Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bold Assurance

I remember as a child being afraid to tell my parents when something was wrong. I especially hated to tell them when I knew I had been disobedient. If I was having a difficult time with a task or if I was struggling with schoolwork, I developed a habit of trying to figure it out myself. And for those of you that know me well, you know that even to this day, I have a difficult time asking for help. (Just as a side note - I am working on getting better at this)

Thank God for the privilege of prayer. In my recent study of the book of Hebrews I came across a verse that helped to set all my fears aside. Read Hebrews 4:14-16. In the days of the Old Testament, the Jews relied heavily on the priest. When you went to the priest he told you what needed to be done for forgiveness of sins. It was his responsibility to go before the Lord for you, sort of like a mediator. And let me point out, this was done once a year. For me this would be difficult because how could I be assured that no one else would find out the things I said. And some days, I'm a bit of a cynic. Who's to say that the action that you want me to perform will actually produce the necessary results that I am looking for. The priest were on such a pedestal that I didn't know if they could even sympathize with me. After all, a priest was just a man. My other issue would be the timing - once a year. I don't know about you, but for me, problems are daily. I often wake up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep consumed with the worries of this world. Some of my best times with God have occurred between the hours of three and five in the morning.

I'm so glad times are different now. We no longer have to go thru a priest. Jesus is now our Mediator. And we should have no doubt that he sympathizes with us because just like you and I, he was faced with some of the very temptations that you and I have had to face, yet he rose above his circumstances and situation and did not give in to that temptation. He who knew no sin, died for our sin. We know that when he was tired and weak, Jesus, himself, took it to the Father in prayer. And now he is sitting beside our Heavenly Father pleading out case. I couldn't have selected a better person if I had chosen him myself. You see when I know that I have done wrong, I don't have to be afraid. When I've committed the very sin that I had promised I would never do again, I can go boldly to the the throne and ask for forgiveness. When I don't know how I am going to pay my light bill or how I'm going to pass my college midterms, I can talk to God about it. When I'm sad, mistreated, angry, worried, unsure I can let it all out in my quiet time with the Lord. You see it's easier to do this because I know that I am placing it in the most capable hands. I have no fear of being judged. I know that the response is going to be one of compassion. I know that I am going to receive grace and mercy, and they are new every morning. All I have to do is grab hold of him and never let go. I must put all my trust in him. And when I do this I can come to him with bold assurance. I have a guarantee. I can be free of doubt. I don't know about you but there are not too many things that I can count on with that degree of certainty. I thank God for my great High Priest.

Dear Lord,

My heart is troubled. There are so many things going on in my life right now. Things that are beyond my control. My emotions are getting the best of me. When I would do good, evil is always present. And I admit that at times I give in to my temptation. I want to thank you Lord for your grace and your mercy. I am so grateful for your blessed assurance. I know that things will work out for my good. In Jesus' Wonderful Name. Amen.

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