Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

God Is A Good God

Over the years I have learned to take criticism.  I realize that I am not perfect and I fall short. I know that there are times when I can be insensitive, cold, a poor communicator and a bad listener.  I know that I have a low tolerance for ignorance and I can be very impatient.  This is not an all-inclusive list but just some things that I have noticed this week.  Now that I have gotten all this out of the way, let me say something positive.  God is a good God!  Why?  Because He knows all this about me and loves me anyway. 

Let's stop for a moment and think about God's goodness.  When I have been criticized in the past it has not always been in love.  Yet, God who is faithful, takes the time not to criticize but to compliment me.  He compliments my faults with His grace and mercy.  He allows storms to come into my life to make me better.  He doesn't just do bad things to me just to see me suffer.  'For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison'.  II Corinthians 4:17  My translation ~ These temporary setback is making me stronger, wiser and better in order to be of service for God and that is better than a million dollars. I got heaven in my view'.  God could have left us in our terrible state.  The original problem is resolved through salvation.  You accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and He washes away all your sins.  Now if you died right then and went to heaven things would be great.  However, we all know that is not case.  Instead you are allotted a certain amount of days, selected by God, to live on this earth.    You try to live the best life that you can but even at your very best, you still fall short.  You may, as I do, recognize some things that need changing.  But you don't recognize all of them.  Your Heavenly Father does. This fact alone makes Him a good God.  Not to mention, He is faithful.  He gives us grace.  He grants us mercy.  He provides for us.  His gives us chance after chance after chance.  He doesn't write us off. 

I know you may be feeling discouraged right now.  Maybe you have been working on some things and you thought you were changing.  No sooner than you thought you were getting better, you slip up.  Not a minor slip up, but in a major way.  Maybe you find yourself on the constant cycle of in the storm, out of the storm, then back in the storm, etc. Some you created and some allowed by God. Whatever the case, God has the situation under control.  Know this... 'the testing of your faith develops perseverance'. And it doesn't stop there. 'Perseverance must complete its work so that you are mature and complete, not lacking anything'.  (James 1:3-4) 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I praise You today because You are a good God.  You are holy.  You are faithful.  Thank You for Your grace and for Your mercy.  Help me to accept the storms that come up in my life as an expression of love.  Help me not to lose heart.  Even though it seems like I won't survive, let me fix my eyes on You.  Let me renew my mind with the promises in Your Word.  I want to finish the race in preparation for my eternal glory in heaven with You.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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