Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, August 20, 2010


Today I was reminded of a very simple fact....'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God'.  If it had not been for the grace of God where would I be.  Grace used to be a very confusing concept for me.  It is not that I didn't know what it meant. Grace is God's unmerited, unearned favor.  The confusing part for me was how could God just give me grace.  It seemed more logical that grace should be something that one has to earn.  In fact I remember a time when I tried to earn God's grace by what I did. But that is when I had to step aside and put on my divine thinking cap and meditate on who God is.  If grace could only be earned by what I did then what would happen when I decided to stop doing those works.  What would happen when my old sinful nature crept in and I did something that was not very becoming of a child of God.  Would God then stop providing grace to me?  That is when things finally clicked.  I figured out that we are saved by grace through faith, not as a result of works, but "to" works.  Good works should be a result of our salvation. 

God did not save me just for me to sit over in my little corner of the world and not be a witness for Him. That is why I write. It is never about me. It is always about the God in me. I am but a filthy rag, so full of sin I disgust myself. But one day I heard about a man named Jesus. He touched me to my soul and I made the decision to accept Him as my personal Lord and Saviour. At that moment sin did not just up and leave my body. However, it was at that moment I had options. Before Christ, I was condemned to die a horrible death. I had no one to help me through my problems. That is why I serve Him. you have any idea where your life would be without God. I hate to even think about it. Yet there are some of us who brag and boast as if it is all about us. I like the way John MacArthur put it when he said that 'human achievement has no place in the divine working of God's saving grace'. We are who we are because God SO loved us.  Grace is God's provision. That provision should take us to our place of purpose in preparation to meet our Saviour face to face.  This gift of grace is better than any gift you will ever receive.  It's better than any gift of money, diamond ring or fancy car.  All those things will fade away. 

Every day I take a good look in the mirror and I ask myself do I like what I see?  I'm not talking about my outward appearance.  It is about more than that.  It is time out for playing church and just talking the talk.  We say all the time...if He never does anything else, He's already done enough.  That statement is more true than you think.  When God saved us and gave us the gift of grace, He did so much. He didn't hand us a checklist and say once you have completed these things then I will save you.  He just did it.  We shouldn't let a day go by that we don't thank God for saving us.  God stooped down for us and yet we sit down on Him.  It's time out for that. God wants to take us to a level of usability.  He did His part when He sent His Son.  Now will you do yours?  There is no excuse. 

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your grace.  I especially thank you because you designed it so that I don't have to earn it. You gave it to me as a gift.  I confess that I have taken my gift for granted and even had the nerve to talk about how good of a person I am.  I know now that it is not I but the Christ who lives in me.  My life has not always been a reflection of the change you have made in my life, the fact that your blood washed away my sins.  But no more.  Lord for the rest of my life, I'm going to serve you in everything that I do.  Never again do I want to take my gift for granted.  I am so grateful for your gift of grace.  Help me to be the person you want me to be of service for You. In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 



  2. Kan-D,

    And the best thing about it is that we don't do anything to earn it!

  3. GRACE

    If it was not for God Grace what would we do
    keep writing I love it
