Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Labor Pains

I find myself right in the middle of a personal crisis. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse...they do. Can my faith be tested any more? When do I get a break? I am trying to hold on? At this point I don't know if I can. Man, does life throw you your own set of curve balls? One right after the other. Do you realize that Jesus told His disciples that it was going to get worse before it gets better?  Read Matthew 24.  Jesus begin to describe some of things that would take place after He left the earth.  None of these things sounded too great.  In fact, most of these things would be devastating.  But Jesus was preparing them. He even told them not to be alarmed by the things that they would experience.  Don't be alarmed?!?! You mean when thing go from bad to worse.  Is He talking about when you have a series of storms all wrapped up in one major storm?  Is He talking about when you can't even remember when things were normal?  I believe He was.  But He still told them not to be alarmed.  'See that you are not troubled'. (v6)  He went on to tell them 'such things must happen, but the end is still to come.' (v6)

Now I can only imagine what the disciples were thinking as they were sitting there listening to Jesus.  I know what I would have been thinking.  "You mean that I already have to be without you and now you are telling me that I am going to have to experience some of the worse days I have ever seen.  You have got to be kidding."  That is what my life seems like some days.  Like there is no end in sight to the storm.  It is as though it is going to rain for days.  How could things be worse?  But I'm your child.  How could you allow such things to happen? I can imagine Him saying, 'But they must my child, it's part of the process.  It is all so that I can be glorified'.  I love the way that He ends this statement though, with some hope.  He tells them that the end is still to come.  And we all know what the end is, don't we? That is the day the trumpet shall sound and I will be caught up to meet my Saviour.  The wicked will cease their troubling. The weary shall be at rest.  All the saints of the ages shall sit at His feet and be blessed.  Are you shouting yet?  He is telling us that even as bad as it will get (and it will get bad), there is an end in sight.  One that will be glorious!  I can barely contain myself right now. 

As I was reading this I thought about the progression of childbirth.  I was so ecstatic when I found out I was expecting.  Then the morning sickness came.  My feet begin to swell up.  I couldn't sleep.  I had severe headaches.  The closer I got to giving birth, the more discomfort I felt.  Then came the Braxton Hicks, false labor. I remember one night having them so bad that I just wanted to die.  It couldn't get any worse than this.  But oh my goodness it did!  Labor!  Contractions that were so bad that I think I almost squeezed my friend's hand off.  I had never felt such pain.  But I couldn't go back now. The end was in sight.  And that is what I am hear to tell you.  Things will get worse.  You may not want to hear that but don't be discouraged.  You are not alone.  God is in your corner.  He is on your side.  Your days may be dark...darker than they have ever been.  I believe that there is a purpose behind your pain.  It is so God will be glorified.  Your situation may be such that people around you may be telling you that it will never get any better.  They may be kin to Job's friends.  But I tell you, don't listen to them.  Who would you rather have on your side?  I choose God.  He can give you strength in your storm.  Courage in your crisis.  Power during your persecution.  He is able to do all that and so much more.  Just have faith.  Believe.  Trust that His way is the only way.  Stay focused.  Don't be alarmed!  A great and glorious end is in sight!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for reminding me that I am never alone,  no matter how dark the day may get.  I must confess that I don't like the fact that things may get even more worse than they are now, but I have faith that you will see me through.  I am going to keep my eyes on the prize.  I am going to continue to be obedient to your Word.  I know that my strength is in You.  I will continue to trust You.  I love you Lord.  In Jesus' Name Amen.


  1. Ramona:

    Please that is what I needed today I hear from my paster yesterday He was talking about the discouragement,Nehemiah 7. That hold and you today I going to have chuch up in this office

  2. We all become discouraged but rest assured that God never fails. He will always make good on His Word. Continue to trust Him.
