Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Invisible but not Insignificant

We have read the Bible and heard the stories about a baby who was born in a manager, performed miracles, was betrayed, crucified, died and then rose on the third day with all power in His hands.  But none of us have seen God with our own eyes. For all intents and purpose, He is invisible. So what makes us believe in Him?

I believe that our life experiences make us believe in Him.  Each one of us have had a time in our life where God has stepped in and done the impossible.  He has taken a situation and turned it around for the better.  Have you ever been sitting in church and felt the spirit of the Lord come over the sanctuary?  It is one of the most awesome experiences you will ever feel and when the spirit of the Lord is absent, church is long and dull.  So is there a time when God is absent?  There may be times that we want Him to be absent because we want to do what we want to do without any consequence.  I also know that there are times when He is silent because there is a greater lesson that we need to learn. But He is never absent.  He left us the Holy Spirit.  And what does the Holy Spirit do?  Does he just lie around waiting for us to call out to him in our time of need.  I think not. 

John 16: 7-8; 13-14 says, 'But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.  And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment...But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.  He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you. 

The Holy Spirit is there as our spiritual guide.  He is that little nudge you feel pushing you in the right direction when you are at a crossroads.  Do I go to the left or the right?  He's receiving His directions from the Father above and whatever he hears he passes on to you.  He prays for you.  He transfers that feeling of peace that comes over you during trying times.  He is by no means just sitting around as a spectator in your life just waiting for you to slip up so he can go back and report it to the commander-in-chief.  No, he is doing just the opposite.  His purpose is to stop you before you get to that point of messing up.  He wants you to be prepared for the next storm that's brewing afar off.  That's why there are times when you can feel him all over you.  It's almost as though you can touch him.  So although He is invisible; He is far from insignificant.  So the very next time you feel that tugging on your heart, listen to that still small voice.  It will be better for you to listen in advance and do it right the first time. 

Dear Lord,

Even though I cannot see you, I know that you are here with me.  I thank you for your guidance when I have to make major decisions that will affect not only me but those in my care.  Help me to heed those warnings and pay attention to detours and speed bumps.  I know that they are there only to help me along my journey.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Holy Spirit

Have you ever had a day when you could not audibly express what you were feeling in prayer?  Your heart was just that heavy.  All you could do was sit there and cry. And on some days the pain was so heavy you couldn't even cry.  You think about your loved ones and their needs and how you would do anything for them.  You think about that person you work with who saw the light of Jesus shining through you and decided to come and share what was going on in their life.  You think about the person you passed on the street corner with no where to lay his head at night.  Then after thinking about all that you start to think about all the things in your life that are weighing you down.... your job, your spouse, your children, your finances.  You're not getting enough sleep and it's starting to take it's toll on you.  You keep wondering if it's ever going to get any better. You start to pray and just can't find the words.  But thanks be to God who left us His Holy Spirit to intercede for us. 

Romans 8: 26-28 says...'And the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress.  For we don't even know what we should pray for nor how we should pray.  But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.  And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will.  And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them'. 

So what do you do when you feel helpless and can't find the words, you ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you.  He knows the pain you feel and will ask God to lift that burden.  And you don't have to worry about whether or not he will say the right thing because he will always be praying in line with God's will.  This is a great thing because if we were praying ourselves we might be praying for a band-aid fix.  Do you know what a band-aid fix is?  It's something that covers the situation at that moment.  It covers it at that time from further damage but the moment it bumps up against something or gets wet, that band-aid comes off.  I believe that God wants to do more than put a temporary fix on your situation.  He wants to do more than provide you with that tangible thing you are praying for.  What am I talking about?  So what if you are lonely and need love so you ask God for companionship and along walks Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome or Miss Intelligent and Beautiful.  What do we do? We take this as an answer to our prayer.  I contend, however,  that God wants to show you His love and to teach you how to love yourself so that when the one He sends you comes along you will cherish it and won't settle for less than you deserve.  What about those sleepless nights?  God can provide you with that peace to know that everything is going to be alright and you can go to bed and stop worrying.  You see, the God we serve never slumbers nor sleeps.  You are asking God for a financial blessing but He wants to show you that you can make it on what you have.  There is something so wonderful about the intangible blessings God provides.  And you know that when the Holy Spirit is praying for you, He is asking for more than a temporary fix.  He is asking for that which will hold you and keep you through it all. 

Don't worry about those times when you just can't pray.  God has your back through the Holy Spirit.  And have no doubt that God hears and answers those prayers.  You can have this confidence because the last verse of the passage above says that it will all work together for the good of them that love God.  Do you love Him?  Then trust Him and know that whatever you are going through, He knows and He cares.

Dear Lord,

Right now I don't know what to say.  My heart is heavy. I feel so burdened down.  Holy Spirit I need you.  I need you to tell God the words I just can't say right now.  And help me to have the confidence to know that it will all work out for my good.  In Jesus' Name Amen.

Monday, June 28, 2010

God Is At Work!

Yesterday a question was asked at church by the preacher that made me think long and hard.  The question was "Do you realize the investment that God has made in your life?"  This question made me think really hard because so many times we do not see or acknowledge God at work in our lives.  Now don't get me wrong we don't have a problem seeing God or acknowledging Him at work when it is something phenomenal or supernatural. But God doesn't work like that all the time.  And even though He doesn't work like that all the time I hope you know He is definitely always at work in your life.  He has made an investment in you.  An investment that won't go bad when the market declines.

What do I mean by investment?  He sacrificed his only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins.  He went all the way down to hell and snatched the keys.  He left us a road map...the Word... for us to follow.  We are surrounded by a most awesome cloud of witnesses cheering us on every day as we run our race.   Not a day goes by that God himself isn't rooting you on to victory.  We often give honor and praise to our parents, our spouses, our closest friends for investing time in us, supporting us and being there for us in our time of need. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!  But don't forget to give God the glory and honor and praise for what He does for you on a daily basis.  I look at it this way if my parents were able to help me financial or emotionally, it was because God allowed them to.  The tender moments you receive from your spouse just when you needed a little extra love, it was because God's love was showing through him or her.  When your friend calls you out of the blue just to check on you or sends you an encouraging message or card, it is because God decided to use them as the instrument to bless you.  

Think about when you got up this morning.  Do you know that it was because God allowed you to get up this morning? Did you thank Him for it?  Did you praise him for the job that you have to go to, even if it is a job you don't care for too much.  What about the house you live in, the car you drive, the food you eat, a drive to work without traffic, a ride to work without any accidents?  While you may not see these things as investments, they are definitely the hand of God at work in your life.  You see, as God does for you, the more you acknowledge him, the brighter the light shines from you so that others might see and they may come to know the God that you know and love and serve.  Isn't that what it's all about anyway....bringing others to Christ?  Take time this week to look for the hand of God at work in your life and when you see him at work, stop and thank him for it.

Dear Lord,

I must admit that I do not always see you at work in my life. I am asking you to open my eyes so that I might see you in my everyday life.  Help me to feel your presence all day long.  I want to take a moment to thank you right now for everything that you have done and are going to do in my life.  It brings me great joy and I love you.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Remove This Cup From Me

Have you ever been so overwhelmed with the circumstances of life that you just want to scream.  It's not even that any thing out of the ordinary is going on, just day-to-day life.  You  look at your calendar and you realize everything that is ahead of you.  You may have some tests at the doctor.  You haven't been feeling well and so you are trying to find out what is going on.  It is time for your annual performance evaluation and they are in the process of cutting jobs.  You have been doing your best work but there has been a high level of office politics going on and you refuse to play the game.  You may be taking care of a sick relative.  You may be having problems at home and are contemplating a major decision.  Your unemployment just ran out and you are wondering how you are going to pay next months bills.  I can name a million other things but I think I have made my point.  What lies ahead can make you want to pull your hair out sometimes. 

But can you imagine the days leading up to cavalry?  Jesus knew what was about to happen.  He knew the pain that he was about to endure.  And what did he do....he went to the garden to pray.  What did he say while he was praying?  He asked if God could remove the cup from him. I don't blame him.  After all, he was human.  He wasn't going to be exempt from the pain at cavalry. He was going to feel pain everytime they struck the nail with the hammer.  Not only was he about to suffer physically but emotionally also. He was going to be betrayed.  The very people who followed and listened to him daily would turn their backs on him.  What pain in his heart this would cause.  All of this would be too much for anyone to bear.  Of course this doesn't make your issue seem smaller because only you really know your pain. 

Why did I bother to tell you all this?  By now you know that I am a big advocate for prayer.  I believe in its power.  I believe it adds light to the darkest circumstances.  It has the power to change things. So if you are feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of life then you should pray about it.  I know that prayer doesn't seem like much when you are looking for an immediate solution of just a little relief, but your prayers set God in motion.  It gives him the go ahead to know that he is free to work.  And when you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out it is okay to ask God to 'remove this cup'.  But if you ask this part of the prayer you must end it with the rest of the prayer, 'but not my will but your will be done'.  You see, everything we go through serves a purpose and unfortunately we don't see what it is all the time.  God may be trying to tell us that we need to pray more.  He may be building up other characteristics in us so that when we look in the mirror we see more of him.  As children of God we are not in control.  The car is in neutral and God is at the wheel.  He is making us into what he would have us to be.  And what does it hurt to pray?  You never know when he may give you some temporary relief.  But even if he doesn't, it is still better to go through pain with the Lord than without him.  He will give you the strength to 'go on though it' but you have got to 'let God do it'!

Dear Lord,

I'm tired.  It feels like the walls are closing in.  If it ain't one thing then it's another.  Right now I have a problem that is just to hard for me to handle and it is starting to take a toil on my life.  It would be great if you could just take this away from me but I know that may not be possible.  Please give me what I need to make it through this situation and in the end I will give you all the glory.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

He's Able

God is able to do just what he said he would do.
He's gonna fulfill every promise to you.
Don't give up on God, cuz he won't give up on you.
He's able!

I started this week with a question - Have you every thought about what your life would be like if God gave up on you?  It's funny how God works because on Monday night at choir rehearsal we learned the song above and I could barely contain myself.  Something about when God gives you confirmation! 

Isn't it so good to know that the promises of God are Yea and Amen.  There is not one promise that God has promised you that will not come to pass.  I have prayed certain prayers for my children and God has promised me some things concerning them and I know that even if I die before they happen, I can rest easy knowing they will come to pass.  I know that sometimes the wait  is long and we are tempted to give up on God but I am telling you don't!  Just at the point when you are ready to give up, you may be tying God's hands from doing something great!  I know you don't want to miss out on your blessings.

No three points today.  No profound words.  I just want you to think about the words of the song above.  God cannot lie.  When you are sleeping, he's at work.  When you're crying, he sees your tears.  Whatever it is that you need - God's got it! 

These past four weeks have been rough for me and through it all I have maintained this blog and finished three college courses.  It has not been easy but you know what?  The Word told me that 'I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength'. (Philippians 4:13)  He also told me that 'They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles.  They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint'. (Isaiah 40:31)  There were times when I wanted to give up.  But God gave me renewed strength. Thank God I didn't because I am months away from God honoring his promise to me.  Whatever you are waiting on HOLD ON!  HE'S ABLE!!!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your promises.  Your Word is full of them but I want to thank you today for those ones you have personally told me about.  I'm going to hold on and wait for you to fulfill every one of them.  I know you can!  I know you will!  Thank you Lord!  In Jesus' Name Amen.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Right Now God!

Stress sure does have a way of sneaking up on you.  As people, I believe we just kick in to automatic mode and behave accordingly.  This is especially true for people like me who always try to take on more than I can actually handle.  I remember when my children were born and I felt like I had to cook a hot meal for them every day and a very dear friend of mine told me that I better make them a sandwich and some chips, have them take a bath and then go to bed.  That was some of the best advice I ever received.  It was an instant stress reliever.  I still cooked meals on a regular basis but it there was a day when I worked long hours or just didn't feel like cooking, I no longer felt bad.  Now I am in a new stage of my life and with this stage comes new stresses.  So what can I do to handle all this stress?

The only solution I can think of is to pray.  The bible tells us to 'Pray without ceasing' and 'Men ought to always pray and not faint'.  In your darkest hour when it seems as though the world is closing in on you, tell God.  I tried once to explain what I was feeling to a friend of mine but she couldn't take away my pain.  And mind you, I have some great friends.  If they could take it away, I know they would.  In this case, she let me vent and then she told me she would pray for me.  But what if I had taken that same conversation I had with my friend where I laid it all out and had the same conversation with God.  In the words of the old hymn, 'Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh what needless pains we bear.  All because we do not carry, every thing to God in prayer'. 

There are times when God makes us wait in order to teach us something but I truly believe their are times when God sees our pain and when we call out to him, he immediately comes to our rescue.  Remember the story of Hagar, Sarai's servant.  She was given to Abram to bear him a child.  Now God had promised Abram a son but they decided to help God along.  (Just a sidenote: When God has promised you something, patiently wait for it.  It will come to pass.)  After Hagar became pregnant she begin to treat Sarai with contempt so Sarai begin to treat her harshly and she ran away.  There is the story and now here is the good part.  Hagar was running and who found her but the Lord.  He found her in her state of total despair.  I can only imagine how stressful that situation must have been.  Isn't it good to know that in the midst of everything you are going through, God sees you where you are.  Not only is he an on time God, but he is a right now God as well.  Right now in the middle of your situation, he sees you and he is wanting to help you.  So turn it over to him.  He can work it out. 

Dear Lord,

I just want to scream.  Life right now is overwhelming and I need your peace that surpasses all understanding.  I need you to wrap your loving arms around me and hide me safe in your arms. I thank you in advance for coming to me in my time of need.  I don't know where my life would be without you and I don't want to find out.  I praise your name today for being a 'right now' God.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tap Into Your Source

Driving home from choir rehearsal tonight a very familiar verse kept playing in my mind. It was the first chapter of Psalms.  The verse that kept playing over and over again was 2a.  'He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his season'.  I really like the way it is translated in the New Living Translation which reads, 'They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail'.

I took a moment and thought about what that meant.  The chapter began by talking about watching the company we keep and how detrimental the wrong company can be to our lives.  I call this conflicting company.  You know those people we continue to associate with even though you know they aren't representing what you believe in.  They are also not supportive in the positive changes you are trying to make in your life.  This verse does not imply that we are to question those we come in contact with and immediately shy away from those who we determine are ungodly.  What I believe the verse implies is that we should be the ones who influence them to the ways of God.  They shouldn't influence you or make you doubt what you believe.  The psalmist then goes on to talk about our continuing education.  He talked about delighting in the law of the Lord and meditating on it day and night.  What does it mean to delight in something?  It simply means that it gives you great pleasure.  And most times when something gives you great pleasure you spend time with if often.  As a Christian, you must know that your learning doesn't stop once you are saved.  It is an ongoing process until God carries you on home.  Day and night we should be meditating on the Word.  When you wake up in the morning, when you are driving along in your car, when you exercising at the gym, before you go to bed at night.  It is a continual process.  How else will you know the ways of the Lord?

In most educational systems there is often some form of reward or recognition for completing the program.  You go to school for twelve years and you receive your high school diploma.  You attend college and you receive a B.S. or B.A. degree.  Since I have already told you that this process is a continual process I want to end by talking about your reward.  It's more significant than just a piece of paper to hang on your wall.  This reward system is a constant source of nourishment.  You become tapped into the source.  You get the privilege of receiving a never-ending supply.  Your roots have grown deep into the ground and they are receiving a constant supply of water.  That's the best news I've heard in a long time.  You don't have to call customer service like at OG&E and wait on hold for fifteen minutes only to be told we have to send a technician out.  You have twenty-four access to the One who created the system.  This tells me on days when I am walking around and nearly on empty (like I have been the past week or so) all I have to do is tap into my source and I will have what I need.  I can stop worrying because I know that I am rooted and grounded.  I am going to come out alright because my tree will bear fruit without fail. Hallelujah!

Dear Lord,

My tank feels like it's on empty here lately.  I feel as though sometimes I am a spectator in my own life, simply going through the motions.  I know I can always do a little more in the studying your Word department.  Today I just want to thank you for being available whenever I need you.  And today I need you now.  Thank you for being the one constant in my life when everything else around me seems to fail.  I love you Lord!   In Jesus's Wonderful Name Amen. 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hang In There

I sat for a while today and thought about where my life would be if I had given up on myself.  There have been days and nights that were simply unbearable.  Plans that I had made were crushed.  Certain dreams that I had never happened.  Days when I just did not want to get out of the bed.  Sound familiar to anyone?  While I  know each person has his or her own story, I believe everyone has thought about giving up. 

If you have or have had those thoughts, I have a question for you.  Have you every stopped to think what your life would be like if God gave up on you?  Life sometimes can deal us a horrible hand.  We make plans and those plans never happen.  We love and we get our heart broken.  We raise our children and they disappoint us.  We get laid off.  We get sick.  We watch loved ones die.  Many days we feel all alone.  There are also days when we are striving to do our best to live right and still we fall short and disobey God.  Yet and still He keeps right on keeping his promises.  He keeps right on making a way for us.  Not because of who we are but because of who He is.  And today that's the best news in the world. 

Psalms 103:13-14 says, 'The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.  For he understands how weak we are; he knows we are only dust'.

Yes, there are times when God must discipline us.  Some behaviors we continue to display must be broken.  But don't you realize that, even more so than a disciplinarian, he wants to comfort us.  He knows how weak we are, even on our best day.  Mistakes are going to happen but don't let that discourage you.  There are times when I'm rolling along so well.  Everything seems to be moving along on all cylinders.  I've just had great quiet time or my own little praise and worship session and then I step out of my bubble and life happens.  My reactions aren't always the best.  When I'm hurt I put up a wall and can be downright mean to the person on the other side of that wall.  It's my defense mechanism.  When I really want something, even though God has told me that it's not for me right now, I still go after it, bumping my head time and time again.  But none of that matters.  He continues to love me.  He holds his arms out and says, "Come my child and rest on my shoulders.  I still love you.  You will make it.  I'm right here by your side.  I never left."  And those words to me, at just that right moment, are worth more than all the gold in the world.  Simply because the One who is in control of everything is still on the throne and he hasn't given up on me. 

My brother and my sister, as a child of the most high, it gets discouraging to know that we continue to let God down.  We don't do the best with the talents he gave us.  We are going to fall sometimes but we don't have to stay down.  The scripture says, "Two are better than one because if one falls the other is there to pick him up."  Now don't get me wrong I am thankful for the people who have helped me to get up again.  However, let's look at this verse from a different perspective.  I concur that two are better than one, especially when the 2nd person is God himself.  He has all the power to help us get back up again.  And He will continue to be there for us because He will never give up on His children.  Thank you Lord!

Dear Lord,

I praise you today.  I thank you for loving me.  I thank you even more today because you have never given up on me.  I've let you down and I am so sorry.  Yet even with all my faults you continue to make a way for me.  There are so many things that I don't do as I should. So many things I know I need to do better and with your help I know that I can and will do better.  I just can't thank you enough Lord for your forgiveness, your compassion.  I love you so very much Lord.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Friday, June 18, 2010

In Everything

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6

This summer my children are learning different verses in the Bible.  I hand-picked these verses because they have been such a help in my life. When my daughter finished reading this verse a few days ago she asked me, "Mama does that really mean everything?" and I told her "Yes baby it does."  When I first read this verse I had the same question.  But as I have grown spiritually I truly take this verse in its truest sense.  I pray about everything.  From a close parking space to my marriage.  I pray for my children and my friends.  I pray that I can have a trip to Walmart without the lack of quality customer service upsetting me.  I pray while riding in my car because I know of my tendency for road rage.  I'll never forget when a former manager of mine rode in the car with me and she couldn't believe how upset I got while driving.  (Just for your information...I have gotten better.) 

Now my question to you is how do you interpret that verse.  Do you use it to your advantage?  My life is full of too many uncertainties so when I can be sure of something I want to use it to my advantage.  What am I sure of?  That God can handle any problem that I might have.  That He is going to give me a peace that helps me to stop worrying so much.  Just today I had a test and although I had studied, I just didn't feel sure.  In fact, I had a minor anxiety attack.  So I stopped and prayed.  I prayed all the way to the school.  I asked God to calm my nerves and to bring the things I had studied to my memory.  And you know what, He did!  Talk about being thankful....I almost started shouting in the class when I looked at the questions and realized I actually knew the answers. 

Some of you may laugh at me and say why pray about such trivial things.  I will give you the same response I gave my daughter.  When you pray about the trivial things it becomes a habit.  It becomes a part of your everyday routine.  Don't you know that God never gets tired of hearing from you?  He delights when his children come an talk to Him. So if you know that He wants to hear from you and that prayer changes things, why wouldn't you talk to God about everything?   Just look at the benefits you receive...a peace that surpasses all understanding, insulation for you heart and mind to keep out those thoughts of negativity.  If praying is all we have to do to receive all that (and let me remind you this is an extra benefit because we already have eternal life) then what's stopping you?

Dear Lord,

I'm coming to you today just to talk about some things that have been bothering me.  (Go ahead and talk to Him about those things.)  Today I am turning them over to you.  I am also recommitting myself to going to you first about everything.  I know you are the only one who can really do something about it.  I thank you right now for everything you have already done in my life and I am also thanking you in advance for what you are going to do in the future.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

When We All Get To Heaven

When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.  When we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout the victory. So glad...I'm so glad.  So glad...I'm so glad.  So glad...I'm so glad everybody will be happy over there!

I must confess there are days when all I can think about is heaven.  Sometimes the pressures of this world are so heavy and it seems like the walls are closing in that the mere thought of seeing my Savior's face brings me joy.  I would like just to be able to get away from it all and take a vacation but that alternative isn't always possible.  So I go to my happy place....a place of joy, peace, singing, praising, shouting!  Have you ever had days like this?   A day when you just need to escape the worries and cares of this world into a glimpse of heaven. 

You know I truly believe the more you try to do right and live for God, the more Satan tries to come up against you.  But don't let him distract you.  Remember that we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.  Ephesians 6:12  Although our enemies might look like us, it is the believer's job to keep our eye on the prize.  We shouldn't get so wrapped up in the person who is causing us so much pain.  And believe me when I tell you this is hard.  The person could be on your job, in your church, a distant relative or even someone in your own home.  We must remember that our enemy is Satan!  Anything he can do to try and steal your joy or make you take your eyes off Christ, he will do it.  But I say that when your vision is blurry, simply readjust your focus.  I don't care what anybody says, you cannot think about God and stay in the same mindset.  But for a glimpse of heaven and a face-to-face meeting with my Heavenly Father, my personal Savior, my joy in sorrow and my hope for tomorrow.  Because I know He is looking down on me along with a great cloud of witnesses cheering me on, reminding me through the Holy Spirit that I've got the victory, I can go on another day.  That's such good news!  Not only will I get to see my Savior, but also my loved one who have went on before me.  I won't have any worries or cares.  I will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was all worth it.  The day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and my Savior was the very best decision I ever made.  What about you?

Dear Lord,

I just want to thank you for saving me.  Thank you for allowing me to know you and to know that this world is not my home, I am just passing through.  I am on my way to a better place where there will be no tears, no pain, no worries, no stress.  It gives me that bit of encouragement to run on and see what the end will be.  I know that I am not worthy.  I know that I am but a sinner saved by grace and because you loved me I will get to enjoy all the benefits of your Son.  Thank you Lord.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Conformed or Transformed?

I am always amazed at the things that we have decided to allow in the name of acceptance.  We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or we don't want to be on the unpopular side of a vote.  What is that about? You see, I was raised old school and somewhat very traditional.  And while I realize that it is 2010, the Word of the Lord will never be outdated. So the things that it says still hold true and is very applicable to this day and age.  Yet and still today's Christian would much rather be popular and liked.  This happens individually and collectively.  Do you know how many churches today are open and filled to capacity, preaching half of the Word..  They only want to tell the people what is popular.  'You will receive blessings upon blessings'.  Never mentioning anything about the rough times in life.  And you know what happens, when that person encounters a storm, they have nothing to stand on.  This type of preaching may be helpful on the surface but it is damaging in the end. 

But is that what the Word says?  I don't think so.  We are told in Romans 12:2, 'Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect'.  This means that it's alright to be on the unpopular side of a vote.  Being a light for God in a dark place isn't about you anyway.  The scripture says that 'if I be lifted up, I'll draw all men unto Me'.  So it's not about you, it's about the God in you.  And people need to see the difference God has made in your life.  Whether on your job, shopping at the mall, eating in a restaurant or driving in your car, people need to see God.  How else will they know that this Christian walk is worth it?  That's like the people who practice this new age discipline with their children.  Again, remember I'm old school.  And the bible says...spare the rod, spoil the child.  My parents spanked me and I'd like to think I turned out okay.   

We were born into a world of sin.  It comes natural for us.  In order for us to change we must be saved.  Our minds must be renewed.  This can only be done through the blood of Jesus.  As we read the Bible and learn from the Master, he transforms us.  And what a wonderful change it is.  This change doesn't make you better than anyone.  Many Christians use this as an opportunity to judge or look down on people.  But if they are reading the Word and studying the heart of Christ they would know that doesn't fall into the will of God.  God's will is that everyone be saved, even though he realizes that this will not be the case.  You see we are told to hate the sin but love the sinner.  Your love and inclusion may be the one thing that finally brings that sinner to his knees.  So take a moment and take a good look in the mirror.  I'm not asking you to think back over your entire life.  I just want you to take a look at yesterday and answer the question if you are conforming or being transformed.  I don't want to know what you say verbally but I am asking about the life you live daily.  My prayer for you is that when people come in contact with you they see the God in you. 

Dear Lord, 

It is so easy to get wrapped up in trying to keep the peace, not be a trouble maker, just going with the flow.  But I know how much you have changed my life and I want to share you with everyone that I come in contact with.  Help me, dear Lord, to be more of an example of you.  I want people to see the God in me everywhere I go.  I know that you have changed my life.  I know that I am who I am today because of you.  Thank you for your transforming power.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let It Rain

It has been raining now for almost twenty-four hours.  Sometimes it has been a slow, steady rain and other times it has been a heavy rain mixed with thunder and lightening.  To tell you the truth, I am not that fond of rain.  If I had my choice of rain or a clear sun shiny day, I would choose the sun hands down.  But as I sat and read listening to the rain my daughter reminded me that "it has to rain mommie for things to grow". Out of the mouths of babes...

We all know what rain is but let me give you the scientific breakdown of where rain comes from.  Rain is nothing but liquid precipitation.  Rain requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere to have temperatures above the melting point of water near and above the Earth's surface.  On Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops of water heavy enough to fall, often making it to the surface.  All plants need at least some water to survive. That means rain is important to agriculture.  A regular rain pattern is usually vital to healthy plants.  Too much or too little rainfall can be harmful.   Too little rain causes a drought and a drought can kill crops and increase erosion, while overly wet weather can cause harmful fungus growth.  Bottom line...rain is necessary.

As you are reading this I know you are thinking,'Thanks Ramona for that science lesson about rain'.  You are very welcome.  But that's not what I wanted to leave you with.  I want to talk about the benefits that rain has in your life.    You know I am all about thinking about things from a positive perspective.  I work to see the God in every thing.  So just think about it. 

Pressure has built up in your life to the point that you are about to burst.  The natural progression is for some rain to fall.  It's hot and there is a spiritual drought in your life....Isaiah 55:10-11, 'For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth.  It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  

We grow tired and are in need of a little refreshment. God sends the rain.  Psalms 68:9, 'Thou, O, God, didst send a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance, when it was weary.

In need of a blessing...Leviticus 26:4 'Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit'.

Need proof of your firm foundation...Matthew 7:25, 'And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

Shall I go any further?  You see, when you believe that God's hand is at work in every aspect of your life you can see the value in the rain.  Whether it is a cloudburst, a peaceful, steady rain or a thunderstorm.  Rain serves a positive purpose in your life. What is that purpose? Rain provides the nutrients necessary for you to continue to grow and more importantly the rain usually comes right before harvest time!

Dear Lord,

I have often heard myself singing the childhood nursery rhyme, rain, rain go away come again another day.  But the more I grow in my relationship with you, I have started to see the positive side in everything that comes into my life.  So today I want to thank you for the rain.  I know that rain is necessary for me to grow but today I want to thank you because the rain comes right before harvest time.  Thank you Lord for the rain.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Heaven Sent

What do you think of when you hear the words 'heaven sent'?  My guess would be that you think of something positive...your spouse, your children, a job, an unexpected check in the mail. You could easily describe any of these things with the words 'heaven sent'.  Today I want to talk to you about a different kind of heaven sent.  This kind is not often thought of in a positive light but more often in a negative light.  The 'heaven sent' that I am talking about is the storms of life. 

One of the best examples I can think of to explain this is the story of Job.  Do you recall the conversation that God had with Satan?   Satan had been going back and forth across the earth, watching everything that was going on.  The Lord asked him if he had noticed His servant Job?  Take a moment and read Job 1:6-12.  In the story you see that God removed his hand from Job so that Satan could test him.  This certainly doesn't sound like something you would want the Lord to do.  Yet the Lord removed His barriers of protection and allowed it.

I remember the first time I read this story.  I sat there wondering why would God allow such a thing.  I heard the story as a child and then again as I got older.  I didn't quite understand God's sovereignty or the purpose of storms.  But now I have lived a little and been through some things and have a better understanding of what took place.  Therefore the simples answer to the question would be that just as Satan was watching Job so was God.  Go back and read verse 5.  The verse ends by saying, 'this was Job's regular practice'.  You see God knew that Job had made a regular practice of being prayed up.  This verse spoke of his prayers for his children, but I would almost bet that was not the only thing his prayers included.  The point I am trying to get across is that he had spent regular time with God.  God knew he could handle it.  Now Job didn't have any idea this was coming.  His life was going pretty well.  Boy was he in for a shocker!

I have a question for you.  Why do we as believers continue to be so shocked by the storms of life?  When will we finally accept them as being a part of our Christian journey?  Maybe some of you do see them as a part of your Christian journey, yet you continue to moan and groan and whine every time a new storm comes in your life.  When God has a hand on your life, he knows every thing about you.  He knows how strong you are...most of the time stronger than you think.  I know they don't feel good.  As a matter of fact, that's an understatement.  They down right hurt. But they always serve a purpose.  That purpose is to make you better.  Earlier I listed a few things that you might think of as 'heaven sent'.  I am sure you probably have your own lists of things.  Today I want to challenge you to add a new item to your list - storms.  You see, storms are heaven sent because when God removes His barriers of protection, just give Him some time, because He will surely restore the joy of your salvation to prepare you for your heavenly reward.  I love what Chuck Swindoll says, "Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it."  I wonder what would happen if our reaction to the storms  of life changed to 'Praise'.  Instead of complaining to God about what  is going on, we lifted our voices in praise, thanking Him for His heavenly gift. 

Dear Lord,

I most definitely have not had the best response when storms have entered my life, especially when I am trying to do what is right.  It's not easy to go through difficult times. Help me to recognize your hand on my life during the storm.  I want to change my perspective from complaining to praising.  This will be a complete attitude shift for me but I know that I can do it with your help.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Touch From The Master

All I need is a touch from you. No one else can do the things you do. Take the wrong in my life and make it right.  All I need is a touch from you. 

These words are the lyrics to a popular gospel song out right now sang by Brian Courtney Wilson.  I was driving in my car and listening to this song and I got to thinking about what the lyrics meant.  These words are a true testimony of faith.  He is essentially saying that just one touch from the Master and everything will be alright.

Remember the woman who had the issue of blood.  If you are unfamiliar with the story it can be found at Mark 5: 25-34.  This woman had a bleeding condition that lasted for twelve long years.  Yet when she heard about a man named Jesus, her thought process changed.  She had hope.  She thought to herself, finally someone who I know can do something about this condition.  She had been to all the specialists.  She had tried all the home remedies.  She had exhausted all of her financial resources.  A person under normal circumstances would have given up.  They would have just decided that I will just live with the condition and wait until I die. 

(Just a footnote - someone reading this today has already decided to put the nail in the coffin. You have given up on the situation.  You have decided that there is no hope.  My question to you today is have you heard about that man named Jesus?  Did you ever stop to think that your lack of faith is tying God's hands?)

I can imagine her sitting there one day thinking about  everything she had heard.  All the miracles he had already performed.  I can hear her saying to herself, Wow!  Who is this man named Jesus?  I haven't met Him yet but He sounds like someone special.  And the more she sat there and thought about Him she came to the conclusion that He could do the same thing for her.  What faith! She had probably already noticed that there was never a time when He did not have a crowd around him.  So she thought to herself what if I just get close enough to touch the hem of His garment.  I know He can heal me!  I have no doubt!  And make her way through the crowd is exactly what she did.  You see her preparation followed by persistence led her to the physician who provided her with a premium benefit - not only the healing of her condition but all of her suffering.  That's persistence paid at a premium!  That's just how my God works!

My question  to you today is what does your faith meter read?  Unlike the woman with the issue of blood, you have actually seen God show up time and time again in your life, yet there are times that you still doubt Him.  You see, she believed based on what He had done for others.  You, instead, want to hold on to control.  You want Him to show up and fix it your way and in your time.  When will you finally get to the point that you say that all you need is a touch from the Lord.  He has a proven track record.  There is nothing too big or too small.  He can do it!  All you have to do is have faith!  Whatever it is that you are holding on to, I urge you today to give it to Him.  Watch Him work it out! You might even receive a premium.  Just like the woman with the issue of blood, I have went to God believing Him for one thing and He takes care of something else.  He takes care of the very thing that was at the root of the problem. 

Dear Lord, 

I believe.  I believe that you can take care of the situation that is going on in my life right now.  I know that there is nothing too big or too small that you cannot handle.  Today I am turning it all over to you and having the faith that you will take care of it.  At the moment that I start to doubt help me to remember the woman with the issue of blood or better yet the last time you showed up in my life.  Thank you Lord.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Proper Response!

Have you ever just been so overwhelmed at the goodness of the Lord? A day where you just looked around you and everywhere you looked was a reminder of how good God has been to you.  Today was a day like that for me.  A day when I realized that, in spite of me, God still loves me just the same and keeps on making a way for me. 

So what is the proper response when you think of how good God has been to you?  Praise!!!  Pure, unadulterated praise.  Time where we thank God just for being God.  Time when we thank Him for bringing us this far.  Saints of God there are times when I think about how good God has been to me and I just have to shout out Hallelujah!  And this feeling hits me at the weirdest times.  Believe it or not, it's not when everything seems to be going good.  It's at those times when things are a little hectic.  Everything is not flowing the way I think it should.  My carefully designed plan of action is falling apart at the seams.  It is times when my bills are larger than my bank account.  That probably sounds strange to you.  But it actually makes sense. 

You see, whenever I start to get a little afraid or stressed or worried, what better time to reflect on the goodness of the Lord!  I can take a moment to rewind the video of my life and count how many times God has made a way out of no way.  I think about how things really could be worse than they are, BUT GOD!

 I turn to the Word and read verses like Psalms 18: 2-3 which saysThe Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  I call upon the Lord, who is worth to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

Psalms 34: 1-4 which saysI will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.  I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are discouraged take heart.  Come, let us tell of the Lord's greatness; let us exalt his name together.  I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears.

Psalms 91:1 which says: Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalms 94: 17-19 which says: Unless the Lord had helped me, I would soon have died.  I cried out, "I'm slipping!" and your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.  When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

I could go on and on but hopefully you get my point.  I like the way they used to do it in the old testament when God showed up and showed out.  They built a memorial to remember each and every time God showed up.  I haven't built a memorial but I do have reminders all around me.  I am sure you do to.  There is no need to be discouraged.  There is no need to worry, doubt or fear.  You have the Lord on your side and having Him is better than winning the lottery.  It is better than having a six-figure job.  My God owns the cattle on a thousand hills!  It is better than having the number to the best doctor.  My God is a physician who has never lost a case!  It is better than having a lawyer in the family.  My God is a lawyer in a courtroom.  The wealth of a Christian has yet to be determined because we often times do not tap into our greatest resource.  Instead we choose to be self-sufficient, relying on earthly things that will fade away.  I am here to tell you I would much rather have Jesus! 

You see, every time the devil tries to creep in and steal my joy I stop Him.  I think about the goodness of Jesus and all He has done for me.  Immediately my thoughts change from the negative to the positive.  I can't think about God and remain the same.  He has changing power.  He can change your circumstances but even better He can change your heart, your mind.  He can give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.  The next time you are tempted to feel sorry about your situation, hit rewind.  Take a moment and reflect on all that God has done for you.  Remember I Corinthians 2:9 which says, No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him!   And then give God his proper response....a voice of PRAISE!!!!!

 Dear Lord,

I just want to take some time out right now and say thank you.  Thank you, first and foremost, just for being who you are.  Thank you for everything that you have done for me.  Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your mercy.  As I look back on my life, I see your hand in every aspect of my life.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  And I still say thank you, because through it all I'm okay.  Lord, help me to remember your goodness whenever I start to feel discouraged, whenever I start to doubt or I am afraid.  Help me to know that you are right there with me directing my paths.  I just want to give you all the glory you deserve.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No Substitutions

I am on a big health kick right now.  I am trying my best to eat right and exercise regularly.  The funny part about eating right is that most of the foods I enjoy the most are not at all good for me.  So what I have been trying to do is substitute some of my regular ingredients for healthier ingredients and still achieve the same taste that I have come to love.  I tell you that more often than not, the food just doesn't taste the same.  It doesn't fill me up. It doesn't meet my nutritional need. 

The same holds true in my spiritual walk.  I have read time and time again in the Bible that  I am to lean and depend on God. Depend on Him for everything.  Verses like,  'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path'.  Proverbs 3:5-6  And what about Deuteronomy 6:6 which says, 'And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.'  There are many other verses that stress this point. Take some time to dig into your spiritual treasure chest and list the verses that come to mind.  If you can't think of any take some time to pray and ask God to show you where to go in His Word.

As you think about those scriptures ask yourself if you are truly leaning and depending on God for everything or have you found yourself some convenient substitutions.  Now what do I mean by substitutions?  For security we depend on our job.  For love we depend on our spouse or our boyfriend or girlfriend.  For safety we depend on an alarm system or a weapon.  We substitute temporary pleasure for joy.  We substitute financial stability for peace.  But do these things truly provide what we are looking for in life?  Do they afford us the peace and joy and love and security that we really need.  I think not! All these things are temporary and the longer you live you will come to find out that all these things will come and go and you will be left empty.  And as a result of your emptiness then you will turn to the Lord.  So I ask you, why settle for substitutions when you can have the God of everything.  The one that will provide you with a peace that surpasses all understanding.  A Comforter that will hold you when the one you were depending on to love you turns his/her back on you.  The one that says, 'He is your Shepherd and you shall not want'.  The one who says, 'Seek Him first and ALL these things will be added unto you'.  I will let you fill in the blank for what ALL is to you.  The one who sees your past and forgives you. The one who sees you in your present and doesn't give up on you.  The one who sees your future and prophesies that you will be great if you only trust Him. 

So why do we choose substitutes over such a great and powerful, Almighty God?  I cannot answer that for you.  But I will challenge you to take inventory and look at all the imperfect things you substitute for a perfect God and ask yourself does it make sense?  The more you rely on them, the more devastating it will be when God has to take them away from you.  But when you rely on God first and those things are taken away (jobs, husbands, wives, houses, 401K's) you are not devastated because you know that God has something better.  He is working it out for your good. Why not choose the real thing?!

Dear Lord,

I surrender to you.   I surrender my need to be in control of everything.  My need to know how everything is going to turn out.  I admit that I have substituted things of this world to meet my needs instead of trusting completely on you.  I want to be able to truly lean and depend on you so that I am not shaken by every little thing that comes my way.  I need your help. Thank you for believing in me.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do You Know Him?

I absolutely love to read!  I have even passed my love of reading down to my oldest daughter.  Right now I am reading a book by one of my favorite authors, Charles Swindoll.  The book is called Growing Deep in the Christian Life.  The book is excellent.  Most people who love to read would not classify this book as excellent. In fact most would call it boring but I love it.  Why because it is helping me with a goal of mine - to know God better, to be more obedient, to not just put Him first but keep Him first.  The book is about doctrine and whenever you think of doctrine you think boring.  That is why preachers preach on Sunday morning and not teach.  They know that we want to hear something that makes us feel good and gives us hope.  Makes us shout! But whenever you have a goal of getting to know God better - you have to know what you believe.  Today as I was reading the chapter on God the Father, I came across a series of questions that I want to share with you today.  Remember the reason  I write is to encourage you to continue on in your walk with God.  My prayer is that my words make you think.  That the encourage you to do better.

Here are the questions:

1. Are you really growing in your knowledge of God as the days and weeks slip by?
2.  Are you honestly walking more closely with Jesus Christ? If not, why not?
3.  What might be keeping you from making this goal number one? 
4.  What would you have to change in your life and schedule to shift your focus and perspective in the coming months? 

I absolutely love the way God works!  Last week I was having a hard time prioritizing and was trying to think of what I was going to have to give up in order to keep my sanity.  Family, school, writing...all these things pulling me in different directions. After prayer and through tears, I concluded that all I needed to do was Put God First!  Then I went on to say on yesterday that 'unless the Lord builds a house....all your work is in vain'.  So once again I am reading and studying and meditating on God's Word and I come to these four questions.  Now let me start by saying that if you are not ready to answer these questions honestly then don't because God knows.  I really don't even have anything profound to say but I must be obedient to the Holy Spirit.

We all can come up with a list of excuses as to why knowing God is not our top priority.  Go ahead and take some time and make that list.  Then after you make that list, take a moment and list all the things you worry about.  All the things that keep you up at night.  Wouldn't it be nice to be able to tear up that list of worries?  I think so.  And you can tear up that list of worries when you make God number one.  I might sound like a broken record to you but let me share with you how many times I have started and stopped my journey to get to know the Lord better and walk completely in His ways.  Reading His Word daily. Praying daily.  Placing everything in His hands.  Too many times to count.  There was always some distraction that kept me away from it. Something that took up my time.  Sometimes I was just too tired.  But things are different now and the reward is so much greater.  And I'm the type of person that if I find something that works and makes life a little bit easier for me then I want to share it with others.

God doesn't want you to get to know Him better so he can brag.  He wants you to get to know Him better to help you.  He sees your stress, doubt, depression, fear, worries.  He wants you to turn them all over to Him.  He sees through that mask that you put on at work, at home and even at church.  He wants so badly to provide for you that inner peace.  But you have to do your part.  How do you do your part ? By getting to know Him, that is, everything about Him.  Being prepared for whatever life may throw your way.  Like when the weatherman says that there is rain in the forecast.  What do you do?  You take an umbrella with you.  Most of you keep an umbrella in your car or at your desk at work.  Why? Because you never know when it's going to rain.  You are prepared.  And that's exactly what getting to know God better does for us. It prepares us so that we are not bothered by every storm that comes our way. When the rain comes you have your umbrella, safety in the arms of Jesus.  We have faith in the God that we serve.  We accept the fact that we are victorious.  God has already won the battle.  All we have to do is trust Him to do what He says.  And He will! 

I encourage whoever is reading this today to take a moment and answer the questions above.  Be honest.  What do you need to change in your life in order to make knowing God a priority?  I cannot answer that for you.  One thing I can tell you is that the day you make that decision you won't regret it.

Dear Lord,

Every day I am striving to do better.  Today I surrender my daily schedule to you.  I need your help in rearranging it so that I have time for you.  I have been having a hard time doing this one my own so I am coming to you for help.   I no longer want to just squeeze you into my day. I want you to be intermingled throughout my day.  Thank you Lord for doing this for me.  It has been an impossible task up until now.  But I know that you are a God who specializes in the impossible.  Today I begin anew and I will follow you forward.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Unless The Lord Builds A House

Why do we work? That's a simple enough question with a simple enough answer.  We work to take care of our families.  We work to buy a house.  We work to take vacations.  We work to eat. We work to drive a nice car.  The list goes on and on.  Last week  I wrote about putting God first and that when you do everything else will fall into place.  Matthew 6:33.

It amazes me that when the Lord has something to show you, He shows you over and over again.  As I was meditating and spending some quiet time with the Lord  I was directed to Psalms 127:1-2.

'Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
In vain you rise early and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat - for he grants sleep to those he loves'.

Society has set up a system such that we must work in order to have what we want.  Every week, Monday through Friday, many of us get up in the morning and head off to a job that we don't enjoy and spend more time there then we do at home.  There are a few of us that actually work in a job we enjoy but at what expense.  We make all kinds of sacrifices for a monetary reward. All the while our families are suffering.  Our very well-being is suffering.  Yet we continue on with our routine because that is what people do if they want to survive.  So why are we still unhappy? 

I have often times sat and thought about how my parents made it with so much less than I have and with a much larger family.  My dad worked and my mother stayed at home.  After all there was not much benefit in her working outside of the the home with seven children to take care of.  Her paycheck would have been eaten up by daycare costs.  With all that being said I still have very fond childhood memories of family time.  We all went to church together.  We ate dinner together and most importantly we prayed together as a family.   I remember my dad would read from the Bible and then lead off in family prayer and then we would all pray.  Times were not perfect but they were good. You see, my father was allowing the Lord to build his house.  It was the very foundation on which we stood. 

Today we spend countless hours working and participating in outside activities, neglecting our relationship with the Lord.  We receive our paycheck and yet we worry about what we will eat, where we will sleep, what we will wear.  We watch the news and hear about all sorts of crime and worry about someone invading our home.  We worry about what might happen.  We are not confident enough to say as David said, 'I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread'. (Psalms 37:25) 

My purpose today is not to encourage you to stop working.  Working has been a part of life since the beginning of time.  Remember Adam in the garden, before he was given a wife he was given a job or caring for all the animals.  What  I am trying to tell you is that instead of putting all your faith in a nine to five job and giving that job one hundred percent,  why not give God one hundred percent and allow Him to manage the rest of your affairs.  Build your house on a firm foundation.  Stop trying to do everything on your own. Let God be God. The reward will be so much better than that monetary paycheck.  You will have rest.  For the last week I have been up late studying and have not been getting my regular five hours of sleep. (I've never slept eight hours.)  Even though making good grades in these courses is my focus, I choose not to neglect my spiritual life.  Because of this the sleep that I do receive is a peaceful sleep. One where I still full completely rested.  Right now there are a million other things going on in my life but I do not worry, because God has it all under control.  I am standing on His Word.  My house is built on a firm foundation.  As I read and study His Word and become more like Him I am adding bricks to my foundation.  Not sand. Not straw.  Take a moment and look at your life.  Are you allowing the Lord to set you on a firm foundation?  Are you allowing Him to lead, guide and direct you?  If you are not then your work is in vain?  I don't know about you but I would hate to spend my life working for nothing. 

Dear Lord,

I admit that sometimes I am frustrated with the working thing.  I work and I work and it seems that I still struggle.  I want to be able to provide for my family.  Help me to see the importance of putting you first and not neglecting my relationship with you as I go about my daily routine.  Help me not to worry.  Let me be assured that you will provide rest as my reward.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

Put God First!

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you."  Matthew 6:33

I actually love the way it reads in the New Living Translation:  And He will give you all that you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.

Boy did I need to hear this today.  Call me crazy but here I am with nine hours of college credit in four weeks.  I am a wife and a mother of four.  I also write this blog everyday.  I exercise in the morning and I walk two and a half miles in the evening.  Today I don't feel like I have enough.  Something is going to go without.  I don't have enough energy to give everything a hundred percent.  I woke up this morning thinking maybe I need to drop one of these classes.  All this reading.  My husband already told me that he was prepared for me to be cranky.  Not good for my relationship.  Of course children require a lot of attention. And I just started writing and I don't want to give it up. 

So up from my storage bank popped this verse.  I paused and thanked God.  This one verse put it all in perspective for me.  I needed to prioritize.  Put God first.   I could not stop my quiet time with God. My bible study.  My prayer life.  My ministry - which is my writing.  It had to continue.  And as I honored God through obedience, I had no doubt that He would honor me by honoring His Word.  In the earlier paragraph I listed several things that could easily take first place on my priority list. And each of them have in times past.  But I had to make a choice not to make that mistake again.  The Kingdom of God had to be my primary concern.  In all the hustle and bustle of my daily routine I needed to fill my thoughts with that of Christ.  I needed to pray without ceasing.  I needed to focus on Him.  And when I do these things He will take care of the rest. 
That's the best news I have heard in a long time.  It settled my anxiety.  I am confident that every thing will be alright.  God is not a man that He should lie and these words were written in red which means Jesus spoke them himself.  He said these words after telling them not to worry about having enough food or drink or clothing.  And man, is it easy to worry.  But not anymore.  I'm standing on His promises.  I'm trusting Him.  I'm setting my priorities in order.  I'm putting God first!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your Word which has given me hope.  Through my tears I know that every thing is going to be alright.  I don't have to worry.  I know that when I put you first everything else will fall into place.  I will be able to take care of my family, continue with school, my job, my health. (personalize for you)  I admit that the first thing I am tempted to give up is my time spent with you.  I have often said, God knows my heart.  And yes you do.  But I don't want to make it hard on myself anymore.  I am making you number one.  And when I am tempted to forget please remind me.  I pray this prayer in your wonderful name.  Amen.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

In Line With His Will

How is your prayer life?  Do you pray daily?  What do you ask for when you pray? Are your prayers getting answered?  If not, do you know why?  These are all the questions I asked myself.  The questions were brought about during my study time.  I was reading in I John.  I John Chapter 5 to be exact.   I came across verses 14 and 15.

'And we can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will. And if we know he is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that he will give us what we ask for'. (NLT)

I stopped reading and started thinking about my prayer life.  I had to say that it is okay. (can be better)  Then I started thinking about what I pray for.  I'm not asking to be a millionaire.  My requests are pretty level-headed.  Most of my prayers are for someone else.  So I'm not even praying selfishly.  Then I thought about whether or not my prayers are being answered.  I just read a verse that says that I can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything and we can be sure that he will give us what we ask for.  So yes my prayers are being answered.  My problem is I don't always like the answer. 

Now go back three sentences and read what I wrote.  Notice anything?  Some thing is missing.  Five very important words.  'In line with his will'.   See how easy it was for me to see 'What was in it for me'.  It was so easy that I omitted the part that was probably the reason I wasn't getting the answer I expected.  This was my Ah-hah moment.  You see I was praying, every day in fact.  But the part I really had to think about was if I was praying in line with His will.  Which led me to another question.  How do I know the will of God?  By getting to know Him better.  By talking to Him.  By reading His Word.  And if we really don't know we be sure to include the words, 'Thy Will Be Done", which sometimes cancels out everything we just prayed for.  You see often times we become frustrated either with unanswered prayer or 'wrong' answered prayer.  At least we think the answer is wrong.  Especially if it's not the one we wanted.  This one simple detail was a big challenge for me.  For some reason I could understand it better if I was praying some crazy prayer - like becoming a millionaire.  But I was praying for someone's health, to find a job, etc.  Simple, reasonable things.  And you know what happened, the loved one passed on and I remained unemployed.  My logical conclusion was God didn't answer me.  He most certainly didn't give me what I asked for.  I specifically asked Him to heal my grandmother and to help me find a job within three months.  My family could survive at least that long. 

I am not going to take a deep dive at this time into the will of God. Maybe at a later date. It is important to understand the will of God.  And if you are really unsure about it, what a great opportunity for you to spend in the Word and talking to God.  You can never go wrong to praying the scriptures. I do it quite often. (Not because God needs a reminder of what He said but because I know it is in line with His will. After all, it was God-breathed.)  But I want to share with you how I learned to accept the answers I received. I accepted that God is Sovereign.  He can do what He wants to do when He wants to do it.  When you accept this concept there is a peace that comes over you like no other.  I'm telling you what I know.  I experienced it.  God is a good God but he allows evil.  The Murrah building bombing.  The World Trade Center.  God is a loving God, yet He allows us to experience hurt and pain.  Death. Divorce.  Disease.  And even with all of this I would so much rather be in His hands than anyone else's

The other thing I came to grips with was God's timing. What we consider an eternity is like a second to our God.  We must learn to accept that He knows when we are ready to receive whatever it is He has in store for us.  If you set God on a time schedule, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.  And I know you don't like to be disappointed.  So sometimes we must wait.  But it is not a hopeless wait.  It is a hopeful wait.  A wait that we are excited about because we know that God Almighty is in control.  That is why we trust Him.  We exercise our faith - our internal engine.  We are confident that He will answer us.  And we don't walk around with our lip stuck out when we don't like the answer. 

Today I asked lots of questions.  God's word and those who write about God's word should make you think.  It should bring about change.  Just when I have determined in my mind to give up on God or determine that He must not want something for me, that's when He shows up.  And there has never been a time that it was not on time.  So I continue to pray.  I pray with an expectant heart.  I have no doubt that He will answer.  I know that He is Sovereign.  His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts.  But just like the painter who sees the big picture when starting off with a blank canvas and the architect who draws a few lines that becomes a giant skyscraper, I know that as I pray in line with God's will and accept His answer, I too will become a great masterpiece. 

Our Father, which art in heaven. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Grow In Grace and In Knowledge

'Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ'.  II Peter 3:18a

Sometimes when I am studying the Word the weirdest things pop out at me.  Today was one of those days.  I was reading II Peter and when I got to Chapter 3 verse 18 I stopped.  The Holy Spirit arrested my mind.  I couldn't get out of my head why the word grace came before knowledge.  Shouldn't knowledge have been first?  After all, we are always told to read the Bible. Study the Word.  So it has to be important.  I also took note of the word 'and' which led me to believe that grace and knowledge go hand in hand.  You can't grow in one without the other.  But I kept going back to the word grace before knowledge.  One thing I have learned though about the scripture is that there are no mistakes and things are written that way for a reason. 

What is grace?  God's unmerited favor.  God giving us what we don't deserve. We can't buy it. We can't earn it.  Grace is given by God. 

What is knowledge?  Familiarity, awareness or understanding gained through experience or study.  Acquiring knowledge involves complex cognitive processes: perception, learning, communication, association and reasoning.

Why are we as believers told to grow in grace and knowledge? And furthermore, why are we told to grow in grace first.  Here is my theory.  The Bible is full of valuable information.  It is 'sharper than any two-edged sword'.  It is 'God-inspired and profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness'.  In the Bible we are able to take a close look into the mind of Christ.  A personal transformation process should take place as we read the Word.  Unfortunately this is not always what takes place.  Did you know that there are people who read the Word for no other reason than to tell you what is wrong in your life.  What you should be doing better.  They read the Word to point out the flaws of the preacher, the teacher, the deacon, the deaconess, the choir member. Stop me when I get to your street.  They may start studying the Word because they want to grow closer to God. They want a better relationship.  But something strange happens on the inside and instead of growing closer, their eyes seem to open up into the lives of those around them.  Their husbands. Their wives. Their friends. Their co-workers.  All of a sudden they are better than those around them.  They become prideful and judgmental.  They tend to forget that just yesterday they were in the same place.  Actually, if they tell the truth and shame the devil, they really never left that place.  They just keep it within the four walls of their own home.  And let me say something right here,  the very person looking down on the young lady who had a baby out of wedlock is just as much a sinner for gossiping with Sister Sally.  The person who is looking down on the young man who went to prison for whatever reason is just as much a sinner for participating in premarital sex.  A sin is a sin.  And it is not our place to judge.

How many of you reading this already know where I am going?  It didn't take me long to figure out why we are told to 'grow in grace and in knowledge'.  Lest we forget where we came from.  We are all sinners saved by grace.  We experience God's grace through His saving power.  It leads us to want to know more about Him.  So who are we to judge or look down on anyone? That was one of the fights I had with myself before I submitted to God and the ministry He called me to do.  I didn't want to think of myself more highly than I should.  As a matter of fact I pray daily that God keep me humble. That He gives me the right words to say when I speak and when I teach and when I write. 

God has given us grace but we aren't so quick to return the favor to others.  We have a memory like an elephant.  We remember every wrong thing a person has every done.  If we find out something about someone's past  that we didn't know, we are quick to turn up our nose at them.  There was only one perfect person whoever walked the face of the earth and his name was Jesus Christ.  And I hate to tell you this but we all have a past.  Whether you were raised in the church and saved at an early age or you became a Christian as an adult, you are not better than anyone.  And here's another bit of information I want to share with you, the more Word you come to know and understand, the more you are held accountable for.  We are Christ's ambassadors.  We are here to help bring others to Christ.  We should want to share with others the grace we were extended.  I don't know about you but when I think of the things I've done, the words I've said, the bad thoughts I've had yet God still saved me. In fact he continues to extend grace to me by forgiving me every day and I have the nerve to think of myself as better than someone else.  Shame on me!

I'm reminded of a Walter Hawkins song on his Love Alive album.  The song is entitled "I'm Not The Same".  The lyrics are as follows: I came to Christ, just as I was.  I was lost deep in sin.  I had no peace of mind within.  And I'm not the same.  Everything has changed. Because of Christ.  Here is the one thing I want you to keep in mind.  You know your story.  Only you can write the lyrics to your song.  It may sound similar to the words of the Walter Hawkins song I just mentioned. Whatever the case may be, God saved you. By His grace.  And your life is not the same.  As you grow in knowledge and you get to know God better and he changes you to be more like him, you should be more willing to extend grace to others.  In and of ourselves it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 

I am a strong advocate of studying the Word of God.  I believe that everyone should know the Word for themselves so that at any time you can give an account for the hope that is in you.  But I challenge you that you should also grow in grace. After all, grace is what started you on your journey.  As you learn more about Christ, you should become more like Him.  Have you ever stopped to think where you would be if God looked at your past and instead of extending grace and saving you, He turned his back and said, 'You're just not good enough'.  Forget about the past before you were saved, let's rewind to just yesterday.  What if God said, "I'm not going to forgive you.  I've given you enough chances."  I don't know about you but I would be in horrible shape.  I encourage you to live your life as though you are the only Jesus the people you encounter will see.  Are you a good representative?

Dear Lord,

I'm sorry. Please forgive me.  I have been guilty of judging my sister, my brother in Christ.  Instead of extending grace, I've made the decision that they don't deserve it.  After all you have done for me.  You saved me and you continue to forgive me. With your help I know I can do better.  Help me not to become haughty or prideful.  Thank you Lord for your grace.  In Jesus' Name Amen.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Standing on the promises of Christ my King. Thru eternal ages let his praises ring. Glory in the highest I will should and sing.  Standing on the promises of God. 

Standing on the promises I cannot fail.  When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail.  By the living Word of God I shall prevail.  Standing on the promises of God. 

God cannot lie. Whatever He has promised me, it will come to pass.  I tell myself these very words all the time. Sometimes several times a day.  Why? Because some days I become discouraged.  Things are not turning out as I thought they would.  I've grown tired of seeing others prosper.  They are happy.  They're married, why aren't I?  They have children.  I want a child.  They have nice things.  I deserve them to.  I'm living right.  I'm studying the Word.  I'm praying more.  I even started going to Sunday school and Bible study.  Yet it seems as though God has forgotten about me. 

Read Hebrew 6: 8-20.  Let me begin by saying God knows exactly what He is doing.  Right at a moment of discouragement, I read these verses.  This is not something that I did not know. I just needed a reminder.  And today I don't have any profound thoughts for you.  I am simply going to let the Word speak for itself. 

God sees everything. And because He sees everything you don't have to tell Him the things you do as His representative.  But God doesn't honor His promises because of what you do.  He honors them because of who He is.  God does not change.  If He has told you something it will come to pass.  We all know the story of Abraham.  Did you know that it took twenty-five years before God made good on that promise to Abraham to give him a son?  Some of you may look at this in the negative.  Twenty-five years.  I may not even have twenty-five years left in my life.  I want to try and help change your way of thinking.  In an earlier post I shared with you that God's timing is perfect timing.  I still believe that.  The truth that you must look at and hold on to is that God kept his promise.  The time frame should not be your focus. You must continue to have hope. 

"When people take an oath, they call on someone greater than themselves to hold them to it."  (verse 16)  Like in the U.S. court system where the witness places his hand on the Bible and swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth  'so help me God'.  When God makes a promise you can take it to the bank.  There is no need to think the check might bounce.  There is none greater than the living God.  So the next time Satan tries to sneak  into your mind that spirit of discouragement or defeat, fight back with the Word. 

At the beginning of this post I wrote the words to a hymn we used to sing at church, Standing on the Promises.  This hymn says exactly what I am talking about.  God's promises are secure ground to stand on.  For those of you that are unfamiliar with this hymn, I'll quote one of my favorite songs performed by Donnie McClurkin.  This song does something to me every time I hear it.  The song is called 'Stand'.  Now Donnie doesn't say that anything about standing on God's promises, but it does say this:

What do you do when you've done all you can and it seems like it's never enough. And what do you say when your friends turn away, you're all alone.  What do you give? When you've given your all and seems like you can't make it thru. Well you just stand. Stand. When there's nothing left to do. You just stand. Watch the Lord see you thru.  After you've done all you can.  You just stand. 

So let me paint a picture of what is playing in my mind when I am listening to or singing this song.  God's promises to me.  This song is talking to the discouraged, disheartened believer.  The one who is trying his/her best to live life the way God wants them to.  This song is talking to the believer who may have just hit a rough patch and is thinking what's the point of all this Christianity anyway.  The believer who made a mistake and even the people in the church have turned their backs on him.  Ever been this believer that I am talking about. I have? And God's Word pulled me up out of my own pity party every time.  I picked up my head and stuck out my chest and planted my feet.  I stood firmly on the Word of God.

Dear Lord:

Today I don't feel much like praying.  Today I am just thankful that you already know what I am going thru.   Today I just want to say thank you for your Word.  Thank you for the promises made to me.  I am now standing on those promises.  Satan can't steal my joy.  I will not be defeated.  I will no longer be discouraged.  I will trust you. Thank you Lord for your Word that cannot and will not return void.  In you, Oh Lord, I have hope.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.