling and boy, did he have excuses. "Who am I Lord? They're not going to believe me. What about my stuttering problem? I'm not a speaker. Sound familiar. Now go back to the beginning of the passage. Before God ever told Moses to go he gave him evidence of his power, not once but twice. Moses was the only one concentrating on the areas he felt inadequate.

Now let's move forward to 2010. There is a tug on your heart and you know it's God speaking to you. He has given you clear direction on what He wants you to do. What is your response? Did you say okay Lord or were you like Moses or me, telling the Lord every reason why you cannot do it? And man did I have a long list!

One thing that helped me was the final realization that God already knew my weaknesses. He knew that I was a shy person who didn't mind working for Him but wanted to do it in the background, among other things. But listen to what God says to Moses, '...go, and do as I have told you, I will help you speak well, and I will tell you what to say'. (v12) The same applies to us today. Whatever it is God is calling you to do, he will be right there with you. Ephesians 2:10 says, 'For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago'. That's good news ya'll. You might not like where your life is right now. You may feel inadequate or even unworthy for the calling God has placed on your life. Nevertheless, you were created to do the work of the Lord. This work God has called you to do will help you to grow, be a blessing to others and ultimately bring glory to God.

My challenge to you today - Stop and think about what work God is calling you to do. Before you start to tell God why you can't do it, let's try something different. First think about the evidence of God's power in your life. Let the record speak for itself and simply say, Yes Lord!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for creating me. I come to you today totally submitting myself to you. I want to be of service to you. Help me to realize that when I am weak, that is when you are strong. I surrender to the call you have on my life. (Be specific and state what that calling is) My heart's desire to please you. Replace my fear with faith for I know that without faith it is impossible to please you. In Jesus' Name Amen.

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