Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do As I Do

The responsibility of a parent is huge.  As a matter of fact I am convinced that it is the most important responsibility I will ever have.  Everything I say and do is shaping them. The things I say, the way I dress, the people that I interact with.  That is why I must be careful to be a Godly example.  The other day I was having a conversation with my daughter, explaining to her the importance of showing love to her younger siblings.  It was a slap in the face to me when she said, "But mom you are not always nice."  And I was just about to say the famous statement 'do as I say, young lady, not as I do'.  But I just couldn't. I realized that my daughter was telling the truth.  I just didn't realize she noticed it.  The truth of the matter was that I had been experiencing a great deal of stress lately. Trying to hold myself to standards that I will never live up too.  Always busy not giving myself enough time to rest.  Feeling like I have to be all things to all people. Carrying all that weight on my shoulders. Instead of turning the problems I was facing over to God, I was trying to figure it all out on my own.  Definitely not a good decision on my part. 

Maybe you can relate.  It is easy to forget that there are those that are looking to us as examples.  They are encouraged by the life we live.  They see us persevering through trials.  They see us praising God when they know the things we are going through. It is not enough to just say that I am a Christian.  It has been my experience that most people do not want to hear what you have to say.  It is actually the subtle things you do.  A smile in the elevator.  A wave to let someone merge on the highway.  A hug for someone you see crying during church.  A card in the mail letting someone know that you were thinking about them.  A kind word at home to your family after a stressful day at work.  All these things go a long way to show that you are saved and Christ lives in your heart.  Being a Christian means you recognize that you cannot do this on your own.  That you need some help.  It reminds me of a poem I read once by Carol Wimmer. 

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I get lost!"
"That is why I chose this way."

When I say..."I am a Christian"
don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need someone to be my guide.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and pray for strength to carry on.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and cannot ever pay the debt.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
my flaws are too visible
but God believes I'm worth it.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
which is why I seek His name.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved.

After the conversation ended with my daughter I went into my room to talk to my Heavenly Father.  First I needed to confess my sin of doubt and worrying.  I also needed to take some time and really  turn my concerns over to Him.  After all, He did tell me in His Word to 'cast my cares on Him, because He cares for me'. (I Peter 5:7) Why walk around unhappy and mad at the world because of your decision to carry a load you were not meant to carry? When you do this you weaken your witness.  The God I serve is a burden bearer and heavy load sharer.  His Son Jesus is the best living example we can have of  'do as I do'.  When I don't feel like being kind because the weight of the world seems to be on my shoulders, I can look to Jesus who carried the entire weight of the world on His shoulders as He walked up that hill with that cross on His back.  He carried it all the way to Calvary for a sinner just like me and you.  When I don't feel like loving my husband because He isn't being very considerate, I still should show him love anyway because God so loved me, faults and all. So-called friends who smile in my face and talk behind my back, I can  still pray for them in their time of need.  If you are struggling with keeping a positive attitude and responding in love because sometimes the circumstances of life seem overwhelming, take it to Jesus.  Search the scriptures and see what God has to say about it.  Then take those verses and ask God to incorporate them into your life.  Ask Him to help you to be and example of the living Word.  Remember that only God has the power to change your life.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to You now in the humblest way that I know how.  Lord I need Your help with the pressures of this world that sometimes get me down.  I am asking You to create in me a clean heart so that I may serve You in all that I do.  I give You my bad attitude that causes me to say and do things that are not pleasing in Your sight.  Thank you for forgiving me.  Thank You for Your Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I will be so careful to always give You all the glory, honor and the praise.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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