Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Things First

I have a question for you.  How do you start your day?  There are  people I know who claim that their day just doesn't go right if they don't have their morning coffee or soda.  They have to have a doughnut or a bowl of oatmeal.  They wake up in the morning wash their face, brush their teeth, take a shower, have breakfast and head off to work or to school never once acknowledging the creator of the universe, the Almighty God.  This morning I woke up a little behind schedule and didn't spend my normal quiet time with the Lord. To tell the truth I didn't sleep well and couldn't calm the million voices inside my head.  I went about my morning as if all was right with the world.  It wasn't until about 10:00 that morning when I was feeling a little strange did I realize what the problem was.  I had not taken the time to commune with my Heavenly Father.  Things could not have been more off with my day.  So what did I do?  I stopped right there and prayed.  Instantly I felt better. 

Once again I was reminded that another truth found in the gospel holds true."Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you".  (Matthew 6:33)  This same truth is pointed out in The Lord's Prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread". (Matthew 6:11)  God has something that He wants to share with You everyday.  This verse shows your need of God’s sustenance is daily as is also your need of prayer for God’s supply.  You don't have the opportunity to take a day off.  David said that "During the evening, morning, and noontime, I will lament and moan and he will hear me". (Psalm 55:17)  I can think of more times than that when I need to cry out to the Lord.  Yet and still I find myself still trying to go at it in my own strength.  Each time I fail.  When will I ever learn. 

Your body is built to need daily sustenance.  I don't know too many of us that will go without our daily meal. Now sometimes I forget to eat but it is not too long before my body reminds me that it needs a cracker or something.  How much of the stress in your life could be avoided if you took the time to start your day with God?  Your relationship with God is cultivated by frequent and regular times of devotion.  Who else can you tell all your deepest, darkest secrets?  Who else can you tell all your fears?  Even when you don't have the right words to say, you can cry out with groanings that the Savior can understand.  You can never go to Him too much.  He won't become annoyed like some of your friends or family members might.  You must remember that while may at times be good listeners, it is God who is able to do something about the problem.  Whatever it is that you may be going through, the only relief you have is to take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.  For the God I serve is truly a burden bearer.  He is a heavy load sharer.  There are times I feel like I can't catch a break but then I remember that this isn't about me.  You don't know how many times I tell myself this each day.  I am reminded of the story of Lazarus and how Jesus received word that he was ill.  Most people begin to shout at the the part of the scripture when Lazarus is raised from the dead.  My shouting begins a little earlier.  Take a minute and read John 11:4. When Jesus heard that, he said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby."  There is just something to be said when you know that God is in your corner.  Those that believe and trust Him know that the end result is "VICTORY".  What is important is that you trust Him.  That you prioritize your life in a way that puts God first.  I like the way Barnes' Commentary Notes paraphrased this verse. "His sickness is not fatal. It is not designed for his death, but to furnish an opportunity for a signal display of the glory of God, and to furnish a standing proof of the truth of religion. It is intended to exhibit the power of the Son of God, and to be a proof at once of the truth of his mission; of his friendship for this family; of his mild, tender, special love as a man; of his power and glory as the Messiah; and of the great doctrine that the dead will rise.  My paraphrase, " Your future is not fatal.  The test results are not final.  Those who are working overtime to see your demise will not win.  God loves you.  He cares about you.  He is not going to leave you out there on a limb by yourself.  What the devil meant for bad, God is going to turn it around for your good.  Only trust Him."  I always think about whose life I may be affecting.  I may be the only God people at my job may see.  For some of you reading this you are the only God your children will see, your spouse will see, that stranger at the grocery store.  You must stay prayed up.  God is the source of your strength.  Without Him you are nothing.  The next time your day seems a little off kilter, stop and ask yourself if you remembered to pray.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to You in the humblest way that I know how first thanking You and praising You for being who You are.  I thank You that because of Your grace and Your mercy I am still here today.  I ask for forgiveness, realizing that each day I fall short.  I say and do things I know that I shouldn't do and yet You continue to love me.  You continue to bless me with the breath of life.  Circumstances in my life may not be the most ideal right now but I am reminded that You are my Shepherd and that there is nothing of eternal value that I am lacking.  Help me to remember in every thing to look to You.  Help me to put you first in not just major decisions but in everything.  Let me remember that it is not about me but that You may be glorified.  I will forever give You all the glory, honor and the praise.  In Jesus' Most Precious Name I pray Amen. 

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