Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Love. A Word that comes and goes but few people really know what it means to really love somebody. ..Kirk Franklin

Many people search the world over trying to find love.  Looking for their soul mate.  Trying to find that one true friend who doesn't betray them.  Wanting their parents to accept them for who they are with no judgments.  So how do we really love somebody?  I don't know about you but loving is one of the hardest challenges I have had to face in my lifetime.  Even now there are times when I fail miserably at this thing called love. So I decided to see what The Bible had to say about love.  Now you would have thought that I would have been directed to 1 Corinthians 13.  'Love is patient, love is kind, it does envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (verse 4)  While this is a great place to look for what love is and how love behaves, this is not where the Lord led me.  Instead I was led to Matthew 20:26, 'Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant'.  What in the world does this have to do with love?  EVERYTHING!  Until you can first learn how to serve your relationships will not succeed.  Y'all know one of my favorite sayings..."It is not about you."  Everything you do is so God can be glorified. 

As I think back to some of my less successful relationships, there is one common thread to their failure.  I had not learned to be of service to my mate.  This is not the only thing but it was one of the major reasons. I spent countless hours complaining and nagging about what I was not receiving.  After all I was doing all of the giving.  Sacrificing this and that.  I never stopped to ask what he may have needed.  I just assumed that he wanted the same things that I wanted. Big mistake.  Not in a relationship? Well what about your relationship with your children.  It is our job as parents to train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  What better way to do this than to teach them how to love!  I know there may be times when you are tired from a long day at work.  Maybe the stresses of bills got you down, wondering how you are going to make ends meet.  Nevertheless, you should still take the time out to give them a hug, help them with their homework, ask them how their day was.  It's harder out there for them now then it was when you were a child.  And showing love is not about what you can buy them. What about the other people in your life, family members and friends, co-workers and even strangers.  Putting others before yourself is the ultimate display of God's love.  Have you ever thought what would happen if each and every morning you woke up asking "What can I do to be of service to those I come in contact with today?"   Can you imagine the outpouring of love that would take place?  How much better our world would be. 

Take a moment and think about it.  If both people in the relationship are doing everything they can to put the other person's needs above their own, how much better would that relationship be.  If even one person in the relationship is doing all he or she can to serve the other person, it is bound to rub off. I know that you may become frustrated, feeling like you are the only one putting forth the effort.  Just remember it is our job to plant the seed.  It is God who gives the increase.  Allow Him to bring about true change.  One thing that I have found is when I try to bring about the change through various methods, change may occur but it is not lasting change.  It doesn't take too long for things to go back to the way they were.  I must always remember that I am held accountable for me.  It may feel good for the moment to play tit for tat.   If she is mean then I am going to be mean.  I'll show him...I just won't talk to him today.  And yet you profess to be a Christian.  It is so funny whenever I use these tactics, the Holy Spirit jumps right in to convict me.  It's not too long before I realize that I am not the person that I used to be.  Some behaviors just don't sit right with me anymore.  I'm not the same and it is because of Christ.  I looked at my hands and they looked new.  I looked at my feet and they did too.  If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.  Old things are passed away, behold all things have become brand new.  (II Corinthians 5:17)  You must stay in constant prayer that 'love may abound still more and more'. (Phil. 1:9) It's not always going to be easy. Just know that you have help. All throughout the Bible we see examples of those who sacrificed and put their own needs aside, with Jesus Christ being the ultimate sacrifice.  He gave up His life to show just how much He loved us.  He allowed nails to be hammered into His nails and His feet.  He was pierced in His side with a crown of thorns placed on His head.  They hung Him high and stretched Him wide and He died.  But thank God, in three days time, He got up.  Because of this you have a reason to shout.  You have a reason to tell others the Good News.  What better way to show them than by loving others, even the most unlovable. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to You in the humblest way that I know how, realizing how unworthy I am.  I come to you today praying that Your love may abound more and more in my life with all knowledge and discernment.  Help me to be obedient to the Holy Spirit in matters of the heart.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart always be acceptable in thy sight, O God, for you are my strength and my redeemer.  I will be so careful as to always give Your name the praise, realizing that what I do is not of my own strength but the power that worketh in me.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Ramona:


    What a word I really need to hear that to DAY
