Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In The Meanwhile

What do you do when God is silent? When the world around you continues to go on yet you live in a period of darkness. You are fully aware of the one who is in control, but he seems to be absent. During this period your world doesn't stop. You cannot take a leave of absence from work. You cannot shut yourself off from your spouse, your children, your family. But the pain is evident. It is so real that you are searching for that small ray of hope at this time. Because this period of silence has lasted so long you are no longer expecting anything big. No Red Sea Experience. No water into wine. Just a taste of water. Just a break in the clouds.

It reminds me of I Samuel 3:1. Meanwhile, the boy Samuel was serving the Lord by assisting Eli. Now in those days the messages from the Lord were very rare, and visions were quite uncommon. (Read I Samuel 2:27-36, 3:1-21) The word meanwhile let's me know something was going on in the midst of this. What was it? Evil. Darkness. Sin. Depression. Lack of Hope. God was silent. But still Samuel was still serving the Lord. Even though God's voice and his miraculous works were non-existent.

What about you? In this world we live in today where there is so much evil, so much darkness, war, terrorism do you continue to serve him. And even closer to home, your own personal period of darkness. You are a man of God. You are a woman of God. You're in a storm. The storm has lasted so long you're in a state of depression. Does your faith waiver or are you still trusting him in the meanwhile. I believe that when God is silent that is when he is doing the most work. In a great Broadway play we only see the finished product but the greater work goes on behind the scenes and the work being done in your life required the best stage master. The one capable of creating a wonderful masterpiece. In the meanwhile we must keep working, rehearsing, preparing for the performance of a lifetime. When God is able to show up in your life and make you a living testimony. It's when you dive into the Word. You may have periods of fasting and praying. You may need to have a good cleansing cry. These are necessary. But what I want you not to do it 'Give Up'. God is still at work. Remember he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could every ask or imagine. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. He has a plan for you. You see, one day like Samuel, he will speak to you and tell you what the next move should be. As you become more engrossed in his work you will become more accepting of what these next steps are. The word is designed to show you the ways and the heart of the Lord. He may tell you that what you have prayed for is not what will happen but wrapped inside that message that seems earth-shattering is a a ray of hope. A reason to keep on serving him, trusting him, praising him. My question to you today is will you determine in your heart to continue to do all these things in your meanwhile.

Dear Lord,

I just want to scream. Darkness has consumed my life. There is evil all around me and I am at my wit's end. Help me to be strong and continue to do your work. Help me to hold on in my meanwhile. Help me to know that you are still at work and more importantly help me to accept whatever it is your response is. In the most wonderful name of Jesus. Amen.

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