Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Key to Success

I would love it if I could just lay my textbooks under my pillow and the information inside of them would just flow to my brain and I would be ready to write all my papers and take all my tests.  However, it doesn't work that way.  I have to spend countless hours, reading and studying, writing it down and quizzing myself so that when test day comes I am fully aware of what it says because my goal is to make an 'A' on every test.  I have seen the results when I follow these steps and I have also seen the results when my mind is distracted and I don't spend enough time studying.  Man, does this relate to life's tests that I must face daily.  Instead of me spending quality time in the Word, reading and studying, writing it down, memorizing it so that I am prepared for battle, here I am finding so many other things to occupy my mind and my time.  Not only that, if I do take some time out of my day to read God's Word, it's done more out of duty, rather than what is God trying to say to me.  How is this applicable to my life today? 

I was reading today in the book of Joshua after the death of Moses when he was commissioned to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land.  There in the first chapter where He gives Joshua very specific instructions on where to go, telling Him to be strong and courageous.  Letting him know that through it all He would be with Him.  But that's not the part that caught my attention.  It was verse 8 that says, 'This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success'.  The Bible is not a book for you to pick up on Sunday's only.  It is meant to be a part of your daily routine. The type of commitment written in this verse calls for a sacrifice. It would be easy to spend just five or ten minutes here or there if you are only looking for minimal results.  As I tell my son, "if the best grade you want is a 'C' then you will put forth a minimal effort.  However, if you are looking to achieve greatness, which is inside of you, then you will put forth an 'A' effort.  You have the all the tools you need.  You have the textbook.  You have the teacher at your disposal if you need a little extra guidance.  Therefore, you have no excuse."  The same rules apply to us as Christians.  The Word of God is our spiritual food and it is there to prepare us for the things in life we have to face.  We have no excuse not to be ready.  Knowing the Word of God helps us to 'be strong and courageous', ready for anything that Satan has to throw your way.  I don't know about you but it never fails that I can find so many things to do when it is time for me sit down and read the Word, including my classwork.  I remember the reason I started writing was because I had gotten away from this very basic principle.  I had stopped reading my Word on a regular basis.  I was neglecting my prayer life.  And because of this I was experiencing a major void.  I was searching for answers in all the wrong places.  It's easy to do.  I even remember at one point in my life when I was filling up my time with church activities as a substitute for quality time in the Word.  We all have busy lives with people around us making demands of our time. We meet those demands.  We run all over town, taking our kids, supporting our spouse, serving on this committee and that committee but let us not forget the most important thing that we should never neglect and that is 'communion with God'.  The more we come to know His Word, the more we come to know the heart and mind of God.  The more our reflection starts to look like His.  The less we worry about things that God has under control. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

My Savior.  My Deliverer.  Prince of Peace.  Mighty God.  Thank you for Your Word.  Thank you for the wisdom that it holds.  Help me to be more diligent in my reading and studying of it.  Help me not to take it for granted.  Let me hide it in my heart so that I won't sin against thee.  Make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.  Help me to know that when I am searching for the answer to life's problems, I need look no further than to You.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen.

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