Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Immediate Comfort

How many times have you been told that 'God knows best'. Accept where you are. Kind of like the old 1954 television sitcom, 'Father Knows Best' where in every episode there was a situation where if the children would have only listened to the instructions of Jim Sr. things would have been better. Reminds me of a chapter in Proverbs my parents made us memorize as children. The very first verse which read 'Here ye children the instruction of the Father and attend to know understanding'. (Proverbs 4:1) Another translation put is this way 'Sons, listen to [your] father's discipline, and pay attention in order to gain understanding'. (God's Word Translation)

Each and every trial we go through should provide us with a bit more wisdom. Things we can use ourselves in the future or that we can share with someone else to help them. Our only problem is that we don't listen, just like Jim Jr. in Father Knows Best. We want immediate comfort. I even heard a song on the radio the other day that said 'Get me out Jesus, get me out today'. As a matter of fact I myself just prayed this prayer not to long ago. I was having a very bad day. I checked the mail, nothing but bills. I opened the bills and checked my bank account. Things definitely did not add up and instead of trusting God I panicked. It wasn't just bills. The kids needed things. And I'm momma. I am the fixer of the family. It's what I say my mother do and many other women in my family. Women who helped their families out of tight spots. But this time I didn't have the answer. So I cried out to the Lord. Now mind you, how soon I had forgotten that God had carried my family through a period of about a year and a half on one salary. He had provided sunshine in cold, dry places. But all that went right out the window. All I could think was 'Get me out Jesus'!

I was in need of some immediate comfort. An umbrella from the pouring rain. A storm shelter in a tornado. A shade tree from the blazing sun. It could come in the form of an unexpected check in the mail or a call about my dream job. Neither one of these things happened. So what was a girl to do? First things first, Put Your Trust in God. I know that you have heard this a million times. Here I am saying it again, Trust God. Whatever it may be that you are asking God to do in your prayers, did you know that God is able to do so much more. And the even better thing about this fact is that what He is able to do is never wrong for you. So while I may have had in my mind what I wanted, God knew what I needed. The second thing is to 'Pay Attention'. There is a lesson in the storm. I know you may be crying out for immediate comfort but why not learn something that you can apply to other situations that may arise in your life. There may be correction and reproof but there is also love. You know, if there was sunshine in your life all the time there would come a time when you would get burned. God must provide some shade at times. Why do you think there are four seasons. Right now we are in winter. During my winter, because of God's divine revelation, I was made aware of some things that needed to die off in my life. People, bad habits, etc. When spring comes, because of the seeds that I have started to plant through daily time in the Word, regular fasting, private time in communion with God, things will begin to grow. I will then start to see some sunshine. The sunshine may not come in the form of an overflowing checking account (then again it might). It may simply come from a peace of mind knowing that everything will be alright if I just hold on. And then there is fall when I will receive my harvest. As my Pastor said just this week, "It is inevitable." This comes as a result of my sowing seeds to the Spirit. Now don't get me wrong, it would be wonderful to receive immediate comfort while in the eye of a storm. But that is not always the way God allows things to unfold. Whatever the circumstance you must trust Him.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I need Your Help. I don't always understand the path you have set out for me. Help me to trust You more in those areas of my life where I don't see any way out. Let me stand on Your promise that says, You know the plans you have for me. These are plans to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans to give me hope and a future. I will forever give Your name the praise. In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen.


  1. Ramona,
    I missed this from Friday, but in reading it, it reminds me that sometimes we are asking for the umbrella and shelter, yet not realizing it's still there. We ventured out from under His protection and then got caught out in the rain and storm. He hasn't moved. We have.

    We are like sheep (easily distracted and getting lost). We need to stick close to our shepherd so He can protect us.

  2. Michele,

    Your comments are right on track. Often times I know that it is me who wanders away. I am just so grateful that He never leaves me.

    Be blessed lady!
