Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rock Solid

There are not too many things that I am 100% sure of.  And believe me, I took a moment and really thought about this.  At one point I was sure of my job.  It came and it went.  At another point I was sure of my friends, some of them went.  I had a pretty nice truck. It was damaged in a hail storm and now I can't even drive it.  I had relationships that I once thought were pretty sturdy.  They are also no longer.  But there is one thing that I can say is rock solid and that is my relationship with God.  I learned a long time ago that His Word will not return void.  Out of the same mouth that he promises blessings, he also speaks of curses.  The same God that speaks of His mercy will also be passing out judgment.  What I am glad about is that even in the midst of judgment when God returns and the heavens and earth are shaken, I need not worry.  My salvation is secure.  I have built my house on a solid rock. (Matthew 7:24-27) That rock is Jesus. 

Read Hebrews 12:25-29.  We learn something very important about God in these verses.  We have security. We can trust that what God says will come to pass.  Living in Oklahoma you don't expect earthquakes. However, a couple of months ago while sitting in my living room, I experienced my first earthquake.  This earthquake was not as bad as the ones experienced regularly in California, but it was strong enough to knock a picture off the wall.  It was enough to make me a little bit nervous.  After it was over I didn't feel so secure.  It was nothing like the earthquake that was described in these verses in Hebrews.  The one described in Exodus 19:18. The one where God descended upon Mount Sinai to give the law to the children of Israel.  And I'm sure it was nothing like the one described in these verses that will happen upon the Lord's return. 

Since we know all of this, the question that I pose to you today is then why don't we listen. Why are we not heeding God's warning.  We read about what happened to the children of Israel who did not heed the warning and obey the law. While it is clear that we no longer live under the law for we are saved by grace.  Nevertheless, we are given clear instructions on how we are supposed to live and what we are supposed to do.  All the things that will actually make our life easier, yet we continue to be hard-headed.  We have seen what God can do thru our 'cloud of witnesses'. And for those of us who have been walking with him for a long time, we've seen repeatedly what He can do in our own lives.  I believe we do this because there is still a little bit of doubt lingering in our minds.  We can testify that God has never failed us but when the new situation arises, we don't go to Him with confidence.  I also believe we do this because we hate to give up complete control.  We say I'm right here.  I'm the one actually dealing with the situation.  There has to be something I can do to make this go away sooner, rather than later.  We are not truly trusting in God.  Our internal engine is not running properly.  You see, when our internal engine is running properly there is no room for worry or doubt. We can take our hands off the steering wheel and let Jesus drive. 

I have a nine year old daughter who wants to grow up so fast.  In fact ever since she was born she has done things early.  She walked early.  She started talking early.  She has always been advanced for her age.  This past Mother's Day I had a talk with her about enjoying the benefits of being a child.  And while I may not have the power that God has, as her mother I am in control of her well-being.  She doesn't have to worry about what she will eat, where she will sleep, if she is going to have clean clothes.  She can safely trust that I am going to make sure those things are taken care of.  Just like our Heavenly Father.  He is rock solid.  I don't have to worry about what I am going to eat, where I am going to sleep, if this storm will pass.  I can safely trust that He will provide and this too shall pass.  And because I know this, out of respect and reverence for the One who made all this possible, I thank Him.  When He speaks to me, I listen.  I may not always like what He is saying but I know that it will benefit me in the end.  Just like my daughter, who wants to be grown, she may not understand or even like the things I say to her but out of respect for me as her mother, she listens and obeys.  And believe it or not, just as I did, she will thank me one day. 

I started this post by saying that there are not too many things that I am 100% sure of.  I end this post by saying there is one thing that I am 100% sure of and that is my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.  And because of this, I honor Him with my life and not a day goes by that I don't thank Him for what He has done, is doing and is going to do in my life.  Are you standing on the same solid rock?

Dear Lord,

Thank you for being the one thing in my life that I can stand firmly on.  When the storms of life are raging, I am so glad I can find safety in Your arms.  Knowing that I have built my house on a solid foundation let's me know that I don't have to worry or doubt.  I can put all my trust in You.  Help me to not only listen and pay attention to Your voice but also to be obedient to Your Word.  I know that I can do this with your help.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen. 

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