Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Trust and Believe

Life isn't necessarily good, matter of fact some days have been really bad and yet you cannot deny the fact that God is good all the time.  What you  feel during those times might seem to contradict what you know in your heart and when this conflict does happen you realize that you must make a choice.  Which one will win?  Will you give in to the feeling of discouragement, frustration, anger and doubt or will you stand on His promises and yet praise Him? 

Most decisions we make are based on our emotions.  After all, we are emotional creatures. That is why we must weigh the costs?  We have to decide if giving in to those negative emotions is worth the damage it may cause our fellow Christian brother or sister?  Will it delay the deeper, more meaningful relationship we desire to have with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?  Take a moment and ask yourself a question.  Is your relationship with Christ the same as it was a year ago?  If the answer is yes than you must evaluate why there has been no growth in your life.  If the answer is no then ask yourself another question. What was the main cause of that growth.  I have to say that my relationship with Christ is not the same as it was a year ago.  For every trial I have had to go through in the past year I have learned how to truly lean and depend on God.  It has caused me to not only say my prayers at night before I go to sleep but to have a mind for prayer, meaning I pray continuously all day.  I have learned to cry out to God honestly.  I share with Him my deepest fear.  I tell Him when I am angry, hurt or depressed.  I immediately ask Him to remove those feelings from me so that I don't get caught up in the sin that can result from an emotion.   I used to only pray this much when I was going through a storm.  Now because I have seen what happens after prayer, I pray just as much when the sky is blue all around me and there is nothing but sun shiny days.   There is no greater feeling than to know that no matter what I am up against God is going to see me through.  All that is required of me is to trust and believe.  'If you have faith the size of a mustard seek, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move.  Nothing is impossible for you'.  Matthew 17:20  The record is still the same:  God 1 The devil 0.  Just keep on praying my sister.  Don't stop believing my brother.  Remember that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.  (James 5:16)

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Today is not the best day.  I am struggling within myself.   I know that you are a great God, all powerful and all sufficient yet when I look at the things that are going on all around me I confess that I get a little frustrated. I believe that there is no problem that I may face that is too big for You.  That is why right now at this very moment I am bringing my problem to You.  Create in me a clean heart and also renew my mind.  Thank you for answering my prayer.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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