Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, April 26, 2010


One of the hardest things for me to do, at one point, was forgive. It's just wasn't natural - to forgive someone who had caused me so much pain. But I knew God instructed me to forgive and I wanted to be obedient to God so I asked Him for help. This was no easy task.

First let me start by saying that God wants us to come to him for help. If we could do things in and of ourselves then we wouldn't need God. But there are countless scriptures in the Bible that instruct us to bring our problems to him. So I sat down and had a long conversation with God telling him all the things that had happened and why I could not forgive. He led me to the story of Joseph. You know Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel. Joseph who was sold by his brothers, accused by Potiphar's wife, forgotten by the cup-bearer whom he had helped and then experienced seven long years of famine. Not one of these experiences were good. And if anyone had reason to hold a grudge or harbor a spirit of unforgiveness it was Joseph. (Read Genesis 50: 14 - 21) However when he came face to face with the very brothers that had done such a hateful deed Joseph responded with love.

So how do you move from an unforgiving spirit to a forgiving spirit? How do you move from bitterness to joy? You must ask God. Forgiveness is NOT a natural instinct. But when we are saved, we replace the old man with the new man. We replace our heart with the heart of our Heavenly Father. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to assist us. Harboring an unforgiving spirit is hindering you from your divine purpose. Not only must you ask God but you must actively let the other person know that you forgive them by showing them love, extending to them kindness. This was a struggle for me. I told the Lord, 'I'll forgive them but I'm not talking to them or allowing them back into my life'. But by not doing this I was not demonstrating a true spirit of forgiveness. And the real difficult moment came when He told me that I had to ask for forgiveness as well. What?!?! I hadn't done anything. Lord you know all the things this person did to me and yet I have to ask him/her for forgiveness. And the answer was a resounding YES!

I share this with you today because as I read the story of Joseph, the verse that always stands out in my mind is verse 20 - ' As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. (NLT) What good are you missing out on because you refuse to forgive? Ask God to help you to forgive that person and then actively let that person know you forgive them. When you do these things you have the assurance that God will turn your bitterness to joy. The day I made a conscious choice to forgive my life was forever changed. It allowed me to enjoy the very things God had planned for me. Ask yourself the question, 'Is forgiveness holding me back from my blessing?' If the answer is yes, then what are you going to do about it?

Dear Lord,

I confess my sins to you today. Thank you for forgiving me. I admit that forgiveness just does not come easy for me. I come to you asking for your help to forgive ______________(be specific). I know that I cannot do it by myself. My heart is still hurting and I admit I have found comfort in the pain. It shields me from allowing anyone else to hurt me. But I don't want it anymore. I ask you to 'create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me'. I believe that you are able. In Jesus' Name Amen.

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