Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I haven't always been the best decision maker.  I have to admit that I let my emotions control a lot of my decisions.  I have made decisions in anger.  I have made decisions in lust that I thought was love.  I have made decisions when I was discouraged or depressed.  During each and every one of these times I didn't stop and consult the Lord.  I didn't think about any one else's feeling and the result was total disaster.  The scripture tells us in James 1:5,  'If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you'.  My problem was that I really didn't think I was lacking in anything.  I actually thought that I was capable of making each and every one of those decisions on my own. Boy, was I wrong.

The truth of the matter is most of the time I  don't have the faintest idea what to do when it comes to making a major decision about my life.  Do I stay or do I go?  Is this the job I should take or is there something else coming up in the near future that would be a better fit for me?  Is this the mate you have sent for me or am I being controlled by the lusts of the flesh?  I know I got myself into this mess Lord but I need You to get me out.  What steps do I need to take?  How do I make  things right?  I am sure that I could take each on of these scenarios and use the brain God gave me and make a decision. But when I fail to seek the Lord I  am relying on my own understanding.  And don't get me started on matters of the heart. That is definitely where I haven't always made the right decision. It seems to be the area where I think I know everything.  After all I am the one feeling what I am feeling.  Sometimes I didn't consult Him because I knew He would ask me "What was I doing?", allowing myself to become caught up in something that was going no where just because I didn't want to be alone.  Other times I didn't consult Him because I was comfortable living in my bitterness and anger, not wanting to forgive.  Truth be told I didn't want to give God the opportunity to work it out.  I was right and the other person was wrong.  I ignored the times He told me to be silent and just pray.  I blatantly disobeyed when He told me to forgive.  Not to mention the times that I just wanted a quick solution and God was taking too long.  My goal is to take whatever is the quickest route to get me out of the situation I am in.  It doesn't matter at the time if I am only making matter worse.  All that matters is that my anxiety is calmed down for the moment.  I always look back and wonder how things might have turned out differently if I had just taken that moment to pray and wait for clear direction from the Lord. 

James 1:5 not only tells us to ask for wisdom but it also says that God will give it freely.  That means even after I have jumped in feet first not bothering to pray, getting myself into one big mess after another, God will give me the answers that I need to get out of the mess or the answers that I need to make it through the mess. All I have to do is ask Him. If the situation seems to hard for you to bear, then usually it is.  That is why you must turn it over to Jesus and let Him work it out.  Ask Him for guidance and direction.  Once you ask Him, then wait on Him to answer.  The wisdom that He gives is like no other.  Sometimes the insight is just simply God letting you know that it is not as bad as it seems. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Today I need your help with the things that are troubling me.  Decisions that I need to make.  I ask You now for the wisdom to make the right decision.  I don't want to lean on my own understanding. I see where that has gotten me in the past and it was not a beautiful place.  Help me to be obedient to what You want me to do in every situation.  I thank You for hearing my prayer and granting my request.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Ramona:

    The situation do not look the best But God will work it out.
