Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Absolute Trust

Be careful what you pray for because you never know what God has in mind to achieve that result.  All my prayers here lately have been about the same...'for the Lord to show me the things in me that are not like Him and remove them so that I can be all that I can be for Him'.  I say that I am open to this transformation but sometimes it really hurts. I have noticed that sometimes He does it in steps and other times He just cuts it out of me without anesthesia.  I wish I knew a better way to be prepared for these procedures.  But I haven't figured it out yet.  I realize that I just have to have faith and believe that God is in control and He knows exactly what He is doing. But why does it have to hurt so bad and why does the process have to repeat itself over and over again?  I have learned that in these times of almost total darkness I must walk with God in absolute trust.  It is in these times that I must look to God as my only option, my only source of strength, my only source of hope.  Not my Savior who is just there to get me through this tough time but the God who is guiding my steps when things are going well. I don't know about you, but I seek God more when times are hard and less when times are good.  God wants me to seek Him in everything.  I know I say I do because it sounds good but if I am honest with myself I must admit that I don't seek Him for everything.  I still have a problem with relying on my own strength.  After all this time I haven't realized that my strength gives out.  I am not strong enough on my own. 

So how do I continue on when God is working on me?  I must STAND on His Word.  Ephesians 6:14, "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist...."   I am a soldier in the army of the Lord and I must always be prepared for battle.  There's a war going on.  The devil don't like it with your mind stayed on Jesus.  He doesn't like it when you are striving to be better.  He doesn't like it when you are actually listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and allowing the Word of God to transform your life.  He doesn't like it with you have a mind for prayer.  So He begins to fill your life with distractions and what better distraction than a defeatist attitude.  He wants you to become so focused on your problem that you don't have time to focus on God.   I am the first person to tell you that the storms in my life have helped to shape me and mold me into a better Christian, but God is not through with me.  There is still more work to be done.  I often times think about the children of Israel after they were delivered from slavery.  They went from captivity to  wilderness before ever reaching the promised land.  They didn't have  road map to guide them. They had a cloud in the day and fire in the evening.    It gets extremely hot in the desert yet God provided them with shade.  That same desert can get extremely cold at night yet God provided them with warmth.   All they had was the Lord and that was enough.  God made a way even in the wilderness.  You see, your wilderness can actually be  place of blessing. Even in the wilderness, He will provide everything you need. 

God takes you through to make you better.  I can't say enough that there is always a purpose behind your pain.  You must learn to have absolute trust.  Standing on God's Word means He has the final say.  It's not just believing that He can; it's knowing that He will.  Remember this, 'Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing is happening to you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake in Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.  (I Peter 4:12-13) Our reward is not here on earth.  The suffering that we go through is achieving for us an eternal glory that doesn't even compare to your happiest moment. Trust God and give Him praise while riding through the storm.  Find safety in His arms. God will give you what you need to sustain you.  

Dear Lord,

I need You.  I need You to help me to stand strong, to stand firm in Your truth.  I admit that I am weak.  I can do nothing in my own strength.  At times my faith waivers.  I believe what Your Word says but I am having a problem with timing, with the process, enduring the pain.  I submit today to Your will.  Give me the strength to continue to stand even during my period of brokenness. I realize that I must be tried by the fire in order to come out as pure gold.  I am looking to the hills from whence my help comes.  I know that all my help comes from You.  Thank you for never leaving my side.  I love you and I thank You for being my light in dark places.  I trust You Lord with my entire life.  Do with it what You will.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 


  1. Absolute---ly! When teaching and living this walk one day the Holy Spirit revealed that faith is not knowing what God is going to do; faith is knowing that going to do something! Sometimes it's hard to let go and let God, but for the obtainment of the prize for which we press daily, it is necessary. Good, God-word, Ramona.

  2. Absolutely! We must walk in obedience to His Word and part of that obedience is to have faith that He will do everything that He has promised. Thanks Phylisha!
