Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Driving in my car today and listening to the radio I heard a song entitled 'Let the Church Say Amen'.  The lyrics are simple.  The chorus simply states, 'Let the church say Amen.  Let the church say Amen.  God has spoken, let the church say Amen'.  It made me think about the times in my life when God spoke something into my spirit and I doubted Him.  I didn't trust Him.  Instead I moved ahead of His plan causing disaster.  This song made me think of the verse that I quote to myself often.  "He who began a good work in you will carry it unto the day of its completion. (Phil. 1:6)  I have to keep reminding myself that I am a work in progress.  There is no need for me to worry about what my future holds because I know who is in control of my future. 

Now I know that some of you reading this may be saying that God doesn't speak to you.  What about the promises written in His Word?  The ones that were written for us to read during those times where we are wondering if God is listening.  Those times when we are wondering if God really cares.  When we are questioning God and asking Him if He has forgotten you.  The problem may not be that God isn't speaking to you.  It may be that you aren't spending any time with Him or being still enough to hear Him speak.  There is never a time when I read God's Word that it doesn't speak to me.  In fact if there is anyone in my life that wants the ultimate best for me it is God and He left His Word to remind me.  All I have to do is "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you". (Matt. 6:33)

So what does the word Amen mean?  Amen is simply a declaration of affirmation. It affirms what is true.  It affirms that something said is of absolute certainty.  Let's think about this for a minute.  When you pray what do you say at the end?  AMEN.  What are some of the things you say when you pray?  Lord you are awesome!  You are worthy!  There is no one like You!  I believe that You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think.  Lord I am placing IT (whatever IT may be)  in Your capable hands.  My finances, my marriage, my health, my job, my children, my safety, my Your capable hands.  You ask for healing, peace, joy.  Lord, Your will be done.  And then you say AMEN.   All these things said with absolute certainty that God will do it.  So my next question is this, "Why are you worrying?"  All things are working out for your good.  But you have to spend time with the Father.  You have to submit to His will and to His way.  You must have confidence in the Savior, praying with expectancy.  Anticipation.  Ask yourself one last question: 'Do your actions take seriously God's will and instruction?  Saying AMEN is  a personal commitment of trust in God.  That means making His priorities your priorities.  It's saying yes to doing things God way.  The time has come to allow It's time to start living a life of AMEN.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank You for being patient with me.  I having done the best job in submitting to Your will and to Your way.  I haven't been praying with expectancy.  Instead I have been doubting Your ability to handle my situation in Your time and in Your way.  Please forgive me.  Lord, increase my faith.  Help me to be a steward on Your Word, trusting and abiding in it.  When my time becomes to busy, help me to prioritize and put You first above everything else.  I realize that only when I do that will everything else fall into place.  In Jesus' Most Wonderful Name Amen. 

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