Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Way of Escape

Do you realize how many times you are tempted throughout your day?  Every day, several times a day we are tempted to sin.  You see, even though we are saved, we must remember that we are sinners saved by grace.  Doing the right thing in different situations is a choice we make.  But the scripture tells us that “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” (1Corinthians 10:13)  And once again we are shown that God has not left us out there all by ourselves. 

Sinning comes natural for us.  We were born into sin but as Christians our decisions should be different.  I remember sending my son off to middle school and I always used to tell him when I would leave to go to work...'make good choices'.  As a parent I had instilled in him what was necessary for him to know right from wrong but the final decision was up to him.  I could not be there with him every minute of the day but I had taught him.  God, on the other hand, has left His Holy Spirit to be with us every minute of the day.  He is that small voice that tells you, "Let it go.  Don't cuss him out." "Tell the truth."  "Yes he/she is fine but you are not married."  Those are just a few things.  I am sure that you have your own list. 

So how do we combat the temptation we face?  The scripture above tells us that God gives an escape method along with the temptation.  What is that escape method?  It is the Word of God.  Remember when Satan tempted Jesus, what was His response.  He fought back with the Word.  That is why it is important to hide His Word in your heart.  Psalms 119:11 talks about this very thing.  We are all taught to pray but how much more effective would our prayers be if we prayed the scripture.  I have heard some preachers say that this is using God's word against Him.  I don't believe that is the correct way of looking at that.  When we pray His Word we are headed in the same direction as God.  The better way to say it is that this is using God's Word in conjunction with Him.  He wants us to know the Word.  It should be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  But we don't spend nearly enough time in the Word. If you are like me it's more about my favorite television shows, Facebook, the internet in general, the Wii.  I am not saying that any of this things are bad but if they keep you from spending time in the Word and with God then there is a problem with priorities. 

I have learned that the decisions that we make affect not only our today but our tomorrow.  Just think about it.  That lie you told or that man or woman you slept with,  those cuss words you said around your children who just repeated you, those times you missed church because you partied too hard the night before. What about the time you spend on the computer instead of in the Word, what about the times you chose your love of money over common decency by stepping on your co-workers toes to get that promotion or to kiss up to your boss.  Temptation comes in various forms.  Let me break this down for you.  Let's look at the definition of the word 'tempt'.  To try to get (someone) to do wrong, especially by a promise of reward. 2. To be inviting or attractive to.  You see sin looks good.  It comes in the very form that will get you.  My temptation may not be your temptation, but we are all tempted. The question of the day is how will you handle the next time you are tempted.  Will you pull from God's resources to help you or will you give in? My prayer is that you allow God to lead you away from whatever is tempting you. 

Dear Lord, 

Every where I turn there are things of this world that tempt me.  I have to be honest when I say some of these things feel good at the moment and are so attractive to my human eye.  I read in Your Word that you have made a way of escape for me.  I need to use that escape route more and look to you when I am tempted.  Please help me.  I know that I can do it because you have given me the wherewithal to do it.  Thank you once again for caring enough about me not to leave me in my sinful condition and giving me what is necessary to stay away from that sinful nature.  I am eternally grateful.  In Jesus' Name Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Ramona:


    What a word you are talking to me, keep writing
    I love it.
