Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Only Because I Love You

How many of you can remember your parents saying these words - 'I'm only doing this because I love you'.  And right after they said these words you got a spanking, they grounded you for a week, they took the car keys.  They may have told you that you couldn't go to that party or they withheld your allowance.  I'm sure you have your own stories that you could contribute at this moment. Now that you are an adult, have you stopped to think about what the purpose was for the discipline.  And even to take it a step further, have you thanked them for the discipline you received.  I know that sounds kind of strange. But if you really think about it they are the ones responsible for making you the person you are today.

For the past few days we have been in the book of Hebrews and we will continue there today.  Read Hebrews 12:5-11.  Pay close attention to verses 5 -6  My child, don't ignore it when the Lord disciplines you, and don't be discouraged when he corrects you.  For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes those he accepts as his children. Sound familiar.  These words have a striking resemblance to the words I started with at the beginning of the post.  'I'm doing this because I love you'. 

The writer begins these verses with an endearing statement, showing ownership - My child.  But then he says two just as important words, 'don't ignore'.  That means pay attention.  I'm not just disciplining you for the heck of it, there is a purpose behind it.  Which let's me know that when God disciplines you, TAKE NOTICE.  Take the time to ask him what is the purpose for this discipline.  Discipline in its truest sense has two different meanings.  The one that probably comes to your minds first is punishment.  I want to look at it from a different perspective.  Instead of automatically thinking punishment, let's look at it from the area of child development.  In child development, discipline refers to methods of modeling character and developing self-control and acceptable behavior.  God's discipline serves a greater purpose than the pain that you feel in the moment it takes place.  He is working to shape you into the man or woman he wants you to be.  He is teaching you self-control against those fits of road rage and co-workers who don't do any work.  He is causing that cell phone not to work so he can have some quiet time with you.  Just like when I tell my daughters that they are to clean their room everyday and they think mama's being mean, I'm teaching them acceptable behavior.  You see, I know that if you develop a habit of being messy it will overflow into other areas of your life. 

When God disciplines you he is trying to develop you to become more like him. Think about this. If he didn't care, why would he bother.  He would just leave you to your own devices and let you run wild.  But because you are his child, he cares enough to tell you when you are doing wrong.  Not only does he tell you but he sometimes withholds, chastises, spanks.  My challenge for you today is the next time you are experiencing the discipline of the Lord, instead of complaining, whining and getting mad about it, take a step back.  Ask God what is the purpose for the discipline.  Did the discipline prevent something from happening?  As a mother, I know that my discipline is out of love.  I see the things I want my children to avoid and I also know a little bit about acceptable behavior.  I can only see with human eyes.  Our Heavenly Father sees with spiritual eyes and knows the plan he has for each of us.  Why not become more accepting of his discipline?

Dear Lord,

I didn't like to be disciplined as a child and really have not handled the discipline I have received from you in the best way that I could.  It just seems so unfair at the time.  I know that I am not always right.  Temptation is present all around me.  Help me to understand that only you can see down the road. And when I can't see the purpose, let me come to you and ask what your purpose is.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name Amen.

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