Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Give It To Jesus

Many times we find ourself in hopeless situations, one's in which we cry out to the Lord in desperation.  We tell him about how afraid we are that things will not get better.  We tell Him how confused we are about why this is happening to us in the first place.  We tell Him how hurt we are that the situation has not turned out the way we though that it would. Your prayer may be similar to that of Moses when he cried out in despair and anguish in Numbers 11:11-15.  Moses was exhausted, frustrated, on the edge of a breakdown.  Or your prayer may be similar to Elijah when he was running for his life in I Kings 19:3-5.  He was so tired and so depressed that he told the Lord that he had enough and to just take his life.  And what about David when he cried out in Psalms 13, "How long?"  Just look at all of these great men of God, chosen by Him to do great things but at this very moment they had lost it.  A moment of insanity.  But at the end of the day when they finished crying out to the Lord, relieving that heavy load they had been carrying around, reality settled in. 

That reality is what we as Christians have, that others don't have, and that is hope.  I know that your outlook might not look optimistic right now.  I understand that the bottom line of your bank account may not line up with the bills you have to pay each month. It's time to turn that complaining around and rely on the confidence we have in serving a risen Saviour.  We are not to grieve as those who have no hope. (I Thess. 4:13)  It is time to make that turn, shifting our focus to Jesus.  Saying like David said in Psalms 13:5-6, "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.  I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me."  Could it be that the key to our success in the future is trusting in the things God has done for us in the past.  I believe that is the only time that it is okay to look back.  It is, however, not okay to look back wishing that we had the life we had before Christ because there is no future in that at all.  It's okay to bring God your concerns, your frustrations, your anxiety, your fears...all those things that are weighing you down.  But when you have cried your last tear and uttered the last words of your pray, then the time should come where you tell the Lord that I trust you no matter what. 

It is through prayer that we turn our problems in the direction of the Lord, the One who can help us.  We reassure ourselves of God's faithfulness.  And be honest!  God knows what you are feeling.  He tells us to 'Come all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me... for my yoke is easy and my burdens are light'.  (Matthew 11:28-30)  When you are honest in your prayers you open up a dialogue with God.  You are now facing in the right direction to see the compassion He has for you.  You can see the desire He has to lift your heavy load and replace it with peace, joy and happiness.  An intimacy between you and the Almighty has formed.  When you release your burdens then you are able to receive all that God has for you.  Stop carrying it all on your shoulders and give it to God.  He can handle it.  He is standing there waiting.  If Moses, Elijah and David could do it, so can we. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father, 

Things are just not going as I had planned.  There is trouble all around me.  How much longer am I going to have to suffer?  Lord I need you to silence the negative thoughts in my head, the ones that try to consume me.  I am in need of your peace that passes all understanding.  Even in the midst of my suffering I trust You Lord and I know that everything is going to be alright. I thank You in advance because I know my deliverance is on the way.  In Jesus Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Ramona:

    Give It To Jesus

    That what I am going to do
