Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, June 18, 2010

In Everything

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6

This summer my children are learning different verses in the Bible.  I hand-picked these verses because they have been such a help in my life. When my daughter finished reading this verse a few days ago she asked me, "Mama does that really mean everything?" and I told her "Yes baby it does."  When I first read this verse I had the same question.  But as I have grown spiritually I truly take this verse in its truest sense.  I pray about everything.  From a close parking space to my marriage.  I pray for my children and my friends.  I pray that I can have a trip to Walmart without the lack of quality customer service upsetting me.  I pray while riding in my car because I know of my tendency for road rage.  I'll never forget when a former manager of mine rode in the car with me and she couldn't believe how upset I got while driving.  (Just for your information...I have gotten better.) 

Now my question to you is how do you interpret that verse.  Do you use it to your advantage?  My life is full of too many uncertainties so when I can be sure of something I want to use it to my advantage.  What am I sure of?  That God can handle any problem that I might have.  That He is going to give me a peace that helps me to stop worrying so much.  Just today I had a test and although I had studied, I just didn't feel sure.  In fact, I had a minor anxiety attack.  So I stopped and prayed.  I prayed all the way to the school.  I asked God to calm my nerves and to bring the things I had studied to my memory.  And you know what, He did!  Talk about being thankful....I almost started shouting in the class when I looked at the questions and realized I actually knew the answers. 

Some of you may laugh at me and say why pray about such trivial things.  I will give you the same response I gave my daughter.  When you pray about the trivial things it becomes a habit.  It becomes a part of your everyday routine.  Don't you know that God never gets tired of hearing from you?  He delights when his children come an talk to Him. So if you know that He wants to hear from you and that prayer changes things, why wouldn't you talk to God about everything?   Just look at the benefits you receive...a peace that surpasses all understanding, insulation for you heart and mind to keep out those thoughts of negativity.  If praying is all we have to do to receive all that (and let me remind you this is an extra benefit because we already have eternal life) then what's stopping you?

Dear Lord,

I'm coming to you today just to talk about some things that have been bothering me.  (Go ahead and talk to Him about those things.)  Today I am turning them over to you.  I am also recommitting myself to going to you first about everything.  I know you are the only one who can really do something about it.  I thank you right now for everything you have already done in my life and I am also thanking you in advance for what you are going to do in the future.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

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