Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In Your Presence

I have found that the place I love to be the most is in the presence of the Lord.  In this place, my every thought is on the greatness of the Lord. I acknowledge Him for who He is and what He has done.  My most fondest memories are not when I am in panic mode and begging Him to meet some need but when I am truly just meditating on the awesomeness of God.  I look forward to the morning when He awakens me and I begin to pray and thank Him for waking me up this morning.  For granting my family and I protection.  It is at this time that my anticipation for the great things God is going to do for me is at it's highest.  I have no thought of what may have occurred the day before. I am just so amazed that God has given me another chance to praise His name.  To magnify Him.  To glorify Him.  This is such an awesome time for me.  My soul yearns to be with the Lord.  Even on my weary days, I can come to a place of peace of joy.

We should all desire to be in the presence of the Lord at all times.  Meditating on His Word all day and all night.  No matter where you are or what the situation, it is always a right time to worship Him.  It's like the Psalmist said in the 84th chapter...'How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!  My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord.  My heart and my flesh sing joy to the living God'...(v1-2)
Every thought he had was about the goodness of God.  It's like that craving I get for a peach cobbler every now and then except it is all the time.  That peach cobbler might not always be good for my health, but the presence of God is always good for me.  As I walk through the valley, at my lowest point, I can still feel as though I am on the mountaintop.  As I walk through my valley, I fear no evil.  God is with me and that is enough said. As I am walking through my valley, I am talking to Him.  Keeping Him abreast of every detail of my life.  As I am walking and my body becomes weary, I still anticipate what God is going to do and I receive strength from the Lord.  Those that walk past me that may know my life story may not understand, so I stop by and share with them about the goodness of Jesus.  I give them a little encouragement.  I let my little light shine.  Everywhere I go, I let my little light shine. 

A lot of us are looking for happiness in all the wrong places.  All those things provide temporary happiness at best.  Your spouse may let you down.  Your best friend may let you down.  Your job can let you down. You house can get destroyed and your car repossessed. But I stopped by to tell you today, that there is One that sticks closer than any brother.  He is able to provide a joy that doesn't fade with circumstance and a peace that the average human can't even understand.  Take a journey through the Bible and read about the attributes of God. The next time you are sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, I dare you to just raise Your hands.  Just start to say the name Jesus.  I dare you.  Learn to live in His presence.  God is constant.  He never changes and His love never fails.  In God's Presence, that's where I always want to be. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father, 

The One who knows everything there is to know about me and loves me anyway.  You are my Healer.  My Provider. My Protection.  Worthy of glory and honor.  I love you Lord. There is no one like You.  I invite You into my heart, my mind, my soul as a permanent fixture.  How lovely is Your dwelling place. Thank You for Your Word.  Teach me the way you want me to live.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in they sight O God for you are my strength and my Redeemer.  Speak to my heart.  If there is anything that is not like You Lord, please take it away.  I will forever give You all the praise. In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.