Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


They went in whatever direction the spirit chose, and they moved straight forward in any direction without turning around. Ezekiel 1:12

Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.  Proverbs 4:27

This morning during my quiet time with God I decided to alter  my regular reading schedule and instead read in the book of Ezekiel.  As a dear friend of mine and I talked this weekend about some things going on right now in our lives, she reminded me of how the story of the Israelites in the book of Ezekiel related to the current situation. In this story one is reminded of the sovereignty of God.  No matter what the situation God is always in control and He has a plan. At least 65 times in this one book, God says, "Then they will know that I am the Lord.". With the overall theme being that God always has a plan for deliverance, as one commentator states - it is an ultimate plan for revival, redemption and restoration. The sad part about this story is that while God outlined the way to blessing; he also outlined the consequences that would result from disobedience.  Disobedience that comes from following our own voice instead of the voice of the Lord.

The chapter begins with Ezekiel having a vision and at first glance it sounds kind of strange.  But as I was reading through the first few chapters my mind kept going back to verse 12. Not only that but as I was reading one of the devotionals that I am subscribed to it talked about how much of a struggle one can cause in his or her own life when fighting against the will of God. Worrying instead of praying.  Stressing out instead of trusting. Seeking ungodly advice instead of heeding the urgings of the Holy Spirit.  It's real easy to get wrapped up in your own plan for your life.  As I sat and meditated on this fact, I thought about my life and how rough things have been when I was not being obedient to the Word of God.  The results were never positive. 

Verse after verse we are told what the result will be when we 'seek first the kingdom of God'.  The Word also tells us that the Holy Spirit is there for us to 'guide us into all truth'.  But we do have free will and that's where the problem arises.  This year I have decided to 'pray more and worry less', seeking God for every situation no matter how big or small.  And because I know the power of God I don't have to worry, because there is nothing too hard for my God.  There are very few things in life that have a guaranteed return on investment.  Just take a look at the stock market back a few years ago.  There is one thing that does have a guaranteed return on your investment and that is having an established prayer life.  A clear channel to God, not as a genie in a bottle, but in building a relationship so that when you are faced with those critical moments where you are not sure what direction to go, God's voice drowns out everything else. It's no longer the guessing game...should I do this or that?  Instead you learn to stand still until God speaks. There is no need to rush.  Remember what I said at the beginning of this post.  God's ultimate plan is for your deliverance.  Sometimes God needs to remind you that you didn't do it on your own and that is was nobody but God so He make you wait.  However, this by no means negates the power of God and His ability to show as soon as you call His name.  That is why you must remained focused, ridding yourself of all distractions.  Everyone in your life who says they mean you well doesn't.  But with that being said your focus cannot be on those individuals. Your focus must be on God.  Your thoughts must be pure.  Satan is going to send distractions yous way. Remain obedient to the Word. Stand your course.  Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Guard your heart.  Watch what you allow to enter into your life. Seek God.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the plan you have orchestrated for my life.  I know that there have been times that I have whined and grumbled, not understanding Your plan. Forgive me, Lord.  Give me a heart to want to be obedient and do your will.  Help me to remember that You are in control.  I am asking You to remove all distractions from my life that keep me from being focused on You.  Help me to go throughout my day thinking on things that are are true, noble, right, pure and admirable so that I can be a vessel to be used by You.  I want You to get the glory out of my life, for it is all about You and not about me.  In Jesus' Precious Name I pray Amen. 

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