Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No Accidents

Reflection means taking a look at the good as well as the bad.  With 2010 now coming to a close, many of you may be taking a look at goals you have set that have been accomplished or resolutions that you made that were broken.  It may have you a tad bit down.  My encouragement for you today is not to give up on your dreams.  It always helps me to remember that even when I set out with the best intentions, God may have something else in mind.  You have not failed.  God's purpose for your life will ultimately be fulfilled.  You must simply stay focused on Him and keep rejoicing for though our worldly plans have not prospered, let us not be discouraged; what the Lord has prepared for us is something far better.

I am reminded of the story of Saul before he was anointed to be the next king of God's people.  Saul went out simply to look for donkeys and while on his way met Samuel who took him on a detour from what he thought his purpose was to the purpose God had planned for him. When you have time read the entire ninth chapter of I Samuel.  There are a couple of verses I want to focus on. 

And Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the portion I gave you, of which I said to you, 'Put it aside.'"  So the cook took up the leg and what was on it and set them before Saul.  And Samuel said, "See, what was kept is set before you.  Eat, because it was kept for you until the hour appointed, that you might eat with the guests."  So Saul ate with Samuel that day.  (I Samuel 9:23-24)

You may not understand what these verses have to do with you so let me break it down to you.  The first thing is that your blessing has been put aside in advance just for you. There is nothing anybody can do to stop this, including you.   Even though you may have set out on a completely different path one day you will eat your right portion at a table that has been prepared just for you.  Yes you may have had to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.  But no need to fear because through it all the Lord, who is your Shepherd, has been with you all along.  In the presence of your enemies he has been preparing a table for you.  Let them hate on you and laugh when it seems that everything is going bad for you.  Just continue to say to yourself that 'at the hour appointed', you will eat at the table.  Just like Saul it may appear that the route taken to get you to your divine destination was by accident, but I contend that there are no accidents for the children of God.  He knows exactly what is best for you and your ultimate purpose which is to give glory to God.  Now is not the time to walk around with a defeatist attitude.  It is not the time to be discouraged.  Now is the time to get excited about the bright future that is ahead of you.  'For it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. (I John 3:2)

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this day.  Thank You for the realization that Your delay does not mean Your denial.  I thank You for those doors that You have closed as well as those that You have opened.  Thank you for the protection You provide for me every day and the table You have prepared for me in the presence of mine enemies.  Help me to see the purpose You have for my life in both the good and the bad things that happen.  Help me to understand that there are no accidents and that all things that take place are so that You can get the glory out of my life.  In Jesus' Most Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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