Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Guarantee

There are very few things in this world that has a guaranteed return on investment.  Just ask the individuals on Wall Street that lost everything a few years back.  With the start of the year many people decide to change their eating patterns and start exercising in the hope of losing weight.  While consistency in your exercise routine and cutting back on sweets and fried foods may cause your weight to decrease, it doesn't necessarily happen in the time frame that you want it to.  How many of us put money in a 401k plan hoping to save for retirement?  And what about Social Security...I'm beginning to think that I will never see any of that once I reach retirement age.  And for those of you who did decided to make a lifestyle change to improve your health, how many of you have stuck to it?

So why am I asking these questions?  I ask these questions because as Christians you and I have been instructed to do certain things each day, like pray and read our Bible, to receive certain benefits from God. Yet, like with most of our exercise routines that we may have started at the beginning of the year, we fall by the wayside.  We pray out of convenience or when we are faced with desparate situations.  But how much more of a peace of mind we would have if we prayed without ceasing.  Some of us are guilty of only reading our Bibles on Sunday at church.  How do you expect to become stronger as a Christian?  We should pray all day, everyday.  Talking with our Heavenly Father throughout the day.  Telling Him about the things that concern us.  Those things that cause anxiety and stress.  Thanking Him for the things that He does throughout our day that sometimes go unnoticed and acknowledged.  The Word of God is filled with His promises.  Truth that will cut the Believer to the core helping to remove those things that are not like Him.  Scriptures that help to grow our faith.  Stories of the 'heroes of faith' that have gone on before us.  And unlike the stock market or Social Security, these things have a GUARANTEED return on your investment.  Yes, God will continue to do things for you because of His faithfulness. 

Today, I want to share with you the benefit that I have found in being obedient to the God's Word.  Being faithful over a few things and being made ruler over many.  The good thing about God's guaranteee is that you don't have to wait until you get old and you die to receive your benefits.  You can receive them right now!  God is no respector of persons.  I thank God that I had parents that introduced me to Jesus Christ.  But now I have to stand on my own and I am reaping those benefits.  When circumstances seem hopeless, I continue to have hope.  Situations seem shipwrecked, Jesus is my lifeboat. I don't have to worry about going overboard for I know my Savior will rescue me.  Jesus is my Guarantee!

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you today for your faithfulness.  Thank you for seeing past my faults to my needs.  Forgive me for those times when I have put other things before You.  Help me to be more committed to You.  I realize that is the only way real and lasting change are going to take place in my life.  Help me to prioritize my life, keeping You first.  Remove those distractions that hinder me from quality time with You.  In Jesus' Precious Name I pray Amen. 

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