Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Friday, February 3, 2012

No Limit

There is a statement from Bible study this week that keeps resonating in my mind.  The statement was simply about how our lack of faith when we pray can limit the power of God.  Have you ever stopped to think about how much you truly believe that God is going to answer your prayer?  Now let's take this question one step your actions match this level of faith?  If I am being honest with myself right now I would have to say that my actions haven't always showed that I believed that God was able.  Instead it was more about me still having control of the situation trying to orchestrate my own outcome.  But what good did that do? Have you ever stopped to think that God may have had something bigger and better planned for you? As I look back over my life I think about all the times I had prayed about a decision and moved before I heard from the Lord.  I may have taken a job or started a relationship.  I may have started a discussion that later turned into a heated argument because I decided that I couldn't wait patiently on the Lord to change the other person.  The change needed to be immediate. But at the end of the day that is not what I had prayed for.  I wanted lasting change and from my experience only God  could bring about lasting change.  You see, He is able to change a man's heart. 

Most of the time we believe that an 'answered prayer' is a prayer where we get exactly what we ask for.  Even when we pray 'not my will but thine be done'.  Of course I can only speak for myself, but somewhere in the back of my mind I have already decided what God's will is. (And this is not because I have been so wrapped up in the Word of God and had a consistent prayer life.)  It's more like, I know because I have really only prayed to ease my conscious so that I can go ahead and do what I want to do. 'Can I get a witness?!'  If I pray telling God that I'm tired of being lonely and ask Him to help me feel that void and that man/woman that is showing me just a little bit more interest right now must be the one that I should give my time to.  I just can't take it any more on this job so Lord please open a door so I can leave this place where I am so unappreciated.  The call comes and without even a second thought we leave.  We never stop to think that God may move the person that is giving you the grief and elevate you to an even higher position.

At the end of the day it is all about having faith in God.  And I have decided that I am no longer going to limit the power of God in my life.  The words that I pray are going to reflect in my actions.  And I'm not going to move to the right or to the left until I am sure that I hear the voice of the Lord.  More than anything I want to live my life in the will of my Heavenly Father.  My challenge to you is to do the same.  God wants to do amazing things in your life.  Will you trust Him?  We will never experience the true mighty power of God until we truly trust Him.  Leaning not unto our own understanding but allowing Him to direct our paths.  Say it with me, "Yes Lord."

Most Graciously Heavenly Father,

O Lord, my God how majestic is thy name in all the earth.  You are holy, mighty, and righteous.  A God of peace.  My Shepherd.  Lord I praise you for all that you've done in my life and for what you are going to do in my life.  I want to trust you more.  My life is in Your hands.  Forgive me for those times that I've moved ahead of Your plan for my life.  I surrender all.  In Jesus' Precious name I pray Amen. 

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