Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Call To Prayer

'First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way'.  I Timothy 2:1-2

What is wrong with our world today?  With all the technological advances that we have in the world today and things that have been labeled as improvements to our society it just seems that our world isn't getting any better.  I believe that Paul had it right when he urged Timothy to make prayer a priority again for the Ephesian church.  And this is exactly what I believe needs to be done now.  God is the only one that can do something about all the turmoil going on in the world today.  Now I understand that we all have our own needs that we take to God, but that  shouldn't stop us from praying for our leaders.  Our President, Vice President, Congress.  Our Governors, Police Men and Women, Armed Forces.  Our Pastors, heads of universities, our teachers, our counselors.  All these individuals who have to make decisions concerning our lives and the lives of those we love.  As disciples of Christ we are called to be a praying people.  The forefathers of this nations were praying people.  They claimed this nation for God.  Yet we try so hard to keep God out of everything.  I know that I have mentioned this before but it is something that is pressing on my heart.  Every time I watch the news and I see husbands killing wives, mothers killing babies, children killing parents, it reminds me that I need to pray.  It should be our first impulse instead of our last resort. Too often we pray when circumstances have reached the point of no return. 

I like the way Paul begin.  It was as if to say, "First things first, PRAY."  Before you start to do anything else to solve the problems of the world, your home, your community....PRAY!  Start with requests or petitions.  Then just to the Father.  Next make intercessions for others.  Prayer should be unselfish.  And lastly thanksgiving.  “Thanksgiving” is always involved because unless we are grateful we likely don’t understand whom we are talking to. The very fact that our God offers us an audience before his throne is reason enough for thanksgiving. Paul then goes on to remind us that our prayers should not be limited.  We are to pray for all people.  What has happened that prayer has become so ineffective and so unimportant?  I grew up during a time where there was daily prayer in homes, prayer meetings in houses.  I had a prayer partner that called me weekly most of my life. But now when something needs to be done we don't see prayer as action.  Prayer is the best thing anyone can do in any situation.  Taking your problem to an all-wise and all-powerful God.  I know you may have heard this time and time and again during your life.  I believe that you can never be reminded enough.  Prayer is something that is so very personal to me because when I was at my lowest I know that God answered the prayers of others to bring me back to a place to be of service to Him.  Some I knew about but I am sure that there were many prayers that I didn't know about.  Everyone is standing in the need of prayer.  I know that your NewYear's resolutions have been about asking God to help you develop a better pray life, and not just for yourself but for others. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I need Your help.  I want a better prayer life.  Open my eyes so that I might see the needs of others and then bring those needs to You, the only one that can bring about true change.  Forgive me for my selfishness.  Yes there are things that are going on in my life that need Your attention and touch but I need to remember that it is not always about me.  Thank you for the privilege of prayer.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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