Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, December 31, 2010

How Do You Measure Success?

What does New Year's  Day make you think about?  Does it give you hope about what is ahead of you?  Have you already spent time writing down your New Year's resolutions?  If so, I have a question for you.  Did you remember to include God?  For unless He is at the center of your life and all your decisions then you are setting yourself up for failure. After all, have you not learned that without God you can do nothing.  There is nothing wrong with setting goals, but did you remember to consult God and ask Him if your goals are in line with His plans.  'For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'---Jeremiah 29:11. 

How do you measure your successes?  Many of us will reach success by the world's standards but do they measure up to God's standards.  Man measures success by educational levels achieved, importance of a job performed, amount of money earned, the quality and quantity of things that money can buy— such as clothes, a car, and a house as well as an abundance of food and delicacies on the dining room table— and, even by the woman on his arm: beautiful, perfectly formed to the eye, and possessing an impressive background.  Do you even know how God measures success?

When thinking about this question God led me to Noah.  Most of the time when we think of Noah we think  of the flood.  But why was Noah chosen?  The answer is found in Genesis 6:9.  '...Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation.  Noah walked with God'.  Noah had found favor in the eyes of God.  His favor had nothing to do with his good works or what he possessed.  Noah believed in God.  He believed that He was the Creator and Savior of the world.  The fact that he was considered righteous meant he lived by God's righteous standards.  He was not perfect.  He simply recognized his need to be a better person and that could only come through a righteous God.  He was blameless, again not meaning perfect.  This meant that he made every attempt to live a sincere and upright in his heart and life.  These two facts set him apart from others in the eyes of God.  And that is the only thing that matters.  How many of us fight so hard to achieve success in the eyes of man?  But what is it costing us?  We are taught to get ahead by any means necessary. We neglect our families in the name of 'I have to work to provide'.  But where is the love?  How many toes have you stepped on to drive that pretty car or live in that neighborhood?  Should you have said yes to that promotion that means your children may see you a few hours a week?  And now they want you to travel on Sundays and you have to miss church? On top of all this, how much quality time do you get to spend with God?  The fact that Noah walked with God reminds me of Enoch.  It meant that he walked according to his will and his way.  He placed God at the center and consulted Him about everything.  This did not mean that he didn't slip up sometimes but he knew where his help came from.  He enjoyed spending time in communion with the Almighty.  Before you sit down and make a long list of goals for this next year, stop and ask God where He wants your focus to be?  In what ways can you be a better witness for Him? Let Him know you want to love better and forgive more.  Ask for help being a better man, woman, husband, wife, brother, sister, son, daughter, friend.  God measures our success by how faithful we are at doing the things he requires of us.  It's all found in His Word.  Although we may treat it as a book of suggestions, it is not.  It holds the guidelines for a successful life.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

As I embark upon a new year, Lord I come to You first wanting to say thank you for keeping me in 2010.  Thank you for Your grace and Your mercy.  Thank You for Your Word.  Help me to use it for its intended purpose.  Let it be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway.  Help me to hide it in my heart during this new year so that I can use it as a resource and as guidance in every decision.  Forgive me for all of my sins.  Help me to love as You love and to forgive as You forgive.  Help me to look past my own shortcomings in order that I may become the person You created me to be.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 


  1. Ramona:

    I really enjoy your writing it has been a blessing to me just keep doing what you do .

  2. Thank you. I am glad that you have been blessed.
