Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Better Days

It has been a rough couple of months.  Some mornings I just wanted to stay in the bed.  All sorts of things running through my head.  Every emotion you could possibly imagine feeling, I felt.  Usually when I feel this way I can find refuge in going to church, fellowship with other Christians, singing in the choir and hearing the Word of God imparted.  This time that didn't work.  After the loss of my Pastor I didn't feel much like going to church.  My heart was sad and it effected every part of my life.  Although I would much rather have taken some time off from life, I couldn't.  I still had people who needed me, my husband, my children, family, and friends.  You see, one thing that I have learned is that the life of an Encourager is often a lonely one.  Everyone is used to you being upbeat, always knowing the right words to say, being that person who is  'able to get a prayer through'.  We aren't supposed to be sad or have an off day.  Because of this we learn to build up fake walls that eventually come crashing down.  Because the truth of the matter is that as strong as our faith may be and no matter how much we love God, we get drained. When this happens we find ourselves looking for those who are able to provide refreshment and pour back into our buckets.  We don't set the expectation bar too high because we realize that everyone is going through something so we don't want to become a burden.  But because we know this, over the years God has placed people in our lives who we can confide in. Those who will pray for us.  The ones who see behind the mask. So you are probably asking yourself why am I telling you all this?  Because I know that each and every one of you reading this today sometimes get to the point that you are drained.  You are at the crossroads of life.  You don't know what direction to take.  You get in a 'funk' and you can't seem to shake it.  So what do you do?

There is a song that I love that I find myself singing at some of my most difficult moments.  The lyrics are as follows:  'When my heart is overwhelmed, my prayer is Lead me to the Rock.  Lead me to the Rock that's higher than I Oh Lord, higher than I'.  There is something about the words of this song that put me in a place of worship.  A place where I am no longer focused on what is going on in my life but instead I am focused on God.  And that is a good place for me to be.  It is in this place  that I find safety.  I am free to speak my mind, tell God all about my problems. My soul is rejuvenated.  My spirit is refreshed.  I often leave this song and move into another song that simply says, 'I'm in His safety, rest in His safety, the safety of the Lord'.  Are you starting to see a pattern?  As a Christian you simply cannot stay in a depressed, negative state of mind when you keep your mind stayed on Jesus.  Don't you know that your Heavenly Father wants nothing more than to bestow bountiful blessings on His children?  Some tangible and some intangible.  And as for me, while I love those blessings that I can see and touch, I am starting to learn as I grow older and wiser that I would much rather have the intangible blessings.  Things like peace and joy.  Man can come take all the other things from me but my God is no Indian Giver.  'This joy I have the world didn't give it to me.  The world didn't give it and the world can't take it away'.  That's good news y'all!

And that's not all...  I have also found that it is during this time that God is trying to get your attention.  He wants to take you to that next level. Time to go higher in Him!  He wants to see what your response will be.  Who are you going to run to?  Are you going to open up your Bible and let the Lord speak to you through His Word?  Are you going to cut back on your tv time to spend more time in communion with the Father?  Everything that you need is at your disposal. But as the old saying goes, "You can lead a horse to the water but you can't make Him drink."  God is not going to force feed the Word to you.  And I am just here to remind you that it is necessary for your survival.  If you are still going all week long only reading your Bible on Sunday, it's time to make a change. The Christian needs a steady diet of the Word of God.  Prayer is not an option; it is a necessity.  Allow God to transform you by the renewing of Your mind.  The God we serve is awesome and able to meet your every need.  The sky may look dark right now but remember, 'Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning'. (Ps. 30:5)  'They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary.  They shall walk and npt faint.  (Isaiah 40:30-31) 

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to You today standing in the need.  I'm not quite sure what is going on in my life right now.  But I know that when I don't know I can come to You for guidance and direction.  Help me to dig deeper into Your Word and listen for Your still small voice.  Help me not to look not only at my situation but to fix my eyes on You.  I am trusting You with every area of my life, submitting to Your will.  I love You Lord and I will forever praise Your name because You are Worthy!  In Jesus' Wonderfu; Name I pray Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday, I encountered a friend that is struggling with some personal issues. And reading your blog allowed me to feel confident that God gave me the words and wisdom to speak life into to keep going. Our day-to-day life can be a journey but with God as your guide and the Holy Spirit your Comforter, we are able to keep striving to finish this race.

    Thank you God for this post and the blessing it bestowed upon me and the confidence it enriched my heart to keep sharing how wonderful you are. More importantly, assurance to know that this race is worth running! Amen!
