Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Christian Love

Over and over again in the Bible we are told to love one another. Hebrews 13:1 tells us, 'Continue to love each other with true Christian love'.  Christian love?  What is that?  And how is it different from the type of love we are born with.  Or is there a difference?  And why does the author tell us to 'continue to love each other'?  These are all the questions I had when I read this verse.  I could even get to verse two because of all the questions running thru my mind.  I encourage you to read the entire thirteenth chapter. 

What is Christian love?  For me the first thing that popped out from that phrase was the word Christ.  Which tells me that you cannot be a Christian without Christ.  So in order to best understand Christian love we must understand who Christ is and how did he love.  I believe the greatest description of Christ's love was said in John 15:13 which reads, 'Greater love hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for a friend'.  Another verse that shows the depth of Christ's love is Romans 5:8.  'But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners'.  You see God's love was a sacrificial type of love.  The kind of love that showed his main focus was US, not himself.  We live in a different day and age where we probably won't have to die for someone else.  Nevertheless, there are many different ways that we can demonstrate God's love.  Just the other day my heart was so heavy.  Not for myself but for a dear friend.  I wanted to do whatever I could for that person to take away the pain.  Physically there was nothing that I could do. But because of Christ, who lives within me, I knew of one thing I could do and that was to pray.  It didn't matter at the time what was going on in my own life. What mattered is that my sister was standing in need.  When I think about the pain that Jesus endured on that cross just for me, loving others is the least I can do.  And this applies to those we don't know on a first name basis.  I did finally move to verse two of Hebrews 13.  Which tells us to show hospitality to strangers because we never know when we have entertained angels without our knowledge (my paraphrase) . 

I got a little ahead of myself so let me back track for a second and go back to verse one.  It still puzzled me about why the writer said 'continue'.  Then it clicked.  I'll use my own life as an example and when it sounds familiar to you then you can chime in with an Amen.  I thought about the last time someone did me wrong and then I saw them at the altar.  My first mind was to say, 'They shouldn't be so mean and maybe they wouldn't be going thru that."  I thought about the beggar on the street who I passed every day on my way to work, and while I may not be rich I could have spared a few dollars or even given them my lunch that I had just went to pick up.  I thought about my own family members who when I became offended I just decided not to them for a while.  I thought about the people living in my own house when I believed they had done me wrong and they should be the ones to ask for forgiveness and so I didn't apologize. Heck I didn't even talk to them for several days.  Any of this sound familiar.   You see, I believe the reason we are told to 'continue' is because in and of ourselves, most days we have an 'if' kind of love.  Remember those if/then statements we learned about in school.  That's how we operate.  If you treat me right then I'll love you.  I'll forgive you.  I'll be there for you when you are in need.  But that's not the kind of love that God showed us.  We are instructed to continue because God knew that some days it wouldn't be easy for us to show that kind of love.  You see, too many times we let our emotions control us. And most of us never want it to be said that someone took advantage of us. 

But  I am once again reminded of my Savior who showed His love for me and died a horrible death while I was still a sinner.  And then He continues to love me when I mess up daily.  I may not do it in my actions.  But I know my thoughts and sometimes I'm not right in what I think.  So how do we get to the point that it becomes our first nature to show that Christian type of love.  We choose to love.  All of us have been hurt and have been tempted to say to heck with love.  But if you are a Christian then you don't have that option.  Remember the Jesus in you may be the only Jesus that someone may see.  It is God who lives inside of you and He is able to replace that spirit of bitterness with love.  That spirit of unforgiveness with love.  That spirit of selfishness with love.  Where do you start?  Right in your on home.  On your job.  At church.  (Yes I said at church.  Unfortunately I have encountered some unloving people at church.)  But that's all in the past.  I believe the love of Christ is contagious.  It only takes a few of to show it to others and for that person to show it to someone else.  Will you be that one? 

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your love.  It is truly amazing.  I admit that I have been guilty of showing if/then love and not Christ-like love.  Sometimes I let my emotions control my actions.  Occasionally I am known for holding a grudge, throwing a temper tantrum and not helping my neighbor. But Lord I want to do better.  I am so thankful for the love you showed me when you sent your son Jesus to die for my sins. I am even more thankful for the love you show me everyday when I fall short.  Help me to show love in the ways that I know I can.  Help me just to pray for my sister and brother more.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

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