Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Knowing God's Will

'And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free'. (John 8:32)

How do I know God's will for my life?  Christians all over the world sit down and consult with Pastor-Teachers, Sunday School teachers, conference leaders, parents and friend asking this very question.  I am sure that there is a profound way to answer this question but today I don't have that profound answer.  My simple reply to this question is 'Ask God'.  Ask Him what it is He desires for you and I am sure that He will answer you.  Now this is a question that I wish that I would have asked God much earlier in my life.  If I had, maybe, I would not have made so many mistakes in my lifetime trying out so many different things.  I know that everything works out for the good in God's master plan.  I also know that I have taken the long way around getting to many of the blessings God has prepared for my life.  I didn't heed His Word when it said, 'if any of you lacks wisdom, He should ask God for it and He will give it to you generously and without reproach'.  (James 1:5 - my paraphrase) 

Ultimately we find God's will for our lives in His Word.  We are told to abide in it.  That is, we  are to dwell or take up residence in the Word of God.  We should put more effort into knowing what it says than the other things we tend to give so much more priority.  It's kind of like when I am studying.   I cannot study and fully comprehend when I am sitting in front of the television or the kids are around asking me this or that.
But it never fails that I do this more so than not. I do the same thing sometimes when I am studying God's Word.  Between the many other things playing tug-of-war for my attention, how can God compete when He is trying to speak to me.  So there I sit confused and frustrated, searching for answers.  Stressing and worrying when God has been trying to show me all along through His Word.  If I would just take the time to listen then I would be 'set free'.  Yes, there are some of us that God has chosen to a higher calling.  All of us have been called to obedience.  We have been called to be committed to Christ.  All of us have been called to love our neighbor.  All of us have been called to forgive others.  Everyone has been called to be slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to get angry'. (James 1:19)  I have recognized that in my life when I have obeyed these simple things how much better I feel.  How I am not carrying around the weight of fear and stress and frustration.  I worry less.  I thank God more.  My heart is more open to receive.  Life is just so much easier when I listen to God.  I know what it is like to sit there and wonder am I doing what God created me for.  I have been there where I didn't enjoy my job but, hey, it paid the bills.  I remember the dream I had as a child and how now at the age of thirty-six I am going back to that dream.  I don't wonder what my life would be like if I had followed that dream from the beginning.  I know that every test and every trial has made me the person that I am today.  I also believe that God teaches us things so that we can share our experiences with others.  I know that in most of my decision-making process throughout my life,  I did not consult God.  Today, I want to encourage you by saying it's never too late to find out His will for your life.  You can start the process by reading His Word. Whenever you find yourself wondering what your next move is, before you ask anyone else, ASK GOD.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Father of all wisdom, thou who knows all things.  I come to You today asking what Your will is for my life.  I submit my life and it's plans to You. I no longer want to rely on myself for guidance.  I see where that has gotten me in times past.  Open my ears to hear Your voice.  Lead, guide and direct me into all truth.  Above all else I want to be a vessel for You.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen.