Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Reflecting on the Goodness of the Lord

I just have to pause for a moment and say "Thank you Lord for everything you have done for me." 

Have you ever had a moment where you just had to stop because you were so overwhelmed with the goodness of the Lord?  When you just sit back and think about all the things He has protected you from and all the things He has blessed you with.  I know, as people, we are always so quick to talk about what we don't have and what we want.  I was just having this conversation with my children about how all their needs are provided for and yet and still they are quick to complain about something or stick their lips out when I ask them to do something around the house and I get so tired of it.  But then I am quickly reminded that is how I do the Lord because I am always wanting more.  I don't stop first to look around me and thank Him for that which He has already done.  As Christians we say things that have become so cliche, it's like we take them for granted.  Things like, He has protected us from dangers seen and unseen.  Sometimes we can see Satan coming a mile off.  Other times He is behind us or on the side of us in our blind spot and we don't see him as clear.  That's when those angels that are protecting us daily step in.  We say things like "Thank you for the air I breathe."  But do we actually stop to realize that someone didn't get up that very morning.  What about the fact that He causes the sun, moon and stars to shine.  He could have decided to keep us in darkness.  I know He gets frustrated when we don't follow His direction.  Not following the Lord's direction is walking around as though we are in darkness.  Think about what He said in John 8:12, "I am the Light of the world.  So if you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path."  Now those are just a few things we say in our prayers or in our talks with others.  But what about the days we get up and don't tell Him thank you at all.  We might mumble through a quick prayer but we don't truly take the time to give Him the praise He so rightly deserves.  I don't know about you, but I know I could be worse off.  He could have chosen not to send His son to save us.  He could have just left us in our sin.  But PRAISE GOD He didn't!!!!  Yes, we could all find something to complain about.  Yes, there are days we feel like this is too much.  Why does it seem like I'm always struggling or something is always happening.  But what good would that do?  We all have to bear our cross. cross, no crown.  Why not make the decision today to take a good look around you and thank him daily for His blessings.  Every time you start to complain, take a deep breath, look outside, look in your refrigerator.  Check on the internet for the unemployment rates.  Look at the obituary section of the newspaper.  We are blessed!! That is why I serve Him.  That is why I strive daily to be better in my walk not just my talk.  It's all in vain if my walk doesn't match my talk.  Let's replace our complaining with praise!  God delights in the praises of His people. 

Dear Lord,

Thank you!  You are so worthy of my praise.  You have done so much for me.  Even when I am in the midst of the storm you never stop protecting me, looking out for me and providing for me.  I know that I always have my hand out.  Most of the time I am looking for you to do more but Lord if you never do anything else, you have already done enough.  I love you Lord and I praise you!  In Jesus' Name Amen.


  1. Ramona:

    My son and I was having this same conversation
    And I was telling him about school.An how you should save your money.And how the lord just open up the door for you and if he do not do anything else He already did enough. What are you going to do for the Lord

  2. You are so right! We are to be of service while we are here on the earth...working out our salvation. It's not always about what God has done for us...He did enough when He saved us.
