Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, March 11, 2011

To Save A Life

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

So I watched a movie tonight called "To Save A Life". The movie was about a teenage boy who committed suicide.  He committed suicide because he felt judged and that no one heard him.  He felt that no matter how loud he yelled he would still be invisible.  The night before he committed suicide he went to church.  Maybe he went there looking for answers. The sad part about it was that he didn't feel welcome there either. It really made me think about how approachable I am. Do I go out of my way to smile, say a kind word, recognize a visitor, introduce myself? I gave myself a grade of about a 'C'.  Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.  Sometimes I can't see past my own problem to see the needs of others.  I  believe alot of us are like that.  Which brings me to a question I want you to think about today. "What good is all this if you're not going to let it change you?"

Let's think about this for a minute.  Most of you reading this go to church on a regular basis. You pray and you  read our Bible  But how do you act when you are out in the real world?  Do you stand out in a crowd or do you just blend in?  Each day you are faced with decisions of good versus evil.  How do you respond?  Do you do your part to include others, even those that don't fit into your mold?  They may not carry a designer purse or drive the best car.  Maybe they don't wear the best clothes.  Maybe they are struggling just to make ends meet. Maybe all they need is a smile.  You could be the person that changes their entire outlook on life just by saying "hello". I am not saying that you have to be best friends with them but that doesn't mean you have to talk about them either.  You never know what another person is going through.  You never know how they may be hurting on the inside.  Even the  most well put together individual feels pain sometimes.  It is your job as a child of the Most High God to be that light that shines in darkness.  You are supposed to stand up for what it right in all situations.  You should be selfless.  I know that you, like me,  may be carrying your own set of burdens right now but it doesn't give any of us the right to mistreat another human being.  To treat them as if they were invisible.  God sent His only begotten Son to save your life.  Why not show your gratitude by saving another life?  There is a motto out there that says 'Each one, reach one'.  Take some time today to smile at the person you walk by everyday at work. Smile at the person in line behind you at Target.  Say hello to the person riding on the elevator with you at the doctor's office.  You never know what impact this simple acts of kindness may have on someone's life.  Jesus left instructions that said you and I are to be witnesses all over the world.  You may not be doing it in the traditional sense as I did at a very young age. We went door-to-door asking complete strangers if they were saved.  You may not go to that extreme but you can show everyone the love of God.  You just might save a life.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to You today Lord a bit ashamed.  I know that I have missed opportunities to be a witness for You.  I have not shown the love of God in the way that I know how.  Help me to be a better Christian.  I want to be the type of Christian you want me to be.  Please forgive me for my disobedience.  I thank you for your grace and mercy that give me another chance daily to be what you want me to be.  I will always give your name the praise for You are worthy.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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