Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mind Control

'Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things'.  Philippians 4:8

I tried so hard to move away from this thing of dealing with the mind but God wouldn't let me.  I sat today and thought of all the things that I allow to take up space in my mind.  All of the things that are not close to being true, noble, right, lovely and admirable.  Some of the things I am thinking of were definitely not excellent or praiseworthy.  I thought about the times I sat and allowed one sister to gossip about another sister, never saying a word and listening as if in agreement.  Mind you, we were all supposed to be friends.  I recall the times I repeated things that I had no idea if they were true or not.  I remember the times I was angry and had revengeful thoughts.  So many other things that will remain between me and God.  I have since had to ask for forgiveness from God and the individual.  This is just my personal story.  The point I am trying to make is that we should always guard our minds.  You know the saying...You are what you eat. This kind of works the same way.  All things should be done to glorify the kingdom of God.

You are in control of what you take in.  No one else but you.  So...what is true?  What is noble?  What is right?  What is pure?  What is lovely?  What is admirable?  I know one thing that fits the bill for all of these things and that is the Word of God!  You can't go wrong there.  Am I saying only read the Bible or only listen to Christian music or only read Christian authors.  Not at all.  But think about it.  If your ratio is 20:80...with the 20 percent being the things listed above and the 80 percent being junk, what is the result going to be?  It's about mind control.  If the only time you open your Bible is church on Sunday, you might have a hard time thinking pure thoughts the other six days of the week.  There are so many things that are distractions to the Christian and we are quick to fill up our schedule with them.  But when we do this are we letting our light shine so that others might see Jesus through us?  If our thoughts are filled with the Word and wisdom from the Father, are we as quick to fly of the handle when someone upsets us.  Don't get me wrong, I know this is a process.  But it should be 'perfect progress'.  We should always be moving forward.  Not looking back.  As we draw closer to God, He draws near to us.  We begin to look more like Him.  Is that your desire?  Truth be told, there are many Christians who will be happy with doing the bare minimum.  It doesn't bother them much when they make a mistake or disappoint God but I pray that those of you who read this today are not one of them.  My prayer is that you want a closer walk with God, that you desire to be  more like Him.  That you can say the things I used to do, I don't do anymore.  My Pastor preached a sermon many years ago that I still listen to frequently that was titled...'IT IS POSSIBLE!' That is what I want to say to you today, my brother and my sister.  It is possible!  You can make the decision to guard your mind and think on the things Paul talked about in the fourth chapter of Philippians.  Just as I tell my children whenever they tell me something is hard or they can't do something.  I ask them what does the Bible say about that.  And there response is...I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.  So can you!

Dear Lord,

Mind control has not been my strong point.  I am guilty of letting all kinds of things into my mind.  I am declaring today...NO MORE!  Lord,  I want my thoughts to be filled with whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and whatever is admirable.  No longer will I allow my mind to be filled with gossip, jealousy, rage (fill in the blank with your own).  I want to have the mind of Christ.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.


  1. Sister, EXCELLENT WORD!!! Thanks so much for allowing God to use you and thanks for sharing. This is so needed fir such a time as this.. Love you!!
    Shelly C.

  2. Shelly, Thank you. I am blessed to be a vessel. Love you too!

  3. Ramona:

    That was AWESOME I love it
