Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, May 20, 2011

From Pain to Promise to Praise

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.  We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed....All of this is for your benefit. And as God's grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory.
(II Corinthians 4:8-9, 15)

In case you have been wondering, I am here to tell you that the devil is alive and well.  He wants nothing more than to steal your joy, leave you stressed out and worried, doubting God.  But thanks be to God that no matter what trial you may face, in the end you will be victorious.  Nothing in life comes easy.  I've also learned that anything worth having is worth fighting form.  So during those times when pain just seems unbearable and there is trouble on every side, don't throw in the towel and give up.  Instead let the pain be your teacher.  Ask God what He wants you to learn from this place of misery.  Don't wait until the situation looks brighter, learn to praise Him in the midst of your storm.  It's not about just praising Him when things are good.  True praise is about praising God in all circumstances.  After all, don't you know that He is worthy.  And not only that He knows what is best for you.  Let the pain take you to a place of promise to a place of praise. 

Pain can be inflicted from physical illness, the betrayal of a friend or the hand of your enemy.  It doesn't matter.  Instead of trying to fight back with your physical abilities let the pain point you to the Word of God.  The Word is full of God's promises and the sooner you start believing in what it says the better off you will be.  The Word is there to give you hope and the hope you have in God should bring you to praise.  I understand that it may not be done yet.  The situation may look a little dim.  It's always darkest at midnight.  But remember this it was Friday evening when they crucified my Lord.  They buried Him in a borrowed tomb and all looked lost.  He stayed there all night Friday and all night Saturday.  But just when the devil thought He had my Lord, God raised Him up from that grave.  I can't help but believe that the same God that raised Jesus up from the grave is able to handle any situation that I may have to have.  I don't have to worry.  Bring it on Satan.  God has my back and He is in the process of working it all out for my good.  Thank you Lord!

Most Gracious Heavenly Father:

I know that I have been guilty of turning to You at the last possible second instead of seeking Your face in everything.  I know that I have allowed stress to overtake my body.  I have slacked off on reading Your Word.  I have doubted Your ability to see me through.  Today Lord I am turning every situation over to You.  Help me to see Your hand working behind the scenes in every situation in my life.  I want to see the purpose behind the pain.  I will continue to give You all the glory, honor and the praise.  In Jesus' Wonderful Name I pray Amen. 

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