Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Give Up

People are always telling me, Ramona don't give up. God is using you. Most of the time I want to scream back, Well let Him use someone else! Currently I am on a thirty day journey to become closer to God, to be more like Him. During this journey I had to take a look at my heart and contrast it to God's heart. Today I read I Corinthians 13. Now this is a familiar passage of scripture to most readers. "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or rude or proud, and so on. But what struck me the most this morning were the words - Love does not give up!

Life is not easy. In this life we will have to go thru trials and tribulations. Sometimes the burdens will be so difficult that we will want to give up but we don't have to. We have God and God is love and love does not give up. Stop for a moment to think right now if Jesus had given up and not died on the cross for our sins so we would have the right to eternal life. What kind of shape would you be in? I have this inner war with myself on some days that says it's just not that easy to love. Yes, I know what the Bible says but look at my life and all that I have fighting against me. And on top of all that Suzie is mean. Johnny hurt my feelings. Bobby takes me for granted. My daughter/son doesn't realize the sacrifices I have made. But I come to you today to say "Yes it is that easy." Galatians 6:9 says, "Do not get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time". What if God had given up on you?

Now don't get me wrong it does get tiresome to continue to love someone and do what is right and not receive that same kind of love in return, the same kind of thoughtfulness, the same kind of consideration. But who am I to point the finger? I don't always do what is right. If I stopped loving that person would they have any other real life example of God's love? Probably not. So I continue to love not because of what I am expecting in return but because God loves me. And in due season I will be blessed for it.

My challenge to you today is for you to take a close look at the relationships in your life. What person is it hardest for you to continue to love? I'm not speaking about your enemies but your spouse, your child, your sibling, your closest friend. Now ask God to transform your heart to be more like His. Ask Him to help you not to give up and believe that He will.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for being my true example of love. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I come to you today asking for help. I am having a difficult time continuing to love ___________________. It seems the more I love ___________ the more he/she continues to hurt me. Please help me to do what is right and be that light that shines for those around me. I know that in and of myself this task is difficult, but I know that with you all things are possible. Thank you for answering my prayer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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