Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Some times you have to speak victory during the test. No matter how you feel, speak the Word and you will be healed. Speak over yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (lyrics by Donald Lawrence)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What Will Your Reaction Be?

I have learned not to let too many things get a reaction out of me. By reaction, I mean cause me to respond, reflect, rebound. But there is one thing that always warrants a response from me and that is the Word of God. My childhood pastor the late Reverend H. A. Walker had a genuine love for the Word of God and one of the very first verse I remember learning from him was Hebrews 4:12. For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to dividing asunder of soul and spirit, of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. When I was a child reading the Bible was more about scripture memorization but as I grow older, reading the Bible became about me wanting to be a better Christian. I developed a genuine desire to want to me more like Jesus.

You see, the Word of God lives. It is not just a historical document. It is as applicable today as it was back then. The red-letter words of Jesus are able to breath life into an otherwise dead situation. Not only is it able to breathe life but it is also able to bring about good as well as as remove the bad. That's the purpose of a double-edged sword. It is capable of bringing about favorable and not so favorable outcomes. There are times when you read the Word and your respond with praise. You realize that the situation isn't as bad as it seems, you reflect on where the Lord has brought you from and you begin to offer up a praise of thanksgiving. There are other times when you read the Word and you realize some things need to change. It has cut you down to your soul. It sees the truth of who you are. It penetrates thru the mask. It sees your secret motives and knows your heart. Kinda scary, isn't it? Some of us have become masters of disguise. We smile at people, all the while we have bad intentions. We keep up our bad attitudes and the parts of our sinful nature that we believe is giving us temporary pleasure. And the truth of it all is that these ways may never be revealed to those around us but God knows. You know what I'm talking about. Those times when you pick up your Bible, in your quiet time with the Lord and the Holy Spirit begins to speak to you. You think about something you did, something you said. Simply put, it cut you. The question is - what is your reaction. How do you respond? From my experience, God has a way of keeping something on your mind. And you do realize that once you know it, he holds you accountable. But as I always state and one of the things I love so much about my Saviour is that after he cuts you, that same knife has the power to heal you. That's good news y'all!

I challenge you today to make a commitment to truly study the Word. There are countless stories of God's wonder-working power. Thought-provoking phrases. Praiseworthy passages. And unlike the fiction novel that you pick up from the bookstore for enjoyment, this dynamic read will have an impact on your life like no other. One proven to bring about true change. Will you stand and make a commitment with me. They say it takes twenty-one days to form a habit. Can you become dedicated to the word of God for the next twenty-one days. Set up a time daily for you, your Bible and God and watch the transformation. It will truly shape your life.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your Word. Thank you for leaving me a guide for everything and anything I might face in my life. I know that I have not always utilized it the way I should and I want to do better. As I embark on this new chapter of my life, help me to remain faithful. When I am tempted to slack off, help me to remember the benefit of knowing and living your Word. Help me to hide it in my heart. In Jesus' Wonderful Name. Amen.

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