Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, July 12, 2010

God as a Resource

One of the hardest things for a person to deal with is the loss of a loved one.  As I have sat everyday with a dear friend of mine and talked to comfort her in the loss of her father there were some things she said that made me think of God as a resource for everything.  I didn't have all the right words to say but I knew where I could get the words from. I also knew the One who could  her; the only problem is that we don't always utilize that resource.  We tend to want to stand in our own strength.  The question I want to pose today is why don't we utilize our resource?

God has everything we need all we have to do is ask.  He may have given us earthly beings to help supply those needs but don't you know that they are agents of God.  A father is the closest resemblance of God.  He does everything he can to make sure that we never go without.  And just like our Heavenly Father, there are times when we do not heed the wisdom given to us.  We go off on our own, once we graduate from school, and make our own attempt at being grown.  All along our Heavenly Father is sitting back and watching and waiting to meet any need that we may have. Sometimes he steps in when we don't ask.  In talking to my friend she kept repeating over and over again that she did not want to feel the pain.  My response to her was that you don't have too.. Lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus ask Him to take the pain away. All He was waiting on was for her to ask. Whatever situation you may be going through, God is waiting for you to give it to Him and use your resource.  Think of it this way...what is you broke your leg and you could walk but only with a crutch.  Wouldn't you want to use that crutch until your leg healed and you could stand on your own?  That is the same way our God is.  He is our resource and their to meet all of our needs.  Most of the time we only look to Him for our physical needs when we should look to Him for our physical needs as well.  I challenge you this week as different things come up in your life, use your resource.  He's ready, willing and able to fix it for you.

Dear Lord,

I am so lost right now and the pain seems unbearable.  I need you to come and take the pain away.  I know that I don't always see you as a God that can handle my emotional needs but today is a new day, and I am asking that you help to heal my broken heart.  I know that you can.  I believe that you will.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 


  1. Ramona


  2. Thank you very much. I am simply following the direction of the Lord.
