Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Touch From The Master

All I need is a touch from you. No one else can do the things you do. Take the wrong in my life and make it right.  All I need is a touch from you. 

These words are the lyrics to a popular gospel song out right now sang by Brian Courtney Wilson.  I was driving in my car and listening to this song and I got to thinking about what the lyrics meant.  These words are a true testimony of faith.  He is essentially saying that just one touch from the Master and everything will be alright.

Remember the woman who had the issue of blood.  If you are unfamiliar with the story it can be found at Mark 5: 25-34.  This woman had a bleeding condition that lasted for twelve long years.  Yet when she heard about a man named Jesus, her thought process changed.  She had hope.  She thought to herself, finally someone who I know can do something about this condition.  She had been to all the specialists.  She had tried all the home remedies.  She had exhausted all of her financial resources.  A person under normal circumstances would have given up.  They would have just decided that I will just live with the condition and wait until I die. 

(Just a footnote - someone reading this today has already decided to put the nail in the coffin. You have given up on the situation.  You have decided that there is no hope.  My question to you today is have you heard about that man named Jesus?  Did you ever stop to think that your lack of faith is tying God's hands?)

I can imagine her sitting there one day thinking about  everything she had heard.  All the miracles he had already performed.  I can hear her saying to herself, Wow!  Who is this man named Jesus?  I haven't met Him yet but He sounds like someone special.  And the more she sat there and thought about Him she came to the conclusion that He could do the same thing for her.  What faith! She had probably already noticed that there was never a time when He did not have a crowd around him.  So she thought to herself what if I just get close enough to touch the hem of His garment.  I know He can heal me!  I have no doubt!  And make her way through the crowd is exactly what she did.  You see her preparation followed by persistence led her to the physician who provided her with a premium benefit - not only the healing of her condition but all of her suffering.  That's persistence paid at a premium!  That's just how my God works!

My question  to you today is what does your faith meter read?  Unlike the woman with the issue of blood, you have actually seen God show up time and time again in your life, yet there are times that you still doubt Him.  You see, she believed based on what He had done for others.  You, instead, want to hold on to control.  You want Him to show up and fix it your way and in your time.  When will you finally get to the point that you say that all you need is a touch from the Lord.  He has a proven track record.  There is nothing too big or too small.  He can do it!  All you have to do is have faith!  Whatever it is that you are holding on to, I urge you today to give it to Him.  Watch Him work it out! You might even receive a premium.  Just like the woman with the issue of blood, I have went to God believing Him for one thing and He takes care of something else.  He takes care of the very thing that was at the root of the problem. 

Dear Lord, 

I believe.  I believe that you can take care of the situation that is going on in my life right now.  I know that there is nothing too big or too small that you cannot handle.  Today I am turning it all over to you and having the faith that you will take care of it.  At the moment that I start to doubt help me to remember the woman with the issue of blood or better yet the last time you showed up in my life.  Thank you Lord.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

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