Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eternal Perspecitive

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith...' Hebrews 12:1-2a, ESV

Today just want to say, "Thank you Lord for the process.  Even though many times I have wanted to quit, it has been through the promise of Your Word and the Holy Spirit that I have hope."  You see, I decided a long time ago to follow Jesus.  No turning back, no turning back.  I read a quote today in my devotional that said, 'When the events of life are viewed with an eternal perspective, things that initially seemed important are unimportant, and things that seemed unimportant become important'. (author unknown)  I sat and pondered this statement for while, thinking about those things that at one point were extremely important to me and now that God has changed my life just aren't that important anymore.  Truth be told I have lived my life as a 'people pleaser'.  You know the type, never wanting to rattle any feathers, keeping things bottled up inside.  I was the friend who always wanted to keep the peace so I sat back and allowed and sometimes participated in behavior that I knew was not living a life that was pleasing in the sight of God.  I was, in fact, living beneath the calling God had placed on my life.  I was that person in church who was always participating in everything.  If the doors of the church were open  then I was there, even to the point of neglect in other areas.  I allowed people on the job to walk all over me, just taking it, while feeling miserable on the inside.  I put aside doing the things I loved in obedience to the call that was on my life in order to please others and make them 'happy'. 

As God continued to change my life for His benefit and ultimately His glory, I realized that there are so many things that I thought were important that just aren't that important anymore. Things that contributed to ungodly behavior.  I could easily be like the Pharisees and Sadducees and boast about the things I don't do.  Now before I start to think of myself more highly than I ought to think, let me say that there are things that have taken the place religiously over those things that should be a priority in my life. Recorded television over quiet time with the Lord.  Working over quality time with my family and friends.  Holding a grudge over forgiveness.  Worry over peace.  Depression over joy. Fear over faith!  And then one day I decided 'NO MORE'.  It's time out for living below my calling.  I decided that I was ready to live the victorious life that God had planned for me. 

And this is my challenge to you today: start living an abundantly life, keeping an eternal perspective. It's time to throw off all that dead weight and to start living above the mess. You see, it's easy to get suckered in to behaviors that are not like God.  Satan is working a full-time job plus overtime trying his best to distract us, confuse us, keep us discouraged and depressed, wanting us to give up.  This is why we must look at our circumstances with eternal vision.  The easy thing to do is to give up or sometimes to give in.  To have a defeatist attitude. I know that you see the difficulties and problems that are staring you in your face.  But instead of focusing on your problems I dare you to look up to Jesus.  I am amazed at how many people constantly complain about what is wrong in their life and have never taken a moment to pray.  I heard my Pastor say  that is why we get on our knees to recognize our position, where we have to look up and acknowledge our dependence on God.  That is why  I encourage you to wake up each morning and put on your armor.  You must pray continuously, asking God to protect you.  To order your steps.   You must ask God to bridle your tongue. (I don't know about you but that is the one thing that often gets me into trouble.) Help you to make wise decisions.  Ask Him to remove those people who mean you evil and not good. One important thing for me was to stand my ground.  If God has delivered you from something why continue to participate or stand around silent as in agreement.  I am a witness God will make it where the transition is easy and you won't even have to explain.   Remember this nugget of wisdom:  Only what you do for Christ will last.  Be careful how you build your life's work.  And y'all I'm working to make heaven my home.  It's not about pleasing people.  It's about keeping God's commandments and following His Word.  I know that the difficulties of life will make you want to throw in the towel.  Don't!  God will give you just what you need to make it through.  Have faith.  Keep looking to Jesus and ask God to help you stay on the path.  The road may be narrow and not many will stay on it with you but those that do will be instrumental in helping to give you strength for your journey. 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I just want to thank You today for those things that I don't understand.  I have come to find out that it is those things that show me just a bit of Your glory over and over again.  It is those things that reminds me that I can do nothing in my own strength.  That my victory comes in being obedient to Your Word and leaning and depending on You.  Lord I'm grateful for every mountain that You've brought me over.  I thank You for the journey.  I thank You for Your grace that is sufficient.  I thank You for new mercies. You have given me an eternal perspective.  I realize that as I look up to You my problems become smaller.  Instead I am able to see Your blessings.  I am reminded just how amazing You trully are and I just can't help but praise You.  This is what it is really about.  Thank you!  Lord I love You.  For the rest of my life I'm going to serve You. You have been just that good to me.  In Jesus' Precious name I pray Amen. 

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