Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Think God

'If then you have been raised with Christ seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things that are above and not on things that are on earth'. Colossians 3:1-2

You know the old saying, 'It's hard to see the forest for the trees'. The idea that we can't see the beauty of what is in front of us for looking at the minoot details.  It means that you are so deeply involved in a situation, and perhaps focusing too much on individual details, and not enough on the situation as a whole. Those times in life when circumstances try to hinder you and it becomes difficult to live the life God intended for you to live. Life just continues to slap you in the face.  There are all kinds of distractions or stressors, as the minister put it this morning, that might cause you to grow weary and tired.  A broken heart.  A stressful job.  A misbehaving child.  An unloving spouse.  Financial woes.  How better off your life would be if you would look upon them, not as individual circumstances, but instead look ahead to the big picture.  The beauty of what God is doing in your life.  The way He is using the circumstances of life (the good and the bad times) to make you into a person to be used for His glory.

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while now know that I often refer to the war that you and  I experience within.  It is more than just the battle between good and evil, right and wrong.  It's  those times when you are desperately trying to stand firm in your faith, fighting to see past what the human eye can see.  You are a Christian.  You have been 'raised with Christ' and because you are now alive in Him you should seek to understand the spiritual truths and the will of God.  So how does one go about doing this, especially when so many things seem to be upside down in your life.  You know what the Word says and you believe it in your heart.  But you just can't stop thinking about your circumstances.  This scenario is something that I have been thinking about for awhile, in fact it is my life right now.  So as I sat trying to block out all the noise in my mind in order to praise God and open myself up to receive the Word that I know God had prepared just for me, I begin to pray in my spirit.  And in an answer to that prayer, the Spirit led me to the verse above.  It's easy to sit and constantly think about a bad situation, a bad job situation or what may have caused you a broken heart, the loss of someone you love. But today at this moment I thank God for the alternative to dwelling on a bad situation. God instructs us to 'set your minds on things that are above'.  Literally, THINK GOD! It's about having an inner disposition to look upward in every situation.  Thinking Heavenly thoughts that come from knowing what God has promised in His Word.  One thought that kept replaying itself over and over in my mind is that 'God is still good'.  No matter what the circumstance, He is still in control and has a purpose for the pain. After being reminded of this very thing I realized the ball was now in my court.  It was time for me to make a decision.  Either I was going to continue to dwell on my circumstance or I was going to make an active decision to think on things above.  My choice....THINK GOD! When I sit and think of the goodness of Jesus and all He has done for me, there is no competition.  He is my one constant!  My Everything!  My Calm in the midst of chaos!  He keeps the smile on my face and the joy in my heart.  And He is faithful.  He has come through so many times before and made a way out of no way and I believe that He will do it again.  What about you?  Will you trust Him?

Heavenly Father,

I love you.  You are amazing.  You are awesome.  Your presence is unmistakable and your power undeniable.  You are holy. You are faithful.  That is why I trust You.  No matter what the life may throw my way, I know that You will sustain me.  Lord, you give power to the faint and when I have no might you increase my strength.  I'm tired Lord but I am waiting on You.  I'm waiting for Your deliverance which is far better than anything that I could ever orchestrate myself. I don't want to make a move to the right or to the left unless I am sure that You are leading me.  Help me to 'be still'  so that I may experience Your salvation. All these things I ask in Jesus' precious name I pray Amen. 

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