Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

To Live Is Christ!

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phillippians 1:22

What powerful words with such great meaning!  There are millions of quotes out there today but I have to say this is one of my favorite.  Even though I am striving to be like Jesus there are many people, both dead and alive who are great Christian role models.  Paul is one of them.  He summed up his life in these twelve words.

You see, Paul believed that serving God was the most important thing in his life.  It didn't matter what was going on in his life at the time. At the time he wrote this verse, he was in prison.  But he never forgot about God.  He didn't feel sorry for himself or blame God for where he was.  Instead he stayed on course.  He continued writing to the church, preaching the Good News of Jesus.  I applaud Paul because I know when I was going through there were a few Sundays I didn't think about church.  I was still praying sometimes but I had become so disillusioned with 'church folk'.  I eventually came to the realization my attention was misplaced.  I had started focusing on the people instead of focusing on God and there were some mean people out there.  The more I prayed, however, the more God begin to speak to my spirit reminding me that it was all about Him.  I remember praying that God would just take me on up to heaven to be with Him.  I was tired of life.  It was at this moment I was reminded of my purpose...serving Him.  My life (the good, the bad and the ugly) was to be used to glorify God and I needed to remember that.  Even though I was aware of what was prepared for me in heaven, God still had work for me to do.  It wasn't up to me to determine how and when He used me.  And at this time in my life I realized that God could even use my pain. 

I have said this many times.  Our human nature is such that we are people watchers.  It is nice to have the Bible and all the heroes of faith but it is even better to see God's power in someone we can actually sit down and talk to and ask them how they made it.  To see that person still serving God and praising His name.  When you know what it is that they have been through, it does something to your faith.  It let's you know that you can make it.  I believe that every Christian needs to find their gift.  There is not one of us that God does not want to use.  And our service is not just on Sunday morning it is in our every day life.  It's when life beats you down and tries to knock you out.  It is in those moments when we still need to stand.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not telling you to become disillusioned and not recognize your pain. What I am saying to you is to realize God's power.  'For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure'. Philippians 2:13  Bottom line...He has it all under control.  The question of the day is...Will you serve Him through everything?  We all want to get to heaven some day but there is know need to rush it.  Why not make the most of our journey by serving God in everything we do?  A lot of people want to be known for many different things. I want to be known as a child of God, one who did all she could towards glorifying His kingdom. What about you?

Dear Lord,

Every day I am learning the importance of serving you.  I am learning to put self aside and following the leading of the Holy Spirit.  I know that I am not all that I should be but I am striving to be all that you would have me to be.  Help me not to look at people but to keep my eyes focused on you.  Help me to always remember that my reward is in heaven and not here on earth so while I am here my purpose should be to glorify your kingdom.  In Jesus' Name Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Ramona:

    To Live Is Christ

    That what I am keeping my eye focused on you
    and you are so right men will let you down.But
    God will no Just keep writing you are really blessing me.I love it
